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The Dream continues..


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Here's a little update, people.


I'm patiently awaiting parts at the moment, for the gearboxes for my yokes.


So, I thought, why not give the new yokes a paint treatment.


I masked up the heads and scraped back a few years of paint (probably about 30 years, I'd say!).


They looked pretty good when all scraped back. Bare metal would probably be a bit distracting in the pit, tho.


Here's some pics:




Ready for some undercoat:




The thing is, tho, that the undercoat, is actually the colour we want. Ian Sisson, over at one of the UK building sites has determined that this is the closest you can get to the real Boeing grey, which is RAL7001:




So, here's a first coat:






And a second coat. I just need to throw a few good, thick protective clear coats on now and see how she looks:






When this one's finished, I still go the FO's side to re-paint.

I decided against painting the heads, as they are in pretty good condition, anyway. I've taken off the yoke mounted checklist holders and given them a coat of paint.


I also re-did the checklists and printed them out, ready to be stuck back on the holders. My check list is slightly different to the norm, it contains a few more items that I normally check now on each flight.


That's about it. Should have them both all spruced up by weeks end,





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Well, I gotta say, guys, what one man likes, another man dislikes.


That grey is nowhere near the colour of my interior, which is the real RAL7011 colour.


I got on to Autobarn today and they are making me up a few spray cans with the real RAL7011 colour. It's ok, tho, the other paint was undercoat, so it didn't go astray.


We just been out for tea and one of my good friends gave me this sign as a present to hang over the doorway......

She's got a real sense of humour and I love it.......






Nice to have friends, hahaha,


More to come....





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I gotta tell you, I have had a small problem with FSX for some time and was unaware how to fix it.


I found the solution the other day and it is spectacular.


The problem that I and many other FSX'ers have, when you are running external programs to FSX, when you go out of FSX and select another program, the sound goes from FSX.


On the ProSim forum, the other day, somebody mentioned this problem and a program they'd bought that fixes it.


The program is called Flight1 Soundstream. It cost $14.95 and once loaded, it is merely a matter of turning it on in FSX, via the drop down menu.


From then on, you can go and do anything you like while flying within FSX and your flight and all of those beautiful sounds will continue, uninterrupted.


It's simple, works like a charm and has fixed a long standing, irritating problem that I've had with FSX for some time.


Oh, here's the URL, for anybody who's interested:





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Hi Frank and everyone.


I have been along time out of the scene but have got back on and I am blown away by all that I have seen from where Frank has gone with this project really blown away....Well Done Frank! :)


Well not since before x-mas last year have I been involved in the hobby but by the end of July this year I will slowly be getting back into it. I have had to buy a new motorbike and so my money is all tied up in that but soon I will have spare money to get back into my main hobby.....Flight Sim!


I plan to start with the engravity units and just go from there. I wont be getting probably as big as Franks but then again you never know. Anyway just wanted to say well done and I'm back :)



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Hi Guys,

I'm a bit disappointed with Autobarn. They never got back to me, so tomorrow I'll head down to Bunnings and get some more RAL 7011 made up and finish the job off properly.





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So, I went down to Autobarn and asked them when they intended calling me. Turns out the distributors are to blame for not getting back to him.


No problem, took a sample down and they matched it. Just as well, too, look at the difference here.  The plasti-cote undercoat colour on the right and the new RAL7011 colour on the left:




Quite a bit different, wouldn't you say?


And so I got to and sprayed the heck out of that little yoke. Now it's looking good, all shiney and so......









A bit of gloss to finish her off and a few warm days baking in the sun.




More on the horizon..........







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Well, one down and one to go....

Finished the first yoke this arvo and have pulled the second out and started stripping it.

Now I have the right coloured paint, it will be a breeze.







I did not paint the yoke head, as it would ruin the finish. Instead I got out the dremel and the buffing wheel and polished out

the nicks and dents and then some good automotive cutback, finished with a good quality polish. 

It came up quite nice.


Hopefully the second one will, too,







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Thanx John. And you are right, they are the real thing. These babies are out of a retired 737-300. They've probably done a few million sky miles and now they are getting set to do a few million simulator sky mile...whoops, I mean knots. 


Ok, so as I've probably already said, in this game, you gotta roll with the punches!


Well, as it turns out, if I want the pretty curved screen with the 3 projectors, just like the big boys have got, my room is just not big enough............snafu!


But, not all is lost.

As luck would have it, my room is big enough, if I turn the sim around 90 degrees. The base I built for it, fits with a few centimetres to spare.....whew!


Now, the bad news....All the work I've just done on the installation of the yokes needs to be moved forward about a metre or so............ahhhhhhhh......


So, I'm trying to pluck up the nerve to go back out there and survey what will be another month of work (and some repairs to fix what I've already done) in getting it back to where it will need to be.


I suppose the good news is that I've discovered this now and not months down the road, when I had my floor back down, shell on and all my avionics re-installed.


Ok, so I gotta get the finger out, I'm heading out there after tea and gonna do an assessment and get it started.



More on the flip side............






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Thanx John. And you are right, they are the real thing. These babies are out of a retired 737-300. They've probably done a few million sky miles and now they are getting set to do a few million simulator sky mile...whoops, I mean knots. 


Ok, so as I've probably already said, in this game, you gotta roll with the punches!


Well, as it turns out, if I want the pretty curved screen with the 3 projectors, just like the big boys have got, my room is just not big enough............snafu!


But, not all is lost.

As luck would have it, my room is big enough, if I turn the sim around 90 degrees. The base I built for it, fits with a few centimetres to spare.....whew!


Now, the bad news....All the work I've just done on the installation of the yokes needs to be moved forward about a metre or so............ahhhhhhhh......


So, I'm trying to pluck up the nerve to go back out there and survey what will be another month of work (and some repairs to fix what I've already done) in getting it back to where it will need to be.


I suppose the good news is that I've discovered this now and not months down the road, when I had my floor back down, shell on and all my avionics re-installed.


Ok, so I gotta get the finger out, I'm heading out there after tea and gonna do an assessment and get it started.



More on the flip side............






Hi Frank

The trials and tribulations hey?

Out of interest what are your room dimensions?


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5.7 metres long by 3.2 metres wide and 2.7 metres high ceiling.


I did the drawings up tonight after turning the sim 90 degrees. It will be a little tight length ways, but it will allow me 4.5 metres width the other way, which is just enough for the projectors I'll now be using.


So, I'll be breaking out the hammers and spanners in the morning. I should be able to knock it over in a week or two.......





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Blinking ay!

That's a fair size room Frank - what was the problem (assuming the sim is 2m wide), was it the throw of the projectors?

Which projectors do you have in mind?

I have discovered the lower the resolution (obviously worse picture) the more zooming out can be done to match the views; which I find is better with regards to 'popping' of autogen (as well as performance).

I was looking at the Infocus IN126ST


What are your thoughts?

As ever keep up the good work pal :)

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Sorry Andrew, I'm a nonce when it comes to projectors.


My friend, who does the installations has organised the projectors, I don't even know what they are, just trust his judgement.


On another note, I won't be doing much for a few days. I slammed the car door on my index right finger and broken it. It hurts like hell and I'm all pumped up on pain killers at the moment.


So, looks like the re-build will have to go on hold for a few days.


Gives me an excuse to put the feet up and watch the V8's for a few days..........haha





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Hi Frank

Ouch; rest the finger up mate! On the positive side, at least your still in the clouds with those pain killers :)

I have had a fair bit of feedback on the projectors over cockpitbuilders - All good positive feedback :)

When I get home from Dubai I will finish my new PC; 6 core, 780 etc (that we discussed) and will let you know how it is

All the best enjoy the rest!

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Aye Frank knowing you though your hands may not be busy but I bet the old brain is still going full tilt mate, you have a rest my friend and remember slowly slowly catchy monkey, you will soon be back in full swing.



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Aye Frank knowing you though your hands may not be busy but I bet the old brain is still going full tilt mate, you have a rest my friend and remember slowly slowly catchy monkey, you will soon be back in full swing.



Very true Ian, very true indeed

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I'm a bit of a glutton for punishment.

I tried sitting around today and couldn't hack it. The fingers strapped and I'm able to use the rest of my hand, so I got to and scraped back the rest of the yoke.

It's all done now, just needs a sand all over and I can start putting some undercoat on it. I wanna have it done and ready to put back in the sim this week.

There's a fair bit to do over the coming few weeks, so it will be nice to get a bit of a head start on it now.

More to come.....


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Thanx John. And you are right, they are the real thing. These babies are out of a retired 737-300. They've probably done a few million sky miles and now they are getting set to do a few million simulator sky mile...whoops, I mean knots. 


Ok, so as I've probably already said, in this game, you gotta roll with the punches!


Well, as it turns out, if I want the pretty curved screen with the 3 projectors, just like the big boys have got, my room is just not big enough............snafu!


But, not all is lost.

As luck would have it, my room is big enough, if I turn the sim around 90 degrees. The base I built for it, fits with a few centimetres to spare.....whew!


Now, the bad news....All the work I've just done on the installation of the yokes needs to be moved forward about a metre or so............ahhhhhhhh......


So, I'm trying to pluck up the nerve to go back out there and survey what will be another month of work (and some repairs to fix what I've already done) in getting it back to where it will need to be.


I suppose the good news is that I've discovered this now and not months down the road, when I had my floor back down, shell on and all my avionics re-installed.


Ok, so I gotta get the finger out, I'm heading out there after tea and gonna do an assessment and get it started.



More on the flip side............








Hey buddy you have got to stop doing this, I am starting to get my damm headaches back again.


This is hard on us too.


You're a better man than I 'Gunga Din'.

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Thanx for the comments, guys.

Today I spent some time at Bunnings and masters sourcing some materials for building my curved screen. I had a different idea earlier, opting to buy a ready made screen from America, but I'm going for a semi-permanent solution that will be built in the room.

So, I get home and get to pulling the yokes back out of the base. After that, I have to turn the base around 90 degrees. Hmmmm, that's a bit tricky on my own.
This thing weighs a few kilo's let me tell you.

So, Superman gets it upright, but it's almost impossible to turn it around.....struggle, struggle, it gets stuck on the wall, which isn't all that bad, cos it gives me a chance to rest my newly developed hernia for a few minutes.


A few more screams, a bit of colourful language and I get it turned around. Then lowering it on the carpeted floor is fun!

In the end, a bit puffed and a sore back, but it's done.




I've screwed the floor back down, so I can re-construct the shell. 




The MIP's in place and I'll put the sidewalls in before putting the shell around it for a fitting test as well.


The shell will finish about 600 cm short of the wall, so I have a little space to build a rear cabin and entry door.


Sorry about the quality of the photo's, I took them with my iphone and they turned out quite grainy.



More to come in the next few days...........







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Hi Frank Im not an expert but I do know there is a special type of paint you can use if your not using a traditional screen where the light goes through the projection screen. This paint is designed for solid walls and apparently defracts the light so as to help improve its presentation. A friend uses it in his home cinema as at the moment he cant afford a full on pro style projection screen. Looks OK to my eyes.

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You are probably referring to 'screen goo", which is a paint used to improve the screen gain.


It's a very debateable subject, some say it works, others not. I've got a guru in the business helping me out, supplying my projectors and helping me with my screen size, direction, etc. 


He has the runs on the boards as far as installations go and I've seen his cockpit set up in his home. It is a wet dream!


If only mine turns out half as good, I'll be a happy man......


On another note, I've started building the shell again. After having painted it, all my markings as to what bit goes with what, are gone, so I'm starting from scratch again. It's like one giant mechano set.........


I'll have some pics of my progress for you all tonite, watch this space!!!!





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well gang I have been in touch with Pete Cos from FDS and I am about to order my big setup. Hopefully all going to plan I will be buying the mip and glare to start. Come on tax man be nice to me please.


I have sold alot of my Ham Radio gear I have had for many years but this hobby is more important to me


one step at a time



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