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Air Traffic Control


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Hi all been thinking of getting a new ATC instead off the bog standard one. I am just a general flyer so not interested in vat sim or the other one. Just wondering what other people use. Have been thinking of Radar Contact, any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I started using IVAO ("the other one") recently.  It's nice.  The controllers are helpful and seem tolerant of mistakes...a good thing.  They have quite a bit more GA than VATSIM and a huge presence in Europe.


In terms of software ATC, I've tried Radar Contact...it's okay.  Pilot2ATC...new and improving but very green when it comes to procedures.  The other two I'm aware of are VoxATC and ProATC X...haven't tried them.

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My own opinion, so far, is that the best ATC for GA in Europe is IVAO...quite good.  For the US, VATSIM (but they don't have hardly any GA and it's harder to find controllers).  I like Pilot2ATC (voice recognition, some support for practice approaches and pattern work) but they really need to work on procedures...getting better.  I haven't tried VOXATC...I hear good things, kind of.  Haven't considered trying ProATC X.

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I have been using Pro Flight Emulator (PFE) together with FDC Live Cockpit (FDC) for a number of years now and I can highly recommend them. PFE replaces the default ATC and includes many voice sets with different English accents, taxi guidance system both verbal and visual and many other improvements. FDC acts as a copilot, performing checklists ext. also has cabin crew announcements, again with different accents. You can buy them individually or together. They have been tweaked to work together.






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Tom? you can put new life into the default ATC by installing MCE (Multi Crew Experience here is the thread http://www.multicrewxp.com/

Practice on the default ATC it will give a good basis if you want to go to another like Radar Contact, but I am happy with MCE and standard FSX ATC and I like to keep the Progressive taxi feature.

In addition you can load TTS voices and make scrips yourself to have real conversations with your Co-Pilot, Purser and Ground mechanic. I use an Indian lady voice for my co-pilot on Air India, a British one on Ryanair and an American on Delta. see Ivona http://www.ivona.com/

Contact me on "Messenger" if you want further information.

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For actual radio procedure training, it's hard to beat Pilotedge.  The network is limited to Southern California, and has a monthly fee, but they man all towers, approach/depature, and center frequencies for the entire region.  With professionals.  As true to real life as you can get in a Sim, but the controllers are extremely forgiving and helpful.  The forums are an amazing place to ask silly questions, and they've also got a whole series of training lessons setup to run you through VFR and IFR procedures.  Amazingly helpful if you ever plan on flying in real life or just want to learn how to do radio calls the right way.

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Hi Dadtom65


A new program out at the moment is Pilot2ATC. It is voice controlled, has a moving map for flight plans, aknowledges your AI planes and you can also fly ITF or Visual without a plan. I printed out the voice commands you can use when speaking on the radio and it was over 70 pages long. The program hasnt been out all that long but the programers are good at answering questions and seem to be updating regularly so its still a bit of a work in progress but I have found it to be very good.



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I have tried VoxATC which gives a much better suspension of disbelief than the default ATC and covers both IF and VFR (RC4 that I had in FS9 doesn't do VFR, a major sin ::) ). The voice recognition (I guess) is a little demanding though and eats up some frames. I would have bought it after the trial period if there was a possibility to install it on a networked computer.

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Just purchased PFE after following this thread and doing some research.

I have not managed to compile any flightplan to FS2000 format yet because this seems to be a fairly complicated program to set up and get running. I am an old hand at computing and FSX, but PFE has me reading all the tutorials and forum entries I can find. Communications from Oncourse-Software re my purchase and registration have been excellent. If PFE performs as advertised I will be very pleased. One contributor has made available for free download on the forums two sets of pre compiled GA flightplans for NW America and Europe. Looking forward to getting in to these.


Sent from my tablet thingy!

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Update from my last post. Just completed my 1st flight using PFE.

I only tried out the basic functions and PFE functioned perfectly.

YBBN-YMML using default B737-800. I let the co-pilot handle all communication functions and AP. I was vectored in to Rwy 27 in overcast conditions at sunset.

AP disconnected at 500 ft AGL for a clean landing. I have yet to activate the Taxi Guidance System but that should put the ice-cream on the cake.


Sent from my tablet thingy!

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