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Vans RV-4: Serious Performance Issues


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Hey guys,


I just bought your RV-4 a couple of days ago, dismissing the one bad review about low FPS on FSS, because all the other reviews indicated no negative impact.

However, for me this is one of the worst performing aircraft (FPS wise).


With (my) standard settings at a regional airport (EDDS) I will get 30FPS (locked) with the NGX, 777, Lancair Legacy, Duke 2.0 and basically everything I own.

With the RV-4 this drops considerably to a no more enjoyable value (~10-15), which in an aerobatic aircraft is basically unusable.

Now I do have AA cranked up as per Costa's recommendations, but this works fine (and looks great) in a lot of aircraft with way more EFIS screens than the RV4, so I don't think this is the reason.


The manual doesn't mention anything about specific FSX settings, but is there anything I can do to remedy this situation?

This really is the first/only OrbX product that doesn't work flawlessly for me, so I hope there is something I can do to enjoy this aircraft as well.


I'd appreciate any help you can send my way



Software: FSX Gold, AccuFeel 2.0

System: i5-4570, GTX760, 8GB RAM, Win 8.1 x64


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When you start up the plane, dont activate the efis screen and you will see that it runs buttersmooth, so atleast with this AC the problem is with the glass cocpit.  Orbx is doing an steam expansion pack for this aircraft so  that would probably give it much better performance.

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I just ran a test at a very frame friendly airport (coming up) with the RV-4 to see how it performed with EFIS on and off.  With the EFIS on I was getting a respectable 20-25 fps but when I turned it off to do aerobatics... I was seeing 40-50+!  Until the steam cockpit comes out I figure that's the best option when frames are a priority.


Did you know that you can turn the EFIS off using the circuit breaker?  Down near your right knee, it's the closest one on the top row.  After you pull it out the EFIS takes up to half a minute to go blank.


I think it also comes back on when you click the breaker back in but don't quote me on that.

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Okay, thanks for your input. Judging from all the reviews I read, they all said it wasn't hard on FPS... ;-)


Steam "Expansion".... sounds like it's going to cost more, am I correct?

A bit sad, because I really wanted this "complex" EFIS, that's what sets it apart from my point of view.

The fact that I need to turn that part off and/or wait for the steam expansion pack... =(




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Im 100% sure it's the EFIS, I have 30FPS locked with limiter, with this plane I get fluctating FPS 15-25 and it makes everything stutter, when I turn the EFIS off I imidiently is back to a steady 29.8 FPS and stutters are gone. I had exactly the same with Flight1's King Air, turning off the glass screens made it perform nicely, with them on I got a very unsmooth flight. Glasspits just sucks out frames from FSX, I only put up with them on tubes because I can live with stutters there because I'm more busy with procedures than actually noticing the stutters.

In GA flying it's more essential to have smooth flights because then I use alot more time looking out the windows and admire the scenery.


BTW Bruce, Concrete Muni is in a PNW sweetspot so it could be why your able to have good FPS, close in on Seattle or other less FPS friendly areas of PNW and it would turn nasty pretty quickly.

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I have to agree, I tried it with the EFIS off as well and FPS went back to normal.

Other aircraft, most notably the F1 Mustang (a less advanced and even more frame hungry version of the G1000 in the F1 B200), still give me more performance.

The NGX for example on the other hand runs perfectly normal all the time, so it's definitely something about this particular addon...




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It *is* the EFIS and this is well known and has been discussed numerous times. It is one reason there is a legacy panel update coming. And yes, it will cost money, and that decision was also a) discussed and B) polled before decision.


With respect to the EFIS; if you select a screen option that has less information, then it won't be quite so hard on performance. If you select the screen option that has everything switched on (EFIS, engine and GPS map) then expect it to require a lot of processing, just like the real-life AF unit.

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The performance goes down the moment you turn the EFIS on, no real information is displayed at that time, I can accept your reasoning that enabling more data will extend the problem even further down the FPS scale.

I admit I'm frustrated because I'm unable to enjoy this aircraft and its perks, so far I have nothing but good experiences with your (scenery) addons, but this isn't working.


As for real-life performance vs. Sim, I'm sure the aforementioned NGX will top that in a heartbeat, yet run's miles smoother than the RV4, generalizing this kind of statement doesn't work well.

Also, please sticky something about this "so-often-discussed" problem, because with the current board system finding that particular information without living in this forum might be too much to ask!

If this was a setup problem I'd be happy to correct it, even though the fact that most reviews indicate it doesn't decrease performance much seemed to point in that direction.


@Howard: maybe your system just puts it over the top, I'm sure with enough raw power this'll run, just like FSX does, but then Jeff's system about on par with mine..

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I haven't yet installed the -4 on my new rig; only had the rig a couple of weeks and just getting everything re-installed. It worked on my previous lower spec'd laptop, but as the developer noted before, I had to run one of the 'less busy' screens in order to have acceptable performance; more info = more resources required, certainly. But yes, the EFIS does hit you as soon as you switch it on. If you search for RV4 in the forums you should find the posts. (and I agree also that the amount of info here is huge and difficult to search; when I find something useful I save it out into a text file for future reference).

There should be the legacy panel update very soon, but I don't think there are plans for an update to the existing EFIS code. You'd need to get the word from Jared (developer) on that.

The -4 is a great plane though.

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I just bought it a few days ago and the performance is fine.....although I have bought the Carenado Phenom before and that thing is probably the worst performing aircraft that I own!


So the RV4 performed great for me....


However, a legacy panel with even better fps would be great!

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