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FTX Global


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Once you've entered your order number it stores that information in the registry so as long as you don't reinstall Windows it won't ask again.


Now... could you provide a screenshot or file list of the contents of your C: drive (Local Disk)? I haven't run into this issue before but perhaps there's a clue in the files that have been dumped there. 

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Good Morning Alex & Ben, I was hoping we could jump back my Global issue this morning and try to get this sorted out once and for all. 


We tried the registry fixer and then a re-install to no avail.  Plus, I still ended up with the 1,000 + .BMP and .AGN files in my C: drive.  When I was re-installing Global via the disks, it never asked me to register which normal did prior. 


One question, why did PNW and N CA install easily & perfectly, but with Global I'm having nothing but problems?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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That's what I'm starting to think Sherm.  At this point sounds like even the experts are stumped too. 


Orbx team, Sherm makes a good point.  I just realized that I still have the info for downloading the program when I purchased in from the FlightSim website.  I try that today in hopes it works instead of using the disks.

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Okay, this is really getting very frustrating.  Instead of using my set of disks, this time I downloaded Global from FlightSim, created a temporary folder, ran the .EXE, changed the default in FTX Central and as with the set of disks It appears to install properly, yet there's no sign of Global on my PC.  I also re-ran Registry Fixer as well.


I really don't want to return Global, but at this point, no one seems to be able to make it work on my PC including me.  Yet, the other two ORBX products installed and worked perfectly. 


Where do we go from here?  I've spent hours on this so far, appreciate Alex & Ben's help, but what do we need to do to get this fixed?    

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How much free space do you have left on your system drive? You will need at least 16gb free.

Also, all those texture files and .agn files are most likely from the backup process. The backup defaults to the system drive and you are instructed to create a folder to backup those files to.

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Hey Guys:  I was hoping to have heard back from you by now.  What are next steps at this point in hopes of getting FTX Global to work? 


In review:  I / we can't get either the hard copy CD's or the downloaded versions to work.  Keep in mind that I'm already running ORBX's PNW and N CA so I don't think there's anything wrong on my end. 


What are next steps at this point?  I'd really like to get this installed and working. 


Is there a way that I can escalate this?  If not, what are the return procedures to send this back to the FlightSim store. 


Please help me to get this resolved once and for all! 

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Hi Rob. This is just a wild thought, but I suggest you find a restore point in your system before you even began installing any of the ORBX products. Perhaps that will reset things so that you can then begin the installation of everything you'll need. Hope that idea helps.


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Hello Ed:  Thanks for jumping in on this.  I really need your help. 


I have 14.7 GB's of free space.  However, I'm not sure if that includes any part of Global, or it's back ups, being installed at this point on my HD.  I would be willing to un install Northern CA if need be to free up some more space. 


Also, note that I've never gotten an "insufficient space" error from Global based on the multiple attempts to install it. 


Ed, do you think that's the problem that I'm out of space?  If so, how much space would I gain by deleting Northern CA?  How do I go about deleting it?  It's not located in my Windows uninstall section of my control panel. 

Hello Sherm:  Thanks as well for your help.  Not sure what you mean by "restore" point.  I'm already running two other ORBX's addons.  Can you help me understand that function, it's benefits and how one does a restore please?  I'm willing to try anything if it will help! 

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Hello Sherm:  Thanks for jumping in.  What do you mean by a "restore point"?  I'm not familiar with that.  What does it do, what are the benefits and how does one go about doing it? 


FYI, I do run disk clean up on a regular basis. 

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I would be looking at deleting other things like any temp files or unnecessary programs. If you haven't already you should delete all those bmp and agn files that is in your root C: drive or move them to portable hard drive if your wish to keep the original fsx files.

Deleting NCA would gain you maybe 5GB.

The installers won't give insufficient space messages because it doesn't take into account the space needed to decompress. 14 GB is too low in my opinion to get Global to install.

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Hello Ed:  I have nothing else on this PC that I can delete.  I'm running FSX, P NW, N CA, FSX Central, FSUIPC and some device drivers.  That's it.   I'm already deleted all those files with from the failed installs. 


I'd hate to loose N CA but I'm thinking running PNW with Global would be worth the loss of N CA.  Without N CA that would give me 19.6 GB of free space versus the 16 GB you said was the minimum requirement. 


My biggest concern is....will this actually fix my problem and allow Global to install.  Alex was saying in a response above that my FTX_OLC folders were not installing.  Do you feel that's due to the disk space issue?


Also, what if I choose not to include the back up with Global (which I've done before during the installation).  Would that not reduce the 16 GB requirement?  Even without including the backup, Global still didn't load. 


Are there any other options in your opinion? 

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Google system clean up for Windows.  with the windows updates and all it's stuff I cleaned out 11gb's routinely from my machine. I don't know which version of windows you are running, so naturally I can't give you instructions on how to get to system cleanup since the procedure is different on each version of Windows { Thanks Microsoft}  That should help you big time on your drive space issues.:)

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May I make a humble suggestion that you look at putting in a 256GB or 512GB SSD for FSX?  Keep the 128GB for Windows and other programs you might want to run on the SSD, and only have FSX on the new SSD.  Newegg have the Samsung 500GB with free shipping for $254 at the moment.


I went that way about 6 months ago and I'll never look back.  All the room I need, no fiddling or fussing or juggling files, super fast and stable FSX, the list goes on and on.  If you end up getting the OpenLC stuff you'll need it anyway!!!

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Thanks guys for chiming in guys.  Greatly appreciated. 


FireRX, I'm using Win 7.  I would love to try this Google System Clean.  Could you post a link as to where one can find it?  I'll start searching too. 


John, I totally agree.  I bought the 128 GB SSD 1.5 years ago thinking it would give me more than enough space but a PC dedicated to flight sim.  Boy, was I wrong.  I was basing my sizing needs on everyone's "minimum" requirements.  I've already removed several programs off my HD and run Windows disk clean up almost weekly.  It's time to upgrade to a larger SSD for sure. 


My biggest concern with Global is "is it a disk space issue that is preventing a successful installation?"  I'd hate to go through all of this realizing that it's not so I'm anxious to hear back from Ed on that.  

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Okay, I bit the bullet and have ordered a new 500 GB SSD in hopes that this will allow me to successfully load Global plus other ORBX's addons down road. 


Question, instead of transferring everything over from one SSD to another, is it possible to have FSX residing on my current 128 GB SSD and all of the ORBX addons on a different SSD? 


I was just thinking about the task ahead of have to move or re-load everything from one SSD to the other.  Not looking forward to that if I can avoid it. 

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Just to say following this thread solved the same problem for me--disk space. No error messages generated when not enough space. Installation simply seems to "complete" and the user is unsure as to why the product has not installed. Be useful to have a insufficient disk space message in the next version. Thanks to the experts for sticking with this problem. cheers

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