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DX10 preview or stay with DX9


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Hi Shane,


It depends very much on personal preference, taste and also partially on the depth of your wallet, there are addon proggies that add some things to counteract missing items but still not all things are being addressed with that, I know that whole flocks of people rave about the DX10 "improvements", personally I haven't discovered them, I'm using DX9 as fsX was shipped with that and my fsX install works fine, getting my avg 30 fps easy in 99% of the places with complex scenery and even the PMDG 777, I'd buy my time and await the P3D v2.0 release ;)

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I do use the Fixer and fly with DX10 and for me the important reasons are slightly smoother flight, VC shadows and a bit of bloom (FSX bloom but toned down a lot using the Fixer so I only get some shine here and there and not all over the place). Other then that things look quite the same (apart from the water which is different, which doesn't mean better for everyone). I have FXS locked at 30 and use the Inspector 1/2 Vsync options and I get similar performance but as I said, it noticably is a bit smoother.


I don't see the HUGE differences some are reporting though and if I had known P3D 2.0 would be released real soon I probably would never have bought the Fixer. But now that I have it I use it and I do like it. I would never call it a miracle addon though: the differences between DX9 and DX10 depend a lot on how you setup your current DX9 install! The differences on my PC aren't very big because I think I had a pretty well setup DX9 system: if your DX9 system sucks big time, the Fixer might result in a greater and more noticable difference. In the end it really is a YMMV thing.


So my advice is the same as Wolter's: wait until we all know what P3D 2.0 can do and then decide what to do. (Take note that the price of the Fixer ($ 32) is quite high compared to the price of the (current) Academic P3D license ($ 50)...!)

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 (Take note that the price of the Fixer ($ 32) is quite high compared to the price of the (current) Academic P3D license ($ 50)...!)


I paid £13.99 for my copy of FSX Gold from Amazon.co.uk, what relationship does that have to the price of (any) addons, scenery, aircraft,

software or whatever?

(I should also point out that P3D is priced in US dollars, the Fixer in AUS dollars.)


I don't think the original question is in the right place and in any case, a decision based on the opinions of others is far less likely to be the right one, versus a study of the facts.

A bit like FTX Global, there is a need to make clear what it is and what it is not and the answers are not here.




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I paid £13.99 for my copy of FSX Gold from Amazon.co.uk, what relationship does that have to the price of (any) addons, scenery, aircraft,

software or whatever?

(I should also point out that P3D is priced in US dollars, the Fixer in AUS dollars.)


I don't think the original question is in the right place and in any case, a decision based on the opinions of others is far less likely to be the right one, versus a study of the facts.

A bit like FTX Global, there is a need to make clear what it is and what it is not and the answers are not here.





First of all: I posted a few facts. Secondly, the Fixer's price I posted is US dollars, not AUD. Third: the use of mentioning the price is that the OP is interested in the benefits of a certain addon while another option (in this case P3D 2.0) might be even better to get certain similar benefits from, specially when the price comes a bit close and it offers a lot more than the other option. This has nothing to do with FSX costing more than an addon for FSX: it has to do with one option possibly being far more interesting price wise and options wise. Fourth: if only facts matter and not the opinions of users we might as well close down (almost all) forums. ;)

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OK, fair enough.


Nothing to do with the topic but this talk of money has reminded me of the eye-watering amount

I and most others must have spent since FSX came out, in hardware as well as software.

Probably as much went on hardware to run Fs 2002 after Fs98 then more on Fs9.

Ouch, I prefer not to remember too deeply.




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First of all: I posted a few facts. Secondly, the Fixer's price I posted is US dollars, not AUD. Third: the use of mentioning the price is that the OP is interested in the benefits of a certain addon while another option (in this case P3D 2.0) might be even better to get certain similar benefits from, specially when the price comes a bit close and it offers a lot more than the other option. This has nothing to do with FSX costing more than an addon for FSX: it has to do with one option possibly being far more interesting price wise and options wise. Fourth: if only facts matter and not the opinions of users we might as well close down (almost all) forums. ;)

Totally agree with your posts! 

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OK, fair enough.


Nothing to do with the topic but this talk of money has reminded me of the eye-watering amount

I and most others must have spent since FSX came out, in hardware as well as software.

Probably as much went on hardware to run Fs 2002 after Fs98 then more on Fs9.

Ouch, I prefer not to remember too deeply.




Actually, I don't even dare looking at the amount of receipts I gathered along years with stuff related to FS. I wouldn't buy a new house, but a lot of other things. It's like migrating from VHS to DVD and then to Blu-ray. Makes me shiver on the amount of money I have spent. :wacko:  :)

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I am a dx10er,  the advantages are far less OOM's,  you can be fairly cavalier with the scenery settings (most of mine are at full right), some smoothness, and frame rate improvement.  the water animations are better under most settings and it has wind influenced whitecaps on the water, which is cool.  the downside is a fair amount of graphical glitches with third party stuff and portover aircraft.  most of those were ironed out with the fixer, predominantly with orbx global lights, but not everything.  I'm not going back to dx9, but I maybe have a higher tolerance for some of those glitches than others.  As for p3d, I'm interested, and if it's better, I will switch.  I can't imagine that a switch to DX11 will be perfect for all addon products either, given that it's a whole new ballpark from dx9 as well,  but if I am wrong about that, I'll be happy.

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