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From KHQM to 2WA1


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Took some nice flight recently from KHQM to 2WA1... fine flight... only the waether was not that fine in the beginning ... but that changed later ... so:

Everyone, please enjoy,


Taking off into the rain ...

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I then returned and tried some other day ... with modest weatherconditions ...

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... some stop in between to get some burgers ...

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And then moving on again ... above the clouds towards Mt. Olympus ...

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... and finally ... after some missed approaches (was not so easy to bring this nice twin engine plane down save at 2WA1 ;) ) ... and with some over all kind weather: Back ...

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... home ...

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In the takeoff shot from HQM, I see the lead in lights behind you are illuminated. Wrong direction on takeoff? :P

Hello Bruce!

hmmm... i don´t remember exactly, but think i simply took off into the direction, FSX set my plane onto the runway and as soon as i was in the air i just circled around the area for some time... then returned and tried again when the weather was better ... took off again, circled around the area again, took some more screenshots and then moved on with my intended flightroute ... little bit of hanging around in the air so to say before enroute ;) ... i know, ATC would definitely not have been happy about that - but: good luck for me (and all) - it was just me in my small simmer´s world there :) !

Cheers, Christoph

Brilliant Christoph. I really like it when you take us on a trip with commentary. I'm too darn lazy and just post a single screenie, nice one matey.

Hello Howard!

Thank You very much for Your kind and encouraging words here! ... sometimes i am afraid, that i talk to much obviously ;) ...

And on return i simply just have to admit, that when bringing Your great screenshots into my mind it´s just really very easy to say:

Sometime one picture tells more than a 1000 words! ... so: Who needs any talking then :) ?!

Cheers, Christoph

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