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A suggestion to expand the Alaska scenery


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Hi folks, heres a suggestion if your ever thinking about doing more of Alaska.

1. Further west out to the coast would be very cool.

2. A narrowish strip running north following the Dalton up to Deadhorse and Prudhoe. Not sure how many strips there are along that route, i'll have a look tonight, but it sure would be a fun flight.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love anything with Merrill Pass and Turquoise Lake, etc. They're referenced a lot and flights are often described in This Entertaining Book as well as its sequel. (I highly recommend them if you're at all interested in bush flight, or aviation in general since it'll probably make you interested in bush flight!) Also, a little further north would be great too.


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Do you seriously think they wouldn't finish Alaska? Be like changing Global to USA only...

They haven't said yet at this point that they would finish Alaska, they have hinted at another region or two, but even then Alaska would not be finished. So it's a fair point until it gets in our grubby mitts. I would definitely second the suggestion to finish Alaska, bush pilot paradise!

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