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FTX Global not even as good as basic FSX scenery!


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[i posted this as a folow-on to another topic and got no reply. So posting again as a new topic hoping someone can advise me]


Having installed this (expensive investment) global scenery I hoped to see an improved experience over the basic FSX scenery.

I fly FSX mostly in the U.K. and in particular from a South Coast airfield.
With the original FSX scenery there was a semblance of the main roads in the area and a believable scenery, with basic towns shown in their location.
Now with  FTX: Global BASE installed I see no realistic main roads at all, and what are there (highways and intersections) often go straight out into the sea!
The generic scenery for the area is very unrealistic showing large numbers of houses, factories where there are none in reality!
I seem to have at least bought (and paid a lot for) not very much and at worst a much poorer representation than was in the native FSX!

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Hi Nigel,


Global is a direct texture replacement which uses stock fsx landclass which is why you see what you see in fsx, when orbx releases its landclass product it should correct a lot of the towns and city's etc.. but it wont be as detailed as a full region like ftx eng.

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I appreciate your quick response - thanks.


I assume you also have this scenery and by the sound of it you agree that I have been sold a 'pup'!

I wanted to get some local scenery, for specific regional airfields, but Orbx said that I had to get FTX Global Base first.

I didn't anticipate spending £50+ ontop of the airfields, but accepted the requirement and assumed that at least it would be a an improvement to wherever I might fly in the world.

The FTX Global install stripped out a lot of FSX scenery files and seems to have replaced them with something much more basic!

I've not considered getting any regional scenery yet as, though it may improve things, that will still leave this rubbish scenery in between.


You are suggesting that to get back to what FSX had orginally I need to spend even more on their landclass product!


But if you have this product what benefits have you found, if any?



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Hi Nigel,


As mentioned above, FTXGlobal base replaces the texture set.


It does not alter roads / coastlines /  rivers (FTXGlobal Vector)

It does not alter the position of landuse / town etc (Open Landclass -- when available)


Certainly FTX EU - England is a much more specific product for this area .. you have purchased a Global Texture replacement for base FSX textures.


Not a pup at all.  If things are misaligned, it may be that there are other problems with your FSX install.  FTXGlobal should not be interfering with roads or causing things to go into the sea.


Please post a screenshot of what you are seeing.  in essence you should have FSX (as it was before) but with better textures.

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Orbx was rated well by some and the fullterrain.com webpage appeared to show great scenery. Tho' I firstly wanted some UK airfileds they said I had to install FTX Global first.

£50+ was much more than I was going to pay even for the airfields, but I assumed with FTX Global I'd get some decent general improvement worlwide so I stumped up for it.

Now regretting it very much.

If I can get my money back I'll be looking for something that actually improves my FSX experience than reduces it!


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Orbx was rated well by some and the fullterrain.com webpage appeared to show great scenery. Tho' I firstly wanted some UK airfileds they said I had to install FTX Global first.

£50+ was much more than I was going to pay even for the airfields, but I assumed with FTX Global I'd get some decent general improvement worlwide so I stumped up for it.

Now regretting it very much.

If I can get my money back I'll be looking for something that actually improves my FSX experience than reduces it!



As Ian has pointed out Nigel, I think you have some other issue going on other than FTX Global. FTXG only replaces the textures which are already present inside FSX.


Sounds like somewhere along the road Nigel, there has been some misinformation or misinterpreted information. FTX Global replaces all textures globally, that's it, nothing else. If your main interest was flying in the UK then, as Spirit has pointed out, FTX England would have been the perfect choice, that way you would take advantage of replaced textures, vector data, upgraded airports, people flow, landclass data and mesh. You would also have benefitted from POIs and specific hand placed autogen.

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......Tho' I firstly wanted some UK airfileds they said I had to install FTX Global first.....

Hi Nigel,

this advise was definitely wrong because EU England doesn't need FTX Global. You can add some UK airfields from the ORBX collection too.


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I appreciate your comments. I will get a snap of the current view of the South Coast, but it will now have to be posted here tomorrow.

Just to clarify - At the start I wanted some UK regional scenery and the Orbx site told me I had to get FTX Global installed first.

I haven't got FTXGlobal Vector

The snap will show a miriad of roads and buildings none of which resemble anything in reality. Whereas the original FSX scenery showed a couple of main roads and a number of minor ones following their approximate actualy route and the built up areas were roughly where they really are. Even one significant individual building is right where is should be.

I may uninstall the FTX Global (to improve things!) and then I can show a comparison snap.


Thanks for your help.



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Typically (with the exception of FTXGlobal airports)  ... the custom airports are designed to go with the corresponding region pack, rather than Global or Vector.


It is unfortunate, but it does sound like the regions would have suited your flying better.


We'll see what the pics look like.  It may be you have a terrain.cfg corruption or similar.

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This subject has always interested me.

But, imho, in case of problems with the visual aspects of the product, it is necessary to submit a screen shot as the basis for assertions, requests and possible fixes or steps.

As the issue can affect us all, other customers, we can experience what is in fact occurring with screen shot.

I await your screen shots!

Thanks Nigel, I'm really interested in your problem and a solution for it.



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I appreciate your comments. I will get a snap of the current view of the South Coast, but it will now have to be posted here tomorrow.

Just to clarify - At the start I wanted some UK regional scenery and the Orbx site told me I had to get FTX Global installed first.

I haven't got FTXGlobal Vector

The snap will show a miriad of roads and buildings none of which resemble anything in reality. Whereas the original FSX scenery showed a couple of main roads and a number of minor ones following their approximate actualy route and the built up areas were roughly where they really are. Even one significant individual building is right where is should be.

I may uninstall the FTX Global (to improve things!) and then I can show a comparison snap.


Thanks for your help.






I've reviewed all your posts and at no time does anyone from here ORBX staff or others, advise you as you say? As others have asked, please provide a link to the topic as if you gave your requirements as you have done at the top of this thread, I and many, many others would have been all over the fool who gave you that advice, and I will happily make it a personal mission to find that fool, and call their advice for what it is.  


If you got duff advice elsewhere, then sorry, but that's down to you listening to BS from cretins. The source of genuine advice will ALWAYS be found here.


In any event, others have addressed other issues you seem to have  (I assume you have already installed the 1.2 FTX Global patch, as you didn't mention it so far) and the role of FTX Global has been clarified - it has nothing whatsoever to do with roads running into the sea.


As a real world flyer from the area in question who researched the purchase with absolute precision you need FTX England, followed by the individual airports and airfields as selected. Then possibly FTX Wales, FTX Scotland and FTX Northern Ireland and Eire, as you spread your wings.


I hope a simple, unequivocal statement like that will alleviate your confusion, but if you'd like to take this to PM and communicate directly, I'll happily guide you further, subject to clarification on the points outlined above.


Hope this is of assistance.

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Nigel mate, just buy FTX EU England and you will get a far better experience than default FSX.

000's of satisfied customers can't be wrong. If you install correctly and genuinely have a problem with FTX EU England I will give you your money back for it!!!!

Putting my money where my mouth is.

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Thanks ALL for you good and kind support.

I am looking, but not finding the prompt that led me to buy and install FTX Global.

It was on the website and it was as I was moving towards purchasing FTX EU England, that some text prompted me that I had to install FTX Global before any regional scenery. But if I can't find it then I must have dreamt it!


Next step for me is to give you all the view I am seeing and you can then say if it's right or wrong.

Then I have to decide, if it's right, what to do with £50 of world scenery that doesn't do what I expected!


Thanks again


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Then I have to decide, if it's right, what to do with £50 of world scenery that doesn't do what I expected!





HI Nigel


The 50 pounds worth of scenery adds a whole new level of realism to textures right around the world.  Before you decide it's not for you maybe take a few flights in different countries, particularly Europe, which is somewhere I figure you will want to fly to when you need a break from your local patch.


Global isn't perfect, in just the same way FSX isn't perfect. But it's pretty good considering the entire world has been given a once over.  My suggestion would be to give it some time and do a few cross country flights, away from your own backyard.  Then, after a while if you absolutely need to have corrected scenery for your own familiar area, pick up EU England as well.  But remember through all this, that the principle behind FSX and ORBX regional scenery is to give a representation of landscapes through the use of generic objects and textures, and no matter how well it is done, with the limitations of the software, there will always be a difference between the scenery objects and real life.  


This screenshot was taken west of Southampton, and to me, looks very much like England. Yours should look much like this as well.



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Hi Nigel,


You could of course keep FTX global installed and patched to the latest update, so you will see much prettier ground textures than you'll ever see with default FSX. Of course this comes into play when your flying outside any FTX region you might choose to install.

When you install a region, ie: FTX EU England, this will display all the regional ground scenery to a higher level than FTXG textures alone or even FSX Default textures. I would say keep what you have and grab FTX EU England, to have the best in England, and in Hybrid mode you will have FTXG textures making every where else looking much prettier.  But make sure you have the latest Orbx libraries installed.


Cheers Jeff

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Nigel case is becoming more prevalent on the site IMHO.  Many people who have not use any ORBX scenery in the past have the idea that if they by FTXGlobal it will completely change everything in FSX.  Somewhere they are missing that it is only a replacement for the textures.  Perhaps it is that they just do not know exactly what that mean.  I think there is some 'bum' info being posted by folks on the web causing confusion and of course some non-understanding by the buyers.

Perhaps a locked PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASE thread for Global and Vector would be appropriate explaining the differences between the Regions and the general nature of Global and Vector which do not come into play within ORBX regions.

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Hey there Nigel,


Sure, follow this link to see which button to click on when pasting the http link to your screen shot.




Also follow Jay Kae's advice thread here about how to post a screenshot.



but if you are using Microsoft's IE11 this will present some problems, I suggest Firefox Chrome or Safari for trouble free screen shot pasting.


Cheers Jeff


Edit: Just had a thought, are you having trouble uploading your picture and finding how to begin that part of the process, if so then Jay Kae's explanation has all you need, but if it is pasting the "Direct Link" code then  follow my brief diagram in the first link.

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Once again thanks to all who have offered advice.

Firstly, I am still not able to find where I was prompted to install FTX Global before any regional textures. So I may shortly have to offer up a general apology to Orbx on that score. Though I will take one last look since, as I say, I did want to buy just a regional scenery to start with and wouldn't have chosen a 'global' scenery without some reason.

I have attached here (hopefully) 4 views that I see around my chosen 'home' airfield Shoreham.

They show in panorama a very general distribution of major roads, residential and commerical buildings. Where as in the basic FSX scenery the actual built-up areas to left and right were shown correctly with an absence of same in-between. Also a couple of major roads running east west were depicted roughly accurately. The fourth snap shows the problem of highways going into the sea which didn't occur in the basic FSX scenery,







Thanks v-much for the posting advice link.



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I have looked again at the Orbx website and I cannot find anything that I remember led me to believe I had to install FTX Global before I could install any regional secenery.

So I have to make a complete and full apology to Orbx for suggesting that it gave me that iinformation, either directly or implied


Not in defence, but as a comment. I do remember finding the range of products a bit confusing. Such as which products are building on others or are improvements on the other products.

Such as in the FTX Global range itself. Are they indepedant products enhancing different features in FSX or just each an improvement on the other?

I remember looking for release dates to try and work out which came first and which was the latest (best?)


Now I just hope I can realise something from FTX Global, over what I am currently seeing



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Hi Nigel


From your pictures it looks like autogen settings are very low, with not many buildings being shown. Looking into the near surroundings your LOD_RADIUS=4.500000 default, which gives you the noticeable lack of detail about half way to the horizon. If your rig can handle more GPU/CPU load then you should probably increase LOD_RADIUS to 6.500000,  and move the FSX autogen slider to Dense, or Very Dense.

Start with Normal and move it up one level at a time to see what your system can cope with. When you move the slider you will have to exit FSX and go to your FSX.cfg to reset the LOD_RADIUS to the desired Detail Radius, as it reverts to default whenever you make changes in the FSX settings scenery menu.

As for the roadway issue, I cannot answer as I have a slightly different setup. Gordon and others will be able now to compare your shots with their own scenery and tell you if yours is correct or not. The texture sheet depicting non vectored roads can sometimes be displayed in unusual situations such as ending in the sea or going nowhere in particular however rarely, this effect also happens in the Default textures but to a lesser degree because they are less detailed.  


Would be helpful also to see your system specs just to see if you can increase your FSX scenery detail. 


Cheers Jeff

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Hi Nigel,


No need for apologies. Building a quality sim can be an overwhelming experience.


I've gone in and recreated your screen shot scenario in my system. I notice one thing straight away, your autogen settings may be set very low and thus you are seeing the fundamental land class without much else. For starters I would have a look at those settings and see if your scene improves.


The actual scenery "tiles" are laid down by the software as a basic canvas. In the case of Shoreham and most other urban areas you will see roads running into the sea, as each road cannot be custom tailored for each placement. FSX will exhibit much the same. In your particular location it may have been the luck of the draw that you had a fairly close representation to the actual terrain.


FTX Global is a general land class replacement for generic FSX. There are no area specific changes, as in your location. A regional scenery will develop the detail with more accuracy, but you may still see the anomaly with roads etc. FTX Global Vector will add more detail and accuracy to roads and shorelines and begin to mitigate the abrupt cutoff you sometimes see at shorelines in urban areas.


The final layer in the ORBX system is a specific location. In your location it would be EGKA Shoreham (Brighton). This add on would be based on satellite photo imagery with specific attention paid to roads, buildings and vegetation. At the perimeter of the EGKA location, the developer takes special steps to blend the border into the FTX Global surround, creating a more realistic representation of the general area.


I'd have a look at the Shoreham add on over on the product page to get an idea of what you would see if you were to use the add on.



Part of the ORBX process is to constantly listen to the feedback from people like yourself and make improvements on all of the products.

Hope this info is helpful, and please continue to post so we can help you with your install.

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That's it, Nigel. Now you're in good hands. Now you can refine your specifications for Orbx and get them what you really want!

In the end, you will thoroughly enjoy this community ... and spend a lot! :-*  :-*  :-*  LoL


Big hugs,



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Thanks for those recent suggestions.

I will check my FSX settings (though I thought they were set high already), but it will be a couple of day as I have other commitments. I will also list my machine specs, tho' I believe as it was the most recent PC Advisor's Best Gaming PC, that it should be up to the job.

I am a little confused now, since you seem to be variously saying that though I have FTX Global (and you say I will see benefit in general over basic FSX), you think I should also look to add FTX Global Vector.

I accept that FTX EU England will give me a good deal of real detail (afterall it was the product I started out to get!), but also that I should get the Shoreham add on.

This all seems to be mounting up to one big investment and my worry is that one product just overlays and obscures the previous, albeit for a more specific area.

A bit like painting a whole room one colour, then painting one wall a different colour then hanging wall paper on part of that and finally putting a mural over some of the wallpaper.



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Painting is a good metaphor, but think more in terms of a canvas. You lay down your foundation, background, sky, ground, then start to bring in details like mountains and trees.


There is no single "turnkey" software that has a complete painting ready to use. If there were it would be prohibitively expensive, so the alternative is to offer a more flexible modular platform. You will see this throughout the industry.


Sim is an evolutionary process, as is product development. As technology develops, computers become more powerful and the like, more options become available.

The ORBX approach uses multiple layers. The Global products give you a basic world wide coverage, with the Vector products defining the scene and adding more accurate vector detail like roads and rivers. The regional and local sceneries are another layer, using the fine brush so to speak.


Another ancillary benefit built into ORBX products are the libraries. The vegetation, buildings and animations are the result of many thousands of man hours and are dramatically better than default FSX. Every scenery we develop receives it's own additions from each developer. These additions are then added to the ORBXlibs that come with all of our packages.


The simulator is a fluid environment that offers many levels of development. The development level can be determined by the "investment" one wishes to put into it. There is freeware scenery and airplanes. That's where I started. Gradually I moved into more sophisticated levels, which actually led to me becoming a developer here.


I recently had another gentleman ask me "what would you do?". If I were starting at ground level, I'd begin with the foundation then build upon that. Your choice of FTX Global was a good fundamental decision, although your expectation may have been somewhat different.


I'll be happy to answer your questions and help you gain a clearer understanding of the process.

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This is much appreciated, as are the offers of others too.

I will certainly need some more advice, but I will keep my questions to a minimum.


I had been fairly into FSX 'til about 5 years ago then let it drop. (I had been an FS fan since the subLogic orginal on IBM PC! and working for a simulation company too)

Then I was reawakened recently, bought a new fast PC for the purpose and started looking at what I needed.

This has been a bit of a hiccup and somewhat dampened my initial enthusiasm, but I am sure it'll be rekindled soon.




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NIgel I'm not seeing roads running into the sea?


I AM seeing the representation of the sea walls and breakwaters that define the entrance to Shoreham Harbour and the River Adur in that first image. If you shuffle along to Brighton seafront you will see the same very basic representation of the Piers. As has been suggested you really need to search YOutube, this forum and the Shoreham product page to see what is possible using FTX England and FTX Shoreham addons.


For the full description, with images, of how FTX Global fits into the`family` along with addon mesh, Global Vector and the incoming new Open LC you need this topic



Effectively, FTX England has all these elements in one - Textures, Vector. Mesh AND landclass all-included.


It also serves as backdrop to individual addon airports and airfields which have to be seen to be believed - pick a field you are familiar with and search for videos. 

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Thanks for those recent suggestions.

I will check my FSX settings (though I thought they were set high already), but it will be a couple of day as I have other commitments. I will also list my machine specs, tho' I believe as it was the most recent PC Advisor's Best Gaming PC, that it should be up to the job.

I am a little confused now, since you seem to be variously saying that though I have FTX Global (and you say I will see benefit in general over basic FSX), you think I should also look to add FTX Global Vector.

I accept that FTX EU England will give me a good deal of real detail (afterall it was the product I started out to get!), but also that I should get the Shoreham add on.

This all seems to be mounting up to one big investment and my worry is that one product just overlays and obscures the previous, albeit for a more specific area.

A bit like painting a whole room one colour, then painting one wall a different colour then hanging wall paper on part of that and finally putting a mural over some of the wallpaper.





Hi Nigel


I wouldn't worry about Vector if your focus is on flying England around your local area.  Best to get EU England.  But, don't expect to see a complete picture of your local scenery as you know it.  FSX and FTX just don't work like that.  Think of the scenery as an impressionist canvas.  It will give you an overall picture of the scenery but as soon as you start to look closely you will see lack of detail and inaccuracies, much the same as an impressionist's painting is composed of dots and daubs.


The trick is, in my humble opinion anyway, to train yourself to only pick out details that are correct, and ignore details you find incorrect.  For instance, I regularly fly over scenery I know well.  Any time I like I can look down and say "That's wrong, and that's wrong" but if I did that all the time I wouldn't enjoy simming.  So, what i do is look for VFR details I might refer to in a flight, such as a hill, a river, a road from village A to village B etc.  As soon as I have identified something that indicates I am where I think I am, I tend to look around at distant sccenery, the general lie of the land, and in places, do a full cockpit check until I am out of the area that is annoying me!


Train yourself to embrace the good things in FSX and FTX while blocking out the faults and you'll have a much happier simming experience, and you will almost certainly have the bonus of doing more flying and less tweaking!

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The last two posters have the wrong impression of my expectations. I am not looking for, or expecting, a true life representation of an area I know, like a map would.

But I am basing my expectations on what the basic FSX did give me and looking for an improvement (in FTX Global, £50 worth of improvement).


In my previous experience of FSX, flying areas in the UK that I know, I dd find features and roads that I recognised. Not in fine detail of course, but general positioning and orienation and I felt this was a good approximation that I was comfortable with.

As I have mentioned before, in the area I have tried it (Shoreham) with FTX Global I was brought up sharply as it doesn't look like the area (less like it than basic FSX representation).

Maybe if I fly further afield to places I don't know I will be impressed by what I see. But I would suspect that a local to that area would find it similarly unrepresentative, as I have of my local area.


I thought the last photo does show an example of roads and highways going into the sea? Just near under the aircraft.

Thanks for the link btw., it seems this is an intro I should have read before buying any scenery.


So summarising, I may well have gained a lot of variety in scenery types and detail with FTX Global, but lost a few specific features that made me feel "I know this place".

When I have weighed that up in my mind, I will look at whether to go on and purchase FTX EU England (which it seems now, I should have and could have installed at the begining, but for my mistake).

I will look at specific airfield too but I haven't noticed those on http://fullterrain.com/ yet.



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Scroll down the page on the website and you will find what you seek...I suspect THAT is the result you were seeking - one that will make you go Wow! 



And as the link I referred you to previously indicates, Global Base by itself won't change or relocate roads - those are still the SAME roads as in the default sim. Vector provides for correct road placement, improved coastlines and other vector scenery. But if your intention is to only fly in the UK, then FTX EU England and the related products are the way to go as it is far more specific in the use of autogen, landclass - and most importantly provides brilliant 5m resolution mesh. The main problem for all the Base files such as FTX GLobal is that they only come into their own when used with a suitable hi-resolution mesh, vector graphics, land class and suitable mesh as explained in that link..


However, as FTX Global does us a colour palette and there is commonality in appearance with what we commonly call the `full-fat` Regions, FTX Global does enhance every aspect of the sim, globally, and especially so when combined with these full-fat regions it allows for a near-seamless transition across scenery boundaries. So if one flies outside of a full-fat area, the transition is seamless.

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Hi Nigel,


As Shoreham is my local airport I can highly recommened EU-England with EGKA. You will recognise a heck of a lot when flying, there are even certain paths on the South Downs that are perfectly depicted, my only gripe though is that there is no bridge over the A27 heading up towards Truleigh Hill. I'd also take a look at Goodwood too as it's another local airport given the superb FTX treatment.


Having FTX Global installed alongside is also a bonus as if you fancy a hop over the channel you no longer get startled by the garish FSX stock textures. As others had said though Global on it's own will not depict local roads but it sure does tart the rest of the world up nicely.


I'm currently revitalising my FSX installation too as I've got a bit fed up with continously tweaking P3D2v1.4 and 2.1. At the moment FSX seems to run a heck of a lot better than the Prepar3D stuff and I thought I'd never say that!!! Next step DX10Fixer!



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The DX10 Fixer makes a world of difference in FSX. For systems with the proper card and processing power, the result of spreading the processing load across GPU and CPU is immediately apparent. The sim is much more smooth and stable.


It looks as though the consensus is EU England/EGKA Shoreham and FTX Global for flying hybrid. I am in agreement.

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