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I've got withdrawal symptoms...


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Two weeks ago on Monday we moved house, one week on Sunday I started my new cockpit build. Wifey was not that impressed, but I explained that I needed to get the sim built and finished so I could move other things into my office where my new cockpit would be based. The problem is, I've been without my FSX, and more importantly, Bella Coola for all this time. I've become agitated and grumpy and can see no other reason... BUT, I hope by Sunday I'll be back in the air. I'll be posting some shots of my new cockpit build too, so watch this space as the saying goes. Cheers fellas...

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if it helps Howard my ssd drive decided to pack up on me and i have done no simming for ages and i have a gas and electric bill on its way that would make the sky gods cry its that expensive so i cant afford to replace them yet.. but on the positive side me wife has allowed me to buy a decent yoke.

Best of luck getting your build finished though :)

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Thanks for the replies fellas...

if it helps Howard my ssd drive decided to pack up on me and i have done no simming for ages and i have a gas and electric bill on its way that would make the sky gods cry its that expensive so i cant afford to replace them yet.. but on the positive side me wife has allowed me to buy a decent yoke.

Best of luck getting your build finished though :)

Hey, a bummer Paul, I feel for you mate, maybe you should switch the gas and electricity off for six months while you save some money :D Today I got the sim to 99% finished. 'She who must be obeyed' arrived home to find me covered in glue and MDF and asked had I had a good day and was I nearly finished? Strange to receive such an understanding comment when I should be doing other things... BUT, on Sunday I hope to have it finished, at least to a point where I can return to the sky, CYBD in particular...

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Hi Howard,

My FSX went pear shaped on me and I decided to do a complete re install including the OS...I also switched to Prepar3d whilst I was at it...Taken nearly Two weeks to complete...Other half was bemused ;D ;D ;D ;D

Why do we do it... My last reinstall took the best part of 10 days too. I vowed never to have to do that again, that's why I made a small investment in Acronis backup. Wow, it's so nice to know that I always have a good FSX ro retrun to should everything go tits up!

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Here's the almost finished article... It will house my main 30" Dell monitor, two dell 17" monitors for instruments and ancilliary maps, charts etc. A VRinsight MCP, VRinsight Tact & Toggle panel, a Goflight GF-T8 switch panel and Ipad. All driven by my trusty Warhog... it looks something or nothing at the moment, but this time tomorrow it will be completely different :D

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Getting there Howard, cant wait to see the finished setup, I need to get some ideas for a new set for myself.

Tell you what Dave, it's been a lot more difficult than I had imagined. One of the biggest headaches was locating the correct height for the Warthog throttle control and joystick. Used on a desk, they are IMO too high and so with this setup I have dropped the desktop work height and lowered the Warthog through two cut apertures until it is supported beneath the surface. I hope, when it's finished, that everything will look and feel integral, but at the same time I have tried to make everything accessible with interlocking separate modules. Will show you soon...
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... any news here Howard?

Hope all is working out nicely now and as intended - and without to much delays and troubles ...

Well matey, I fired her up last night and everything worked except my trusty Warthog!! Very sad, I thought I had somehow damaged her after all the changes I had made to physically support her beneath the cockpit surface (desktop!) It appears that I have a faulty USB hub, so with a smile on my face she worked fine after I had rebooted with her connected straight into the PC. I then decided for a lfight and found that, even after months of designing the cockpit in my mind, the surface was too low, so this morning I spent another two hours readjusting and raising the surface. This sounds pretty easy but it had a knock on effect for the cockpit walls. So yes, I now am back up and running and having a few more test flights to ensure I am 100% happy with the position of the controls before I do the final finishing touches. This involves adding some fill-in panels to the three monitors and some fillets around the Warthog stick and two speakers, once that is complete I will post some screenies of the final product...

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Well matey, I fired her up last night and everything worked except my trusty Warthog!! Very sad, I thought I had somehow damaged her after all the changes I had made to physically support her beneath the cockpit surface (desktop!) It appears that I have a faulty USB hub, so with a smile on my face she worked fine after I had rebooted with her connected straight into the PC. I then decided for a lfight and found that, even after months of designing the cockpit in my mind, the surface was too low, so this morning I spent another two hours readjusting and raising the surface. This sounds pretty easy but it had a knock on effect for the cockpit walls. So yes, I now am back up and running and having a few more test flights to ensure I am 100% happy with the position of the controls before I do the final finishing touches. This involves adding some fill-in panels to the three monitors and some fillets around the Warthog stick and two speakers, once that is complete I will post some screenies of the final product...

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This looks fantastic Howard!

... one day, one day i will look forward for a set-up like Yours here!

Looks just to great!


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