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Caribou grounded


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Excellent aircraft and many memory's, sadly her time has come and its off to the knackers yard for them. Or hopefully the few remaining frames can be used for other purposes, gate guards,training aids,museum pieces etc.

Roll on the C-27J!

Any good models out there for the 'Bou or C-27J? including Aussie repaints?

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The day the 'bou retires is the day the music died, again.  :'(

It seems I grew up with the Caribou and Herc ... I was in the Air Training Corp at the time and enjoyed summer camp at Richmond.

It was there I landed wheels-up in the C130 simulator (the shame), saw The Magnifcent Seven at the movies and was the only one who didn't puke crossing the mountains in the Dak (but ohhhhh the smell!) Still love the Mirage and particularly the Neptune which visited Richmond from time to time but the 'Bou was the most admired because it FITTED its role PERFECTLY.

The ability of the Caribou remains unrivaled. Its STOL is AWESOME. It is UNCOMPLICATED and therefore easy to service. It is RUGGED - still going after 45 years of abuse. It was built by the Canadians who built PRACTICAL, HONEST, RUGGED and most of all CHARACTERFUL aircraft. The Beaver, Otter, DASH 7 and DASH 8 are stablemates and all are GREAT iconic aircraft.

RIP Caribou 'ol mate. You were truly the most trusted friend.

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it's a shame to see such a great old aircraft being put out to pasture.

It's even more of a shame that after all this time we don't have a replacement.

Having read the posts on the ABC website complaining about the lack of a replacement, I can't help thinking why don't we do something really radical and design our own. We did it during the war, the Canadians did it with the Caribou, plus the DH2, DH3 etc, so why can't we come up with a design now? Then we could build it, and even export it to countries with similar needs? Our very own aircraft industry - maybe that's a bit too radical...

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I saw the C27 at avalon 2 years ago, and it is by far the most memorable aircraft from that particular display as far as I'm concerned..  I've never seen such a big ungainly craft handle so nimbly!  The 'bou has had a great life and was a great aircraft, but seriously... Roll on the future!

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I watched a solitary 'Bou fly down over the mountains this evening, cant mistake that lovely sound

also while on the topic, the RAAF held an training exercise at Katoomba aerodrome with a load of Caribou's a year or so ago, I missed out on sneaking a peak

but last time I was up at the field, Rod showed me a picture that blew me away...4 caribou's all taking off together at the same time, no more than 20-30 foot apart...on tiny YKAT...amazing

isn't the Herc nearly 80 years old too? lol :)

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message for Flying blind:

You can easily guess where my screen name came from - I was involved with the Caribou in Vietnam.

I kinda remember someone (maybe Mike Stone) had a good Caribou for some earlier sims.  Possibly FS9 but not sure - probably earlier.  I remember one had a most accurate depiction of the unique flap arrangement on the plane.  Great watching them in operation.

As a possible runner up to having a Caribou for FSX, there is a Buffalo for FS9 which I think also had some mods to enably it to fly well in FSX.  Suggest checking Avsim or Google.

If I find anything, I post it here.


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Mike Stone /slaps head of course! i should of thought of him straight away.

The flap setting was kinda unique and most certainly provided the drag required when deployed fully. If anyone has seen the RAAF guys demonstrate the 'wheelbarrow' at air shows they would have seen that in action.

Alas times change and all defence stuff is getter bigger and with that the airframe size required to haul it around needs to grow accordingly, the back of the Bou is a tight squeeze with a dozen '44 drums of diesel,sacks of rice, flour and cooking oil but she'll happily fly that cargo around all day popping into small strips dropping of the good stuff.

I spoke to an ex CW5 the other day who has flown Chinooks since Vietnam, A model up to the D and swore by them, he had some interesting story's of the Chook and Bou getting into and out of very tight unusual places, the two aircraft complemented each others operation's remarkably well.

Thanks for the heads up regards the Buffalo, I'll see what i can find. 

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Hey FlyingBlind -  back again, just found that Alphasim has a fs9 C-7 which got good reviews from Avsim.  I e-mailed them about use in FSX- reply was that yes, will work in FSX but not with sp2 - prop disks are black.  I e-mailed back asking if i could delete the file which displays the prop disk and thus be able to use it in FSX sp2.  We'll see.  Price in USD was about 17.00 or so.  Reasonable if it works.  You may want to check out Avsim's review - looked good to me.  Howard

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Hi Folks, Good news for those who want to do STOL landings (with working reversable props), Alphasim has modified their Caribou for FSX SP2 - I got, it works extremely well, looks great etc.  I love it!

As I said in an earlier post, I had e-mailed them about using it in FSX.  To make a long story short, Phil at Alphasim wrote back saying they would modify it to work in FSX SP2.  Fantastic customer service!  Thanks Phil....  The aircraft cost about 18.00usd and flys well.  STOL landings are amazing fun with the reversible props.  Lots of repaints available (look in FS2004)at Avsim and Flightsim.  have a good one..  Howard

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C-27 J Spartan capabilities are impressive when you take into account that it's about the same size as a Caribou. The Caribou still has the shortest take off run and landing roll though. I came across this interesting photo a while ago.

Posted Image

'A4-185 (cn 185) First RAAF Aircraft damaged by enemy fire in Vietnam. Crashed 18/11/64, A Ro Vietnam. It crashed into a ditch dug accross the runway. Engines and wings recovered, fuselage left behind.'

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Ya know I often wonder WHY the Australian Govt and or the RAAF or a colaboration of the 2 don't get off their collective arses and redesign the "Boo" like they did with the F111 and make a fleet of Water bomber's for fire fighting, they would be the perfect candidates for this I saw a b29 and a Caribou in Canada with Turbines fitted rather that the Big Radial, VERY impressive on takeoff even FULL of water.

This dumped out 10 12 " Ports in the belly form 10 semiseparate compartments in the internal tank.

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I'll ask my old man about that picture. He never went to Vietnam (how he never got sent on a tour I don't know) however his whole wedding party disappeared the day before he and mum got married! They were ordered to Vietnam as part of the pull out as they were part of 38 Sqn... you could only probably imagine how p*** off my mother was!!!

Anyway, they still got married on the original day, just with a few from 38 who didn't go.

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Ya know I often wonder WHY the Australian Govt and or the RAAF or a colaboration of the 2 don't get off their collective arses and redesign the "Boo" like they did with the F111 and make a fleet of Water bomber's for fire fighting, they would be the perfect candidates for this I saw a b29 and a Caribou in Canada with Turbines fitted rather that the Big Radial, VERY impressive on takeoff even FULL of water.

This dumped out 10 12 " Ports in the belly form 10 semiseparate compartments in the internal tank.

Great idea Mozz - I think we need a dedicated fire and flood fighting force more than we need a fleet of new submarines - what do we need subs for?

BTW when in PNG (70s/80s) I went on a few trips and searches with forces pilots - one I remember in a Caribou was nicknamed 'Trackless' - great pilot, but so vertically challenged his arse rubbed out his footprints - or so his 'mates' said  ;D

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Don't want to venture off topic, but I thought of the same thing too Mozz. I thought there should be some sort of Australian Emergency Fire Response equipped with heavy water bombers to have more of an impact in containing these fires. They could maybe use converted C-130s, although we probably need the Evergreen Supertanker! I guess it comes down to cost again... But what is the cost of the current bush fires?! I haven't come across the Caribou water tanker before, but the age of the airframes could be a problem with conversions.  ??? Just my 2c.

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Caribou is at the end of it's airframe life... you don't want to retrofit something like this...$$$ into nothing it would be.

Some MD-11 or 747 fire tankers... now there's an idea :) They have them in the US and they smash fires with the water loads that they can push out. Might have been handy down south as the little heli's didn't seem to be able to manage too well with the big one.

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Hell we could just buy the blueprints and build them here just like a Canadian company is doing with the Twin Otter.  ;):D;D

We would not be the only airforce needing a 'Bou replacement, or for that matter, a fire bomber.

Replace the engines with turbines, chuck in a GPS and RWR and away we go. Redirect part of Rudd's 42 billion and at least a few jobs would be created together with actually making some return on investment from o'seas sales. It couldn't be as bad as the Kaman 'Kopter Katastrophe. ??? And we lot would be even happier!

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  • 5 years later...

Sorry , reopening a really old thread . With the recent FTX PI AYPY Jackson International scenery , It has quickly moved to the top of my favorite ORBX scenery list . What we PNG bush flyers really need is sorely missing in FSX and P3D . The AlphaSim FSX DHC-4 Caribou(port over) is a must have in this scenery but there are very ,very , few FSX repaints(I've only found one) . I tried a RAAF Caribou repaint (FS9) and couldn't get it to work . Is there a simple way of converting these FS9 paints to work ?





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I agree, would love to get the Bou into P3D, I do recall there was a working FSX RAAF paint, I had it at one stage, Timmy74 here on the forums would know I bet


Pic of the stranded Bou at Efogi :-[




Some good Caribou 'in PNG' videos on youtube too

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Couldn't agree more on the "Bou for PNG - Ansett-MAL ran one for a while in the 1960s and there was a P2 reg out of Vanimo which was sold to Kiunga (Garamut?) and later crashed there. TAA Sunbird chartered one for a while to compete with Ansett but don't think it was ever painted to Sunbird colours. Not an economical aircraft for RPT services.

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Greetings All,

Excellent aircraft and many memory's, sadly her time has come and its off to the knackers yard for them. Or hopefully the few remaining frames can be used for other purposes, gate guards,training aids,museum pieces etc.Roll on the C-27J!Any good models out there for the 'Bou or C-27J? including Aussie repaints?

For what it's worth, Iris makes a pretty fair rendition of the C27j, with plenty of Aussie repaints - including a FedEx model. I've had no issues with it in FSX, P3D 1.4 or 2.2.



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Don't want to venture off topic, but I thought of the same thing too Mozz. I thought there should be some sort of Australian Emergency Fire Response equipped with heavy water bombers to have more of an impact in containing these fires. They could maybe use converted C-130s, although we probably need the Evergreen Supertanker! I guess it comes down to cost again... But what is the cost of the current bush fires?! I haven't come across the Caribou water tanker before, but the age of the airframes could be a problem with conversions.  ??? Just my 2c.



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