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Map of FTX airfields.


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I was trying to get a handle on the relative locations of the FTX NA airfields and was searching for a map. Some of the airfields on the product pages have very basic maps which lack detail and there are, of course, the Google earth maps.

Although the Google earth maps are fantastic for finding points of interest and nearby airfields etc the problem I have with them is that the FTX airfields are lost amongst all the other airfields. Could the maps be tweaked to add an option to declutter, so that only FTX airfields are displayed?



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Hi Steve,

I assume that you mean to only show the payware airfields and payware-quality-airfields (like KHQM) instead of all ORBX-(default)-airfields. I am not shure but I think I have seen something like this somewere...

As a work around: How about using the kmz files and only chose to display the relevant airports? A list is provided in the Forum (http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/44802-where-to-fly-today-orbx-ftx-airports-list/page__fromsearch__1)

It would, however, be nice to have one map (KMZ-file) with all payware airfields and payware-quality-airfields in the NA region and one with all payware airfields and payware-quality-airfields in the AU region. I agree to that.

Best regards, T.

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I use Google Earth for organizing all my Orbx airports - it's really the best thing I have been able to find to organize all the Orbx sceneries and airports.

There is an option on the left side (in your Google Earth program) - you can click the little boxes to eliminate all items on the map that you do not wish to show.

Once you get all items off the map you can then add custom placemarks (little yellow tack icons). I use these custom placemarks to represent where the payware airports are located.

Included in Orbx payware region packages are .kmz files (these open with google earth). Double clicking on these .kmz files will permanently imprint the region boundaries into Google Earth which is awsome.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks guys for your replies.

Bills511, that's exactly what I was after! Thanks for making available your .kmz file as well as the screenie. That's really helpful as it's saved me the chore of producing my own map, which would eat into precious simming time! (one question though, where did WA69 come from?!)

Perhaps the devs could make an official map/.kmz available and keep it updated as more fields are released?



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