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Postacards from Idaho


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Very realistic... I lived in Idaho long enough to know it does get cold there! lol


Great shots.


Thank you,


Tom Wunder

Hi Tom,

  I just wandered if there could be so much snow in April. I use to fly Always with actual Y/M/D and weather.

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Good question Farman,


I remember snow on Mother's Day once when we were living in Boise but that didn't amount to much. I've seen a few inches in late April around my in-law's place around Archer. We often get our worst snows in April here in the greater Denver area. I think they call it an "upslope" where a wet storm will bypass us to the South then hit the warm/wet air over the gulf and bounce back at us from the East. I remember one year when in mid April I couldn't see my six foot fence in the backyard for the snow drifts. But this is Colorado not Idaho.


Thanks again for the great shots,


Tom Wunder

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Greetings folks,

To answer Farman's question - yes indeed there still can be that much snow on the ground. We finally had the rains wash it off my yard this weekend and today at 0900, when I was heading for Lewiston, there was an inch of new snow... The roads were clear at 0530 when I walked the dogs!

I believe that the Potlatch Lumber folks stated we still had 5ft of snowpack on Elk Butte, just east of ID85.



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