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Will FTX Go EU ?


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  • 6 months later...

Its my first time hero so hello for everybody and respect for Orbx FTX people !

+1 for Scandinavia , reason? There is not at all any other support for this terrain, Lot of Germans , Holland , would enjoy it after vacation here:) . I’m happy to hear that England will be under ftx so would be fine fly from there to nearest next land on the east. Of course Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Croatia.

Carpathian Mountains would enjoy lot of countries, its forgotten beautiful region of EU about FSX addons.

Poor Norway, Sweden, Finland , Denmark screaming COME TO US AND HELP us look beautiful as in real!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi John V,

See what you've started? A stampede of Flight Sim unthusiasts putting the pressure on you and the team.

They all want their piece of the world! You're going to be in serious trouble now. You shouldn't tell us

mere mortals anything.... we should be happy with whatever you can bring out; without stress and pressure.

Still... you let the cat out of the bag! It's your own fault.


Hank (one of your most loyal supporters)

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Dear JV,

please, please, pretty please: what with all the great region-projects still to be realised and finalised - don't let Australia fall beside the wayside. There are still any number of small to midsize airports screaming for an Orbx/FTX treatment...


Mallard (sorry if I'm hijacking and repointing the thread from large areas to small airports)

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