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[FIX NOW AVAILABLE] - Gabled Roofttops


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Order Number: 8364



1 x Orbx - FTX: AU Blue Temperate South (ORB-001) = $29.95

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1 x Orbx - FTX: AU Gold Subtropical East (ORB-002) = $29.95

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Thank you Toby the order number was sufficient as more I did not ask for :)

Now back to your "problem"

The "problem" with the rooftops has been reported before :( the cause was alas in the installation order and not switching off FTX mode before installing the second installer.

The cure ;

Do you have FTX Mode set to [OFF] when flying outside Australia? If yes, and you still see the triangle roofs, then you may have corrupted your ORBX\Scripts\Backup\RoofDescriptions.spb file

Try the following:

1. Do an FTX Mode [OFF]

2. Copy the attached RoofDescriptions.spb into your \Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Autogen folder

3. Delete the AutogenDescriptions.xml file in that same folder

Now go and fly outside FTX region, i.e. France or EU and see if the roofs are fixed. Please can you report back here if that worked?

I think this may solve your "problem"
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  • 1 month later...


I have read through the posts on this subject and, as I have the same problem, I thought I would try the suggested fix - result was that there was no change.

This problem of gabled roofs exists in Australia and in other parts of the world, irrespective of whether FTX is turned on or off. FTX did cause this to happen early in the piece, probably about the time of the AU Blue installation. Now I can live with it, but I must admit it does detract from the eye candy and realism of this great scenery package. Obviously not everyone is having the same problem so it is a mystewry to me why only some of us are getting these gabled, yet flat roofs. I can't send screenshots as I've tried and failed.

Voz was removed from my installation before loading AU Blue and I've defragged, tuned-up and everything else I could think of, but no change. I will leave it at that and hopefully read one day that there  :)is a solution, in the meantime I am just looking forward to AU Green, and Red of course, but Green is the most important for me.

Thanks for a great program.

John G

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Dear John,

Without wanting to sound foolish...

1. Check FTX mode is OFF before replacing the file

2. Run FSX and see if they're gone

3. If they're not, replace the file again and don't forget to delete the xml file in the same folder as per instructions.

4. Every time i reactivate FTX, the gabled rooftops appear again so i have to replace the rooftop file again each time i fly ftx.

Hope this helps you,


PS This means i'm not flying much FTX because it's a real pain and detracts completely from the experience...

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Ok I wanted to ensure this was not a bug, so I tried a simple experiment over KSEA Seattle.

First shot shows the gable roofs "bug" with FTX Mode [ON] - that shows the roof end-gables appears with the custom Orbx RoofDescriptions.spb in the <fsx_dir>\Autogen folder active. Even though we actually don't annotate those tiles, it shows up that way - it's mystery to us to be honest.

Posted Image

OK so now I do an FTX Mode [OFF] and presto! No gable roofs showing, as per the image below:

Posted Image

So... the only explanation I have is that you're running Vista and have not given the FTXmode.exe application full access rights to the FSX folder, which means that your original backed-up files are NOT being restored back to the FSX folders. What makes this worse, if that you found this out, fixed permissions and then ran FTX Mode succesfully, you'll probably backup the Orbx modified files and then it won't matter if FTX Mode is on or off, the Orbx files will always persist.

The only way to fix this is to restore your original autogendescriptions.spb and roofdescriptions.spb files back into your <fsx_dir>\Autogen folder.

If you PM me what version of FSX you have I can send you those two files ok?

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Dear All,

Even wiith FTX OFF, I am getting random Gabled Rooftops in Europe.

Replacing the rooftop file does not work.

Awaiting your help,



Replacing the roofdescriptions.spb with the original FSX one will most certainly fix it. Sorry to contradict you but that's fact. The issue you may have is that your ORBX\Scripts\Backup folder contains the Orbx custom version, not your original file.

I got your PM Toby and I've linked you to an installer which will place your pristine FSX .spbs into your ORBX\Backup folder. Let me know if this helps ok?

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Dear John,

Thanks for the exe file but as you can see, i still have this gabled rooftop problem.

This shot was made in switzerland with FTX mode off.

(and i accidentally replaced the original screenshot with this one, so you will see this shot in my original post too)


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OK the filesize and date shows it is default FSX-Acceleration, so I guess the next step is for me to try to reproduce your problem at that location. I can honestly say that if you have the original spb installed, there is little FTX is doing to cause those roofs, since it's not providing any annotation for scenery outside its custom folders.

Are you using default scenery or some addon at that Switzerland location?

Can you send me a saved flight at that location if it's default?

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I'm using the relatively new Switzerland Pro X scenery but I did not have this problem there before flying in Australia with FTX last week.

I took the screenshot at location - N47 17.22 E8 12.11

After checking nr LOWW, Austria, where this problem was very obvious, I can't see this problem atm. It seems to be affecting only this 1 type of building (in switzerland for example)

Before the problem was more widespread. If you could help, i would be very grateful...

See below for a close-up, i hope this helps you discover which building is causing the problems..

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Hi Toby,

I just ran a test in Austria near LOWW. With FTX mode ON I slewed around until I found an area with lots of "gabled" rooftops, then exited FSX, and manually replaced the RoofDescriptions.spb with the FSX default version (FTX mode remained ON), then started FSX again using the "Previous Flight" scenario FSUIPC had saved. No incorrect rooftop to be seen anywhere. I also went to that location in Switzerland but obviously the specific autogen placement I see (default FSX or UT-X Europe) is different from what Switzerland Pro X does.

Like John said, it really only is RoofDescriptions.spb that is of relevance here. Maybe do a Windows search for "RoofDescriptions" to find out whether you perhaps have more than one version active at the same time? Also, sometimes renaming a file in a folder, e.g., from .*bgl to *.bak, doesn't seem to fully deactivate it (FS going by the file header rather than its name???), so if that's what you been doing in this case try moving the file out of that folder instead.

Also, if you replace RoofDescriptions.spb manually without using FTX mode then also remove the RoofDescriptions.xml file, if present. In my test it didn't make a difference but since it's an uncompressed version of the FTX RoofDescriptions it may somehow override the default .spb.

Cheers, Holger

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Guest Donkieman


I have the same problem with rooftops.

Where do I get the roofdescriptions.spd required to be placed into the autogen mentioned earlier in the post as a solution?


is there a perm fix? As I understand one has to replace the roofdescription file everytime FTX is activated.

Thanking you in advance  ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...


I seem to have this issue also. I noticed this in Egypt last night.

Just to clarify, do i need to switch off ftx mode when outside OZ in order to avoid these kinds of artifacts?

I never bother.. and as I run alacrity pc, shutting down FSX between continents is less than ideal as the shutdown and start up time is kinda long. Also running VAFS (http://www.vafinancials.com/ ) so I frequently fly from Australia to other countries and am not keen on having to run in differing modes.. (and cannot without interupting VAFS)

I am running Vista 32, Accelerator FSX. And yes before you ask.. I will trawl through my emails and get my registration numbers when i get home tonight..


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We may have a workaround for the gabled roofs which will allow FTX Mode to remain on. To do this, we will need to adjust the annotation for a few default tiles in FSX. It should not take us too long to implement the workaround, which I'll look into when we've released AU GREEN.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

From a technical perspective there are two approaches we can take:

1. Edit the problem cell in all the FSX default roof texture sheets to change the gable ends to industrial roofs. We can make then fairly generic so the impact on gabled house roofs won't even be noticable.

PROS: An almost instant fix

CONS: Does not fix the GEX custom roof textures NickN released some time ago.

2. Edit all the autogen annotation around the world to specifically call flat roof textures where the original ACES FSX annotation was erroneous.

PROS: Fixes the issue for default roofs globally without tampering with the gable textures

CONS: Does not fix GEX since they have custom annotation

We are leaning towards solution 1 since it means that it's a quicker fix and you can still use our modified roof textures with GEX and/or addons; just don't install NickN's modified roofs.

If anyone flying in the USA and EU wants to be a 'guinea pig' and test fix 1 in the next week or so, let me know here in this thread.

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To be honest, this issue is why I have not purchased any more scenery beyound Aublue. After having gabled roofs popping up whether I had disabled FTX mode or not for a while, I finally uninstalled (despite the fact that I otherwise love the program) Reinstalled FSX and now am holding off pending a final fix.

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