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Discovering Vancouver Island. Part 1.


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I think it was last week that Horatio remarked his surprise that very little appeared of Vancouver Island on the forum. So I put up an old flight I had made from Campbell River and down the east coast.


I have just downloaded the freeware Super DC-3,  and decided to do a short test flight which happened to become a long one as I discovered some spectacular scenery. I didn't realise how mountainous this part of the world was.


Quite a few caps so I will do this part of my discovery tour in 2 parts.



Departing Campbell River which now looks much better than it did on my first flight from here.



A nice slow steady climb as the manual said to fly the R4D gently and it would behave.



Over Campbell Lake with the town of Campbell River stretching along the shore. The southern tip of Quadra Island beyond.



Traveling along the Salmon River with the HIgh Rigger just one of the peaks ahead.



From l to r are Mount Roberts, Needle Peaks and Mount Kitchiner.



The White River sweeps round to join the Salmon River just out of picture. Further up the White River valley are Queen (the higher) and Victoria Peaks.



The Salmon River flows into Johnstone Straight at Sayward which lies under Newcastle peak.



A view down Johnstone Straight. Hkusam Mountain is on the right.



Hardwick Island is to the left.



Well as I am just flying aimlessly , this looks an interesting valley to explore.


To be continued where the imho scenery gets even better.

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