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DCS Black Shark "Hokum A" - Eliminating Terrorist Cell


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Since this is no competition to Orbx and is about flight simulation in general... But if it's too much please remove - no hard feelings :). I just got this toy, this is my initial impressions in the form of lightly narrated screenshots.

Digital Combat Simulator KA-50 Black Shark "Hokum A" attack helicopter.


01. The situation

Armed terrorists from Krasnaya Polyana are moving to our airbase in column of 4 vehicles pretending to be a regular russian army column. The task is to take out the column without hurting any civilian traffic on the road. [this is a little test mission I made for myself to practise things]

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02. There it is...

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03. Panels 1

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04. Panels 2

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05. Panels 3

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06. Panels 4

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07. Abris starting (moving map etc.)

It has a computer, heh, BIOS and all. A linux mayby, lol. It also boots in a rather realistic manner. Prior to starting Abris a Cold & Dark startup was done. I can do it by heart now. It's not as difficult as it first seems from the YouTube videos etc. The flows are rather simple and logical. Even though initially it felt there's quite a few switches and knobs involved...

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08. Abris started, navigation map displayed

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09. Shkval system started (tv-camera based weapons system)

Auto Turn and Moving Ground Target make it easier. With this config, the chopper nose horizontally follows the Skhval cursor on tv screen when you move it.

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10. Takeoff

AFAIK, you're supposed to takeoff and land door open (?).

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11. That's one mean looking beast - all positively

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12. Shkval:n tv is on, cursor over river

I took the chopper hovering in the cover of a mountain, adjusted collective to keep vertical speed at zero. Bottom of HUD shows the same aiming cursor as in the black and white tv screen below. Now it's all about acquiring and destroying targets as they appear to my sights. Vikhr M has been selected as the weapon to be used (green dots below tv screen).

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13. Column lead is locked

The column has 4 vehicles, armored and armed troop transportation vehicles first and last, 2 trucks in the middle. Lead vehicle is locked (TA says that) and the first Vikhr M missile has been shot (the white smoke on tv screen comes from the missile otw to target).

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14. Impact! Lead vehicle is KIA

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15. Next threat

It's time to take out the other armed vehicle (worst threats first). The idea is to get the tv camera locked target (small circle in the HUD) inside the large circle (LOS) in the HUD. At this time release permission is given by the system and the letter C appears on tv and HUD. You just release the weapon and wait for the target to become KIA :).

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16. Four minutes and four missiles later...

Let it be known there's a civilian vehicle on road as well... Look real hard and you'll find it. I was really close to blow it as well when I destroyed the last truck :). It just appeared on the tv at the time I released... Luckily, the car was able to make it through, but just barely. It was just meters...

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17. Back and landing

Didn't do a rolling land even though the picture looks like I'm going to. I hover landed on the station area. Landing was fine, no screen though as it would have looked the same as #2. I used beacon light only on takeoff and landing. Otherwise I used no lights. Don't want to look like a x-mas tree when encaging the enemy :).

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18. Finally some long distance image of the base area

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Now that I have some 10+ flights under my belt, I can say with pretty good accuracy that this game is FSX LDS767 PMDG MD11 level in the combat sim category. Can't much comment on the flight model as I've never even been in a real chopper. But at least the systems seem very comprehensive. Almost all switches and knobs work in the VC.

I said "pretty good accuracy"... Well, I haven't learned all the systems yet. Such as proper navigation, self-defense etc. etc. But up to this point, it all seems extremely nice.

And the concept of the game is brilliant: there's a shared world. In this world there are shared AI planes. They fly using basically the Lock-On flight model and AIs. To this world players can buy addons as custom modules. These modules have a lot better FM and systems modelling etc. etc. The first such custom addon is the the Black Shark.

I can just imagine how the multiplayer will become in the future when custom modules appear for the western side as well... No more co-op :).

Me likes - a lot...

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FPS is better with maxed out settings than FSX (apparently in can also utilize multiple cores better). This is my computer:

Mobo: Abit IN9 32X-MAX WIFI nForce 680i SLI, DDR2, SATAII, GLAN (Core 2 Duo)

HDD: 500GB, Barracuda 7200.10, 3.5", SATA II/300, 16MB, 7200RPM

CPU Cooler: Zahlman CNPS9700NT (AM2/754/939/940/775) Optimised fo nVidia nForce -edition

Case: Aerocool ExtremeEngine 3T, black

RAM: G.Skill F2-6400CL4D-2GBHK 2GB Dual Kit DDR2-800 F2-6400CL4D-2GBHK 4-4-3-5

GPU: e-GeForce 8800 GTX KO Superclocked PCI-E

CPU: Core Duo 2 E6600 2.4GHz, 4MB, FSB1066 Boxed (Conroe)

PSU: Seasonic S12-600W 600W, S12-600W, ATX2.0

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(apparently in can also utilize multiple cores better).

The graphics engine writers specifically say that it is a single core game. Using two cores on my old AMD 6000+ I thought I got an extra 3 or 4 FPS and everything seemed fine, when it is that small it is hard to tell reliably. When I upgraded to the I7 and tried 3 or 4 cores I get little stutters and zero improvement in FPS. On the I7 one core gives me the same FPS as two cores too.

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Take a look at the ABRIS screen, this helicopter is running on an Intel 486.  :o

You have a look "under the hood" of many military FMS and you will find that a lot of them aren't even as "powerfull" as a 486 dude, and in all honesty for what they have to do they don't need to be either.  :)

Mind you they usually have more than one processor too.

Bet you find if you could look at a real Hokum that the CPU isn't an Intel chip at all, given that when they were designed the US wouldn't sell CPU's to Russia ( It would breach ITARS regulations).  ;D

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Anyone know if a boxed version is available in Australia yet?


No it isn't.

I read a little while ago that the boxed versions will be another couple of months ot so. So unless that has changed there is a bit of a wait. Making it available on Steam was the next priority I think.

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No it isn't.

I read a little while ago that the boxed versions will be another couple of months ot so. So unless that has changed there is a bit of a wait. Making it available on Steam was the next priority I think.

I have heard this mentioned a few times on other sites, but have yet to fully understand what it means.  Could someone please explain.

With thanks,

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Private-Cowboy

Just got my Black Shark in the mail yesterday and boy, am I impressed...

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I've yet to see such a good VC and such a deep sim in FSX. I fly the PMDG MD-11 often but that's not the same. The physics model here is the best I've seen in a long time. As great as FSX is (and I'm quite a fan) any "simmer" should take a close look as Black Shark.

And given the fact that Black Shark is so hilariously cheap (on par with a Carenado Piper) what can you loose...

Oh and the performance is quite a bit better on my system (2.6GHz DualCore subnotebook with 9600GT). Black Shark likes lot of RAM and a strong CPU does not hurt either. But when you can run FSX just barely (say ~20fps) you'll have a dandy in Black Shark. Hard to go back to the "unsmoothness" of FSX now.  :D

The thing that impressed my the most in the first two days is the damage modelling. Instead of a "crash" (like in FSX) you can do a lot here. Not knowing what I was doeing I flew too fast with collective risen too much. Guess what the forward moving blades were bent up and the backwards moving blades sank down. If you know that the Ka-50 has two rotors moving in opposite direction you might get an idea what happened next. Jup, blades colided causing all kind of havoc. Barely maintaining control (with two blades ripped of) I crash landed heavy. Too heavy because it caused the front gear to callapse and the rear left to bend leaving me have way on my belly. Just when I though "phew, that was close" one of the engine cought fire. Absolutely hilarious...  :o

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Guest Private-Cowboy

I must admit I think that this is a bad choice. The AlphaSim version is pretty much as expensive as the entire DCS Black Shark. And the model, while beeing goog, is nowhere close to the one from Black Shark. The same goes for the VC. And don't get me started on the physics modelling in Black Shark vs. FSX in respect to helicopter flying.

If you're only focused towards FSX the AlphaSim might be ok but in absolute terms it hardly is. You would go an buy a Dodge Viper Model for FSX to race around there would you? If you're in to serious and realistic racing you'd go for GTR2. And the same goes for Helicopters. There are just some things that FSX can't do.

And to be perfectly honest, the difference between any FSX-heli I've flown and DCS Black Shark is like night an day.

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Guest Private-Cowboy

Haha, doubt the AlphaSim Kamov can do this...  ;D

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I was learning the flight model and was doeing some very low level flight (~20feet). Worked very nicely thanks to the stabilizers but don't bank too much or you'll end up like me - blade edges hit the ground causing all kind of havok. The physics and damage modelling is so cool. And I haven't even started with the systems or weapons.

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FS used to have aircraft damage in FS2000, but i think it was removed after a certain major international event. I think they felt it  bit insensitive to have people purposfully crashing their large airliners just to see the damage.

I understand the predicament, but would be nice to have some simple damage in relation to hard landings etc.

Grad Turismo is a glaring example of a game that needs a damage engine.

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Haha, doubt the AlphaSim Kamov can do this...  ;D

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I was learning the flight model and was doeing some very low level flight (~20feet). Worked very nicely thanks to the stabilizers but don't bank too much or you'll end up like me - blade edges hit the ground causing all kind of havok. The physics and damage modelling is so cool. And I haven't even started with the systems or weapons.

That's the reason for having the doors open when landing & taking off. So you can jump! ;D

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Haha, doubt the AlphaSim Kamov can do this...  ;D

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well theres your problem. look at all those wires hanging out of it :o i would be worried if i were you!

and is it just me or should you be the other way round? u look upside down  to me ???  ::)  :P:D;)

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Guest Private-Cowboy

That's the problem because the ejection system isn't worth much in this situation  ;D

The damage modelling in Black Shark is vastly different from that that FS once had. You can rip of rotor blades and still fly, you can damage a single landing wheel and still fly/land (just not retract that single wheel). You can get holes ripped in the fuse by enemy AA that effect everything from flight to targeting. The damage here is not just a pretty effect.

And to be perfectly honest, saying that "AlphaSim Black Shark flies very much like the real helicopter (within FSX limits)" is pretty much pointless when the MS flightsim has one of the worst helicopter physics engines you can imagine. It might be one-eyed man in the country of the blind but compared to a true dedicated helicopter flight model/sim it's pretty much a joke. FSX simply can't do helicopters correctly and if you'd had a go at Black Shark you'd never fly a helicopter in FSX again - you would have been spoiled.  8)

There is no demo for Black Shark so I could say that you'd check that out. I can only advise you no to be so focused on FSX and get Black Shark. How much can you do wrong at a price of a Carenado?

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AVSIM has released a review of the DCS Black Shark:

... Furthermore, you must remember that this development team actually makes sims for the real militaries of the world.

The team that made this title actually had to put DCS on hold for a while to make an A-10C simulator for the USAF Reserve. The info that came out of that A-10C sim, will soon be implemented in the next DCS module. ...


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AVSIM has released a review of the DCS Black Shark:

... Furthermore, you must remember that this development team actually makes sims for the real militaries of the world.

The team that made this title actually had to put DCS on hold for a while to make an A-10C simulator for the USAF Reserve. The info that came out of that A-10C sim, will soon be implemented in the next DCS module. ...


Well if AVSIM said it; it has to be true...  ::)

... but that does NOT mean that the DCS model is P.C.F.T.D. rated; neither is the Alphasim model; but IMO its good enough to be and perhaps the DCS one is too.

Did the developers go for that, too???

Sorry, I wasn't replying to your last comment. Just generally. My mistake.

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Uh...James Chams...

Eagle Dynamics ARE making simulators for the USAF.

How did they get the information for the A-10C? The C's systems are highly classified, only a contract with the USAF would get you that kind of information.

In fact, Eagle Dynamics are making an AC-130 simulator alongside the A-10C for the USAF.

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(apparently in can also utilize multiple cores better).

The graphics engine writers specifically say that it is a single core game. Using two cores on my old AMD 6000+ I thought I got an extra 3 or 4 FPS and everything seemed fine, when it is that small it is hard to tell reliably. When I upgraded to the I7 and tried 3 or 4 cores I get little stutters and zero improvement in FPS. On the I7 one core gives me the same FPS as two cores too.

Seems your not setting the efinerty, BS does not use more than 1 core unless you alt tab or in vista 64 already have processors window open, then you set your cores, on a E8500 when i set to use both it x2 my fps.

Or use this tool


DcsMax 1.6.1 - April 2, 2009



DcsMax is a CPU affinity tool dedicated to Blackshark game

It run silently in tray bar to set CPU affinity on DCS.exe each time you launch a mission session

it can run an solo or multiplayer game

it can launch also TRACKIR automatically

It can launch TeamSpeak and Mumble voice utility

If DCS.exe is already launched when you launch DcsMax, DcsMax will detect it and will set CPU affinity on all cores(1)

(1) note that you can also enable/disabled some core

A message will appear in screen center telling you that affinity has been adjusted


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Well I have been away as fishing is in full swing and boy is it some kind of spring here. FSX and Black Shark are two totally different things. I am not a real pilot and cannot speak for flight dynamics. But if you want simulation Black Shark gives it. One can jump right in and fly FSX after changing a few settings. One may be able to do that in Black Shark also but I have only had little time to test it out but it is very comprehensive. I don't think it could really be called a game as it seems it will require some learning time and is not just another shoot em up. It is a nice addition for someone looking for a sim that is different from FSX but yet is not an arcade game....and Black Shark is certainly not arcade. To me it seems it will be a very good military flight sim...have much to learn about it and don't have the time now. Will be a great time killer in winter along with all the new Orbx releases I will get.


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A2A P 47 +Accsim is truly the most "real" feeling in FSX with FTX, but Black Shark is a 382 manual and feels like you could turn it into a full time job to use everything 100%.

Forget that you can fire weapons, you can go there big time but the term Cold and dark starts is never more of a challenge than this sim, I use 52 steps to get this Ka 50 ready to go.

To fly is all about being able to trim it and its nothing like "trim" in any fsx aircraft. Learn rolling landings and then try landing in line with other Ka 50 in the right place in the parking area and you really will pat your self on the back.

Make sure you have all 4 "auto" pilots on. it's a must, but calling them auto pilots is really not the right term, more like "you needs these on or just forget it" pilots. You can fly with out them but the ka 50 is designed to be flown with them on IRL, think of them more as helping to keep her going out of control.

You will totaly re-think the terms "trim" and "auto pilot" :)

Fly at 140 and go into a very fast stop and hover and don't bloom up or lose hight.

Hours of work above and you are only just learning to fly her and nothing more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Private-Cowboy

Well, since you all seem to be so happy with your overpriced sad joke AlphaSim Ka-50, I at least hope it's VC is just as good...

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... It's functionality sure isn't.  :P

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Hey there Yallu, I just got it and am having trouble assigning joystick buttons ie for instance I want to use the F key

to drop countermeasures but whatever I do I cannot get it to work. Any ideas. Hope you can help

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Guest Private-Cowboy

Are you making sure that you're configuring the right mode? DCS knows two sets of configs, one for the sim mode and on for the 'game' mode. They are independent and the sim mode config will not work if you're playing 'game' mode and vice versa. So please check that the config set you're altering matches the mode you're using atm.

Despite that countermeasures are not a simple drop or don't drop affair. You can program complex schemes - look at the top right of the cockpit. You've several buttons there to programm schemes like 5-1-5 (5 drops of 1 flare each with 5 seconds pauses inbetween) for instance and then execute them using the button on the lower right of that area.

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Hi PC and thanks for the reply. I realise the intricancies that are involved and I am making sure the game mode is the right one for what I am trying to do.

I can config. most of the buttons on my joystick except flares. I am using the Logitec Extreme.

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