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Replacement Computer

John York

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This may be the start of  a thread that'll probably last a lifetime!  At least among the UK residents. 


I think my present computer is on its last legs.  I first had it some 15 years ago.  Most of the insides have been replaced a couple of times but frankly, I'm a bit fed up with it.  I want one that's made properly and not been patched up over the years with replacement bits and pieces.


I've got permission from 'er indoors' to spend in the region of £2000 on a replacement.


I want to keep my big 1920 x 1080 Dell Monitor, Epson 4990 scanner and Cannon Pro 9000 printer so all I really need is what's in the computer case.


There are a couple of software things I definitely want to keep; my Windows Vista 64 bit main program and Photoshop 6.


I also want a machine that's going to be a damn sight faster than my present overclocked 3.80Ghz intel i7 920 processor 

and one where I don't have to constantly have an additional external fan on for cooling it!


Now, do any of you clever fellers' in England know of a supplier/builder you could recommend who could put one together for me, be relied on to clone everything from my present one to the new one and deliver it so that all I have to do is 'plug and play'?





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Overclockers. uk are the company I have used, and have been very happy with, don't know if they will clone, not an option I have wanted.


The other supplier who build pc's for flight sim are Alpine Systems but not had any dealings with them, but they claim to build pc's specifically for flight sim and will preload FXS and your addon's and test for you.


I got rid of vista 64 bit and replaced it with Windows 7 64 bit and have never looked back, in my opinion microsoft should never have issued Vista but gone straight to Windows 7

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Yes, I've had a look at Overclockers Taph and Iain and may investigate them further.  My trouble is at the moment I know what I don't want better than I know what I do want.  


I like Vista 64. I tried 7 but couldn't get on with it.  I found it was difficult to actually get it to do what I wanted rather than what it wanted to do.  I'm talking about personalising the start up loading etc.



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   I to will strongly advise on a new OP ! With software that is more current and Op that is old you WILL run into software conflicts. Not only that but you may not receive the best support as everyone (well most everyone) will not be on the same page when you are trying to solve an issue. At this point and time W7 is the way to go. W8 is hit and miss as far as results go. It is not particularly geared to the performance platform.

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Hello John,


I also have used overclockers and a friend of mine scan.

Both can be recommended.

Please don't keep Vista 64 and there is nothing wrong with Windows 8.1,

its most vocal critics are mainly those who don't have it.

Think of it this way, tractors used to run on paraffin but it's no good buying

a new one and trying to run it on your old store of it.

It wouldn't run very well or for very long before there were severe problems.

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I would not go down the Alienware road pretty looking boxes, but I think they are well overpriced.If you want pre-built I would highly recommend either Novatech or Overclockers.

http://www.novatech.co.uk/ .

However if you are feeling adventurous why not go down the self-build road?,saves a lot of money and gets you more bang for your buck try  http://www.scan.co.uk/ or http://www.aria.co.uk/

Both these offer standalone parts or if you wish pre-built PC's.

I only began building my own about 5yrs ago had no training other than watching youtube videos and now find it simple/rewarding and more cost effective.However if money is no issue pre-built and delivered is maybe your choice.

Good luck.


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Hi JohnY, you really will have to bite the bullet and bin windows vista. Windows 7 64 bit would be fine if you don't want too much of a shock to the system. You may also find you may have problems with hardware going to Widows 8.

Also some mother boards and graphic cards will spit out Vista. Don't be surprised if you can't find drivers to work with your old printer and scanner. The makers of these products seem to have a clause in there job description to stuff around the likes of you and I if any of our gear is any more than a couple of years old.!  Good luck and I hope all works out as you would like.


Cheers, Kevin

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I think my present computer is on its last legs.  I first had it some 15 years ago.  Most of the insides have been replaced a couple of times but frankly, I'm a bit fed up with it.  I want one that's made properly and not been patched up over the years with replacement bits and pieces.


Sounds like my Grandfather's Axe.....says he bought it 60 years ago and has had that very same axe for 60 years now. Takes good care of it too, sharpens it when it needs it, replaces the handle on it about once a year, and replaces the head on it about once every 5 years. But the very same axe he has had for 60 years now  :lol:

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Hi John... its been awhile, yet again :- {school holiday madness}  ... but anyway, please listen to those saying dump Vista, which was never a good OS. Win7 is very similar in function and layout, but is far better in terms of stability, performance and memory management... buying £2000 PC and sticking Vista on it would be utter madness IMHO.


Again, as others have said OcUK are very good... most of the components I've bought over the past fourteen have been through them, and I've never had an issue. Scan are also very good.


Now, can you use the same charm you used on Sheila to persuade my other half I need the same thing ^-^

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Hi everyone


Thanks for your advice.  I'm still considering but I will accept the majority advice to have W7 instead of Vista.  I have liked Vista though.   What a great description of my computer Matthew.  Sums it up really well.


I've had a look at Overclockers but not Scan yet.  Forgot about them.  I actually buy printing paper from them for making greetings cards.


There's also this little firm in Taunton; PCN Computers. they actually built this computer for me originally.  They were very good too.  Mind you, they wouldn't recognize the insides any more.


The comment made about my printer and scanner perhaps not working with new kit is a concern though.  They're too good to dump and nothing so far has come on to the market to beat them.  In fact the last time I looked earlier in the year Epson were still selling the scanner.  The printer has been superceded by later models though so that could be a problem as I still need to retain the A3 printing size and that always costs a lot more that A4 printers.


I think its time to make a list of needs and see what the suppliers can offer.  However, from what I've seen so far I'm not at all sure my £2000 is going to get me a great deal more than I've already got!"


Hi Mark.  Nice to hear from you again.  'Thought you'd gone 'walkabout'!  I'm pretty sure, with Liz, you don't need much help in the charm department. She'll let you have anything you want.  Lucky man. ;D 


I'll be back to let you know the decision.  In the meantime, happy flying everybody.



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Couple of quick questions.  


1.  Are USB3 ports backward compatible?


2.  Scan quote for only two of them.  On my present machine I've got at least 10 USB2 ports including a 4 port attachment and all but two are permanently in use!   Is there some sort of 'super port' that can be fitted to a computer so that a multi USB port can be fitted to it?



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Couple of quick questions.  


1.  Are USB3 ports backward compatible?


2.  Scan quote for only two of them.  On my present machine I've got at least 10 USB2 ports including a 4 port attachment and all but two are permanently in use!   Is there some sort of 'super port' that can be fitted to a computer so that a multi USB port can be fitted to it?





Yes USB3 ports are backward compatible.Your 4 port attachment should work.



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Just a word of advice John,


I'm not in England as requested, but being in New Brunswick Canada, I am about as close as anyone on this side of the pond can get while sitting in their arm chair. As far as my equipment advice is concerned, time will likely prove it right. I hope you will duly consider accordingly, whether considered wise and prudent or not. 


Go with the latest and fasted possible unlocked new 5,000 series Intel CPU under 500 pounds you can order, as well as the 970 or 980 GeForce GPU with the new Nvidia 900 series that is about to hit. Your new mid performance MB, RAM, cooling, case, power supply and fans should bring it all in under 2,000 Pounds Stirling (barely).


Oh yes. almost forgot. Never mind what everyone else says about Vista, Windows Seven or whatever. Been there, done that, and no longer locked into the past FS culture that can't leap forward out of fear of losing that which is desperately hung onto for fear of falling. Windows eight with a windows seven shell works flawlessly with P3D v.2.X.


When it is time to build it, a lot of very smart younger folk could do it in their sleep. Get one of the shops being mentioned here, or ask around and find the best of the purpled hair lot down the street. (Just kidding, sort of) Ever thought of building it yourself? If you can follow simple, (but small, so you may need glasses), directions, it is really easy.


As an older man than I was, but much younger than I hope to be, I advise you to look a lot farther ahead than many you are running with and about to leave behind. Don't worry, they will see your dust and eventually catch up! :) That way you will be more future resistant (but future proof is a wee bit different subject).


In any case, I wish you very well with your exciting new plans, purchase and performance. FS rules! I am sticking with what I have for now, as performance is very good indeed, up to this point in the continuum. ???


All the best,


Stephen Wilcox

Spirit Flyer


PS: Overclock the daylights out of everything in accordance with those, (or just one who is known for something good for anything anywhere in FS), who have, (or has), gone ahead of you first. Been doing that for years and years in various new systems without a single mishap yet.



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Yes, well, I'm still dithering.


My thing is still on the blink.  As I said in another thread, if its not one thing its another.


I've just had a quite nice flight but on approach everything between me and the ground went really misty and I would have thought that it was the real world weather clicking in if it wasn't that for a few seconds I had a faint rectangular panel.


I've also got to consider whether its worth buying everything completely new or upgrading again with a new graphics card and perhaps processor   It certainly would be a lot cheaper and I could probably get away without having to re-install everything.  I really don't think I can go through all that again.


Stephen.  Thanks for your comments.  I've never been any good as an engineer.  Even had parts left over from my car when I was a young man who couldn't afford garage servicing!  And, at 81, I don't really want to start now.  I'm simply not interested.  Whatever I decide, I want someone to do the job for me while I read my Kindle or have a round of golf!


After we come back from holiday next week, I think a visit to Taunton is in order.  I've a list now of my wants, so I'll see what they can fix up for me. Whatever it is I'm hoping they can clone everything I've got on this machine to the next whatever it happens to be so I get it back in working order and ready to fly!



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hi john,

having read the various posts re new computer, have you considered alpine computer systems, they are solely flight sim orientated,,  if you buy a system from them they will load all your scenery & addons for no extra cost & its all tested before you receive it.

   go to their website @   alpine computer systems , or drive up the m5 to Cheltenham & talk to paul. ( the main man ) you wont be sorry,

& you will get excellent advise.

last year he had a system running @ the flightsim show cosford not sure about this year as I havnt checked.



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