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First look ..Shade


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No offence guys. Just paying devils advocate here. Perfect example is Alan2's very nice shot posted above. The mountains are captured beautifully. Even slightly too bright. Yet check out the cockpit. Dont tell me thats true to life. Detail is lost.

My stance is not that you should not use this program. I might actually get it myself. My point is the quality of screenshots has gone down suddenly. Hopefully like Alan2 says above, its early days and the blackness is tweaked out. Check out some screenshots from last week and compare.

@Griphos - Some people make screenshots an art form (ala Iain and others). The art has gone black.

If the plane is turned so the sun is on the side or behind, the cockpit is illuminated. It is purely a time of day and position of the sun kind of thing. There are a few other presets that dont cause this much darkening of the cockpit when facing into the sun/lightsource.

I did not like the overly shadowed cockpit either flying into the sun but it is not something you cannot change. You simply address with a different theme. But then the shadows are not as rich and dark on the scenery. Likely there will be a balance struck. I am not using ENB mod yet so I dont know if that is the answer.


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Yet check out the cockpit. Dont tell me thats true to life. Detail is lost.

I think you have things back to front. Any screenshot or photo that shows comparable exposure of exterior and interior is unlikely to be true to life! That's why our eyes have pupils. Whether screenshots with a realistic dynamic range match the prevailing aesthetic is a different matter.
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You are quite right Trev. My first flight had me squinting at the panel to see the instruments. Potential show stopper. Next at Tamworth,..the grass was bright and vibrant, onother show stopper. The colour really worried me . Being just a touch colour blind , looking at pallettes is confusing.

Anyway, I downloaded another preset which seemed to fix all that. I did it last night and now I cant remember which one it was but probably the ones prefixed by "Mark......"

Its not quite as dramatic and a bit benign but I haven't lost any thing. So alls good if I continue to tweak, I always have this one to come back too

Im using Heikos newly tweaked enb

Mark, how do we know which preset is installed ?

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I'm glad I got this for $10 because for sure it's worth double...at least! :) Straight out of the box I could see a difference and it is NOT a placebo effect!

One question: I have been using Bojote's shaders 3.0 and have been delighted with them. (ATI incidentally) Should I disable them, do they do the same job as Shade?

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Very impressed with Shade! All the posted screenshots are extremely nice. Just downloaded it today and have only tried it as is.. It is a welcome addition to FSX. Can't wait to try other settings. It is definitely worth every penny.

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Super shots, Alan. Can you tell me - are they Shade presets, or have they been modified? Re presets: Seems sensible to check those out first. Presumably each one is a self-contained package which can be fired up as is, and doesn't need any of the other options? ::)

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Hello Pete,

You have four shortcuts on the desktop, select the "Graphics GUI". When that opens look for "Load Day 1 from a preset"..then you can see all your choices. Click on one then hit open , That will load up the GUI . Look for the "Clone day one " and hit that, and hit OK within the small pop up window that appears. Youve just loaded up your preset.

To start the Game , hit "Shade"shortcut, you will see the graphic load up and the auto start FSX will begin..

Sorry if all that was obvious but there it is.

And yes, they are self contained packages , so no need to do anything ( unless you want to have a crack at it yourself).

Guys are running this with and without enb mod . Heiko has posted his enb mod to suit Shade. I think its in the screenshot section under "Shading away" or in another shade post.

My screenshots had Heiko's enb mod and a preset, try Marks Final or Endless Summer. Doesnt matter , I have not explored it fully yet.

Keep well, cheers

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Tell you what chaps im very impressed indeed with this ive spent most of today trying differant shade settings and at the moment i like Marks Final so far.



Glad you my preset Ian... despite he name, which I did intend to rename to something better before release... this does reduce the shadow depth somewhat during peak daylight hours, but not during dawn and dusk.

Alan2... there is no indication at present... I'll ask Steve if it possible to to show the name of the last loaded preset.

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Got it and find it has much improved how FSX looks for me, much better contrast and seemingly more saturation to colours(?). Also trying Mark's settings ATM which seem to be much more subtle than the default settings which I found seemed a little too dark. I have just attempted to complete a Air Hauler flight though which until I completed it I did not realise AH had not connected to FSX - I'm not going to all out blame Shade but I did wonder if using Shade_NL may have perhaps prevented AH connecting to FSX? I ran Shade_NL and then launched FSX by starting my flight from AH. If anyone has AH and Shade I would love to know if you are having any problems? It is quite possible that this it totally unrelated to Shade and just a coincidence.

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I'm getting some oddly-dark clouds towards dusk using REX OD, Mark's final settings and John's ENB (with over saturation off) - but other than that can't complain!

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Not sure what can be done here as it seems the angle of the light has the clouds behind those facing the sun to go dark. High noon and sunset/sunrise have a more even lighting effect on the clouds as the sun is farther above/below and you don't see this half dark/half light effect during those times of day

Edit: following Heiko's suggestion of reducing the ENB DarkeningAmountDay to 1 has helped

Further edit: changing DarkeningAmountDay to 1 is only effective during sunrise/sunset. During the midday hours having it set to 1 results in the sim being too bright for me. Luckily ENB can be tweaked on the fly so I guess I'll just have it open to adjust as necessary

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I've been using it as well, but it's a little grey, or more washed out than some others. Heiko's comparison thread is excellent. Really helped me hone in on some good ones. I'm using Clean White Sunsets now, but there are several others I want to give a workout.

What a great addon!

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I agree with you Iain, 'Mark's Final' is excellent. For me it follows the shadows during the day more truly than any of the others and it's very natural ie not too too dramatic.

As a matter of interest, Shade is certainly doing wonders for the photo scenery we have for Britain where the colours can, if truth be told, look a little flat on the many grey days we tend to have here.


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As a matter of interest, Shade is certainly doing wonders for the photo scenery we have for Britain where the colours can, if truth be told, look a little flat on the many grey days we tend to have here.


I agree John. (that IS John isn't it?) Just for a laugh, I reinstalled VFR Horizon, but only Vol 1, to see how it fared. To my astonishment Shade has almost worked a miracle! So much so that I didn't uninstall it. Believe me, that is saying something. :)

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You are the most skeptical person I know, on any question, you cynical old fellow you. Since you do not say "Shade" is not worthwhile, I just went into FSS and bought it. I figure if you don't hate it, then, I am quite sure I will at least have to like it, if not love at first sight. When next we meet on teamspeak, you will help me set it up I hope.

Kind regards,

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Hey peoples... being lazy here instead of searching properly, but can someone tell me where Marks final can be found?

It's a preset included with SHADE...

Start SHADE_GUI and go to LOAD DAY 1 and you will see it. Select it and clone it to the rest of the days. Exit and run SHADE.EXE to launch FSX with that new preset.


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You are the most skeptical person I know, on any question, you cynical old fellow you. Since you do not say "Shade" is not worthwhile, I just went into FSS and bought it. I figure if you don't hate it, then, I am quite sure I will at least have to like it, if not love at first sight. When next we meet on teamspeak, you will help me set it up I hope.

Kind regards,

Oops! I think a bit of bad grammar in my post led you to believe that I didn't uninstall Shade. Not so, I'm totally sold on Shade. It was VFR Horizon's UK scenery that I didn't uninstall because Shade made it worth keeping on my HDD.

I hope that clears that up.

Or is the hole just getting deeper? :D

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Oops! I think a bit of bad grammar in my post led you to believe that I didn't uninstall Shade. Not so, I'm totally sold on Shade. It was VFR Horizon's UK scenery that I didn't uninstall because Shade made it worth keeping on my HDD.

I hope that clears that up.

Or is the hole just getting deeper? :D

Just a foot or so deeper I'm afraid, not too bad. :unsure: Remember the old axiom from the 5 R's of education when we were boys (reading, riting, rithmetic, rules and most importantly, recess), a double negative equals a positive? I wrote: "Since you do not say "Shade" is not worthwhile, I just went into FSS and bought it." which means you must think "shade" is worthwhile. So, you being a good leader, I followed! ::)

Kind regards,

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Hi Guys

Just bought this today after reading all the positive words about it. Hav'nt had time to try it yet. Looks interesting. More knobs and switches to fiddle around with but there seems quite a number of presets to have a go at so i'll stick with that for now.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks Mark just downloaded it it looks great been using it on PNW and Aussie ... just got the program today and been having fun with it all day. Works well with REX and clouds and sky take on a whole new life, Its a program that can be used to enhance reality or turn it all into a Fantasy land if you so wish.. Promise not to post fantasy land screenies TreeTops..    : )

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