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Map with the (upcoming) addon airports for PNW?

Guest J van E

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Guest J van E

Is there a map somewhere that shows me where all released and upcoming PNW airports are? I am trying to figure out where the new PNW airports are but although I can find them (I think) using Google maps, I have a bit of a hard time seeing them in relation to the others (because you can't search for two or more at once afaik).


BTW I think it would also help (for new customers but also me ;) ) if the product page would tell us which city the specific airports are lying close to. That makes searching for them a lot easier. Searching on Google maps for Jefferson airport got me nowhere near PNW...

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Guest J van E

Ah, there is Jefferson! Thanks! Now that I know where they all are, I decided to make my desired map myself... ;) and here it is. All PNW payware and free airport addons. Now I can easily where they all are and where I should plane a flight from and to. :)

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Ah, there is Jefferson! Thanks! Now that I know where they all are, I decided to make my desired map myself... ;) and here it is. All PNW payware and free airport addons. Now I can easily where they all are and where I should plane a flight from and to. :)

Hey thanks for putting that together. I like to have a simple little map of all the addon airstrips on hand

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Guest J van E

I like to have a simple little map of all the addon airstrips on hand

Me too. ;)

I know about PlanG: don't have it installed right now. But it can't show you all airports at a glance like the map I just made, which is what I really wanted. ;)

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That sure helps,figuring out where the airfield locations are.Based on the shot above,I'll be buying a couple more now.I like to buy them,where there is some distance between them,such as 50 to 150 NM.

Now.I hope someone may put a map up,like the one above,for all the Australian airfields,freeware and payware,by regions.Such as AU RED.Which fields are available for the RED region only.

I'm wanting to buy these aussie fields,one region at a time,and then go on to the next AU region.I've been holding off,for now hoping to see aussie region maps like above.Than I'll get my wallet out for sure.

Thanks for the above map.


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Guest J van E

I updated the map: it now includes the bonus airports (in green) which comes with various addon airports (I connected the airport with which they come with a small line).

BTW I only added land runways, not water runways and I also only added those strips which you can actually choose in the FSX Flight Planner (so which have an ICAO code).

P.S. I already knew this but while looking at this map, I thought (again) that we really need at least two addon airports to connect the north with the south... How about it, Orbx...? ;)

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What are the fields in Green?.Are they future fields coming out,or freeware's.If there freeware's,where are they at so I can add them as well etc?.I already printed out your above maps.Thank you for your efforts with the above maps.The maps are super,for my needs.

Note:I did start another topic related to the four AU regions.It would be super if someone comes up with maps like J van E's.I haven't bought any of the AU fields,because I need maps like yours here etc.



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Guest J van E

Ah yes, but his map was complete. ;-)

LOL I can guess which airport(s) you were missing... :P

And now we're talking about Cushman... ;) After pre-paying the upcoming three PNW airports yesterday, I decided to make my PNW-collection 100% complete and so today I also bought Cushman. :) Although I am more of an Anacortes kind of airport man and I am not really into 'fantasy' airports, it's nice to have options! :P While creating the map above I noticed Cushman was the missing link between Bowerman and the northern airports, so... I decided to get it! What I like most about Cushman at the moment are the rocks and later on the logs of wood (of whatever you call them) that you see in and underneath the water when you approach Bear Gulch: looks awesome! I've taken the ultralight from Cushman around the corner to Bear gulch a few times already, flying as low as possible over the water (with the Sparkling texture from REX) and seeing that stuff underneath the surface and those big mountains all around... nice!!! I already forgot the airports are fictious: to me they are more than real. ;) (I've never seen the other airports in real life either, so... as far as I am concerned Cushman and Bear Gulch are part of the world now, hehe.)

EDIT That bridge is awesome too, of course!

What are the fields in Green?.Are they future fields coming out,or freeware's.If there freeware's,where are they at so I can add them as well etc?

They are what I said they are LOL :P But I won't mind repeating myself: ;) the green airports are the bonus airports which come with various addon airports (I connected the airport with which they come with a small line). So Bear Gulch is a bonus airport that comes with Cushman, Clam Harbor comes with Orcas, and so on. I thought about adding a legenda to the map but since I only post it here and people can read what I post (well, most people... :P) I skipped the legenda. BTW Some of those bonus airports are VERY simple strips: they aren't all Bear Gulches, so to speak. ;)
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Guest J van E

Some of those Payware's I don't have yet.Thats why I asked about the ones in Green.I didn't mean to cause any friction,in this topic.

O, no, no friction at all!!! What I said wasn't meant harmful or whatever! Hence the many smileys!!! Sorry if my post offended you and made you think I was offended or anything! No harm done anywhere as far as I am concerned. ;)

BTW About the airport Cushman: the area is a LOT larger and interesting than I thought it was when I bought it...! I mainly flew around the lake that connects Cushman and Bear Gulch and thought that was it, but I just discovered there is a HUGE area around it that's photoreal too, with villages and stuff near that other water on the right! Cool! Although it seems the groundtextures are of a lower resolution than they are with some other airport addons: not talking about the small high res parts here, but compared to other airports low res parts the Cushman low res parts seem er.... lower res ;) , so to speak: somehow the autogen trees and houses don't blend in as well too because of that. Nevertheless, I am very happy with my purchase! :).

Well, this teaches me to not skip Orbx airports... ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Larry,

you can right-click on the map and then select Save Picture. Then you should be able to load the saved .jpg file into your preferred image viewing software and print it from there.

Cheers, Holger

P.S.: Need-to-Know, to date there's only one airport (PAKT) for PFJ so it's probably a bit early for a dedicated map. If you're looking for a way to generate a PFJ coverage/landmark map then see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/35120-ftx-north-america-pnw-pfj-nrm-crm-kmz-map-files/

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Great map, will use it often. I love flying in the southern PNW but there are no airfields down there, I enjoy Roseburg, Creswell, Cottage Grove area. Closer to the upcoming CA region too. Now big cities (Portland and Seatlle) to pull down the FPS when you are on final approach. As much as I love the other fields, I haven't bought many because they are very close together and can give an FPS hit with the city area is in the distance.

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