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My upgrade for carenado's Mooney!

Russ White

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I'm sorry, but I don't see the issue here.

Isn't this just a set of new texture files and a modified panel of the sort that is available on a daily basis to the flightsim community for all manner of aircraft both payware and freeware via sites such as Avsim .

The basic aircraft model, air file and aircraft config. are not being modified and you will still need to purchase the aircraft from Carenado to utilise it.

I must admit, I was quite excited at the prospect of getting my hands on this excellent work and was ready to purchase the Mooney from Carenado. I'll not bother now.

Very sad indeed.


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Whole groups of developers have gone out of the business because it was 'just' a texture, or just a 'panel' , perfect example is www.fsfrance.com , it is a matter of principle for some developers that nothing is changed and uploaded to other sites other than their own, rather understandable when you know why it is being done. I am not talking about piracy here, I am talking about people blatantly claiming ownership of the ideas and execution of those ideas of other people. However, as I said... just hang on for a bit ;)

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Watch the thin line Mr. }SkOrPn--7 ;)

Sorry bud I got a terrible habit of telling it like it is and not sugar coating things but for crying out load this guy just did a repaint and happens to be well received by those that have the plane and those that don't have it.

I have just received a response on this subject from Carenado.......and it's a thumbs down guys!

Sorry to here the news your work is outstanding but least some good came of it you have a job with ORBX so congrats.

Screw Carenado, are you insane?!?!?!!!! And as for calling people that you do not even know jacka&%es, this is NOT how we work here, Fernando happens to be a friend of mine and a reason that Fernando is not reacting is that life gets busy ya know, your opinion on these forums is not appreciated like this Skorpion and I would strongly suggest to pull your head in... again. I have alerted Fernando to this thread so just wait and see what he says ok? No need to go berserk until you actually have an answer.

Sorry JayKae didn't mean to offend as I didn't know he was a friend of yours but thanks for sharing that titbit it was sweet. I understand that life gets busy but it a shame that you have to alert him of concerns when a paying customer has sent emails directly asking for confirmation to what appears to be sensitive subjects. Russwhite got his email with thumbs down so good friend in deed when a talent like Russwhite is just trying to improve upon product and not only that but created sales from it as John already raced out and brought it and employed him because of his talent. Community spirit life and well from another dev.............................

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I've stayed out of this discussion and wil keep it like that,

the intention of my post to you }SkOrPn--7 was and still is that we do not condone the use of certain lingo if you get my drift, hence my remark "Watch the thin line".

I can relate to the fact that certain things may get to someone and entise strong sentiments, that doesn't mean that we should start a screaming show and badmouth other persons in any form or way.

Let's go from the point of view that when someone "creates" an item, irrespective of what that it is, it's his/her baby and it's his/her decision to do whatever they please with it, if he/she decides that they do not want that someone else "reworks" their "product" that's their decision and it should be respected without going bananas.

And this has NOTHING to do with the SUPERB QUALITY of the work done by Russ wich imho is absolute non plus ultra.

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I'm just a businessman but if I have a product to sell, as has Carenado, and someone has offered a modification to my product for free, and that modification will improve sales of my product, I would be quite foolish not to take advantage of that situation.

I don't see that anyones intellectual property is being stolen and as I see it, there is a 'no loss' situation for Carenado. Russ is not claiming ownership of the aircraft and I assume he will make it clear that the Mooney must be purchased from Carenado for his files to be used.

Just the view of a businessman.


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I have been watching this thread with great interest and hope as I have the Ceranado Mooney.

Very dissapointed with the outcome but I believe that the wishes of Ceranado must be respected.

Well done Russ you are obviously very talented and as such sure to succeed in all that you do.

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I hope i am not treading on anyones toes but

is there any law that states you can't provide people wih instructions on how to make these modifications to there own mooneys

not breaking copyright maybe

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Interesting thought.. here is another one for Russ.. there are many very good freeware aircraft out there.. with no restrictions on the use of the files.. why not pick out a couple (maybe even a good Mooney) and create a similar panel for it.. you obviously have a great talent, and a desire to give something to the FS community,so please, do not be disheartened by this setback. Use your skills. Teecee.

Ps.. finding the right aircraft might be time consuming.. if you feel there is any merit in this idea, ask for suggestions..

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Hi there,

this is actually my first post here, sorry that it is not at all related to the amazing Australia sceneries. But since Carenado is reading this thread too I'd like to add my few cents too...

I saw the screenshots from this panel modification and was blown away, this is so amazing! And as a customer of Corenado's Mooney I would love to get my hands on them! I agree with Graham's post above... there's something here that actually improves the product, I fail to see why that would in any way harm the creator. Not allowing it "harms" the customer as he wants to get the most out of the Mooney.

I know that Carenado is good quality so I'll by their next plane anyway, but this modification is simply too amazing to just let it die here...

Best regards,


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here is another one for Russ.. there are many very good freeware aircraft out there.. with no restrictions on the use of the files.... finding the right aircraft might be time consuming

How about the default FSX Baron ? It would be a great GA plane for FTX but it has the worst panel of all the aircraft that came with the game.



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Without prejudice I can say that funny thing was I was almost (literally) about to hit the add to cart button over at flightsim store for the mooney, however as I have not had an email reply (sent before the email here from what I can judge - so I know that email has been read and replied to) with my own questions, combined with the outcome of this forum I can easily say I will direct my monies elsewhere.

I support the companies that support the flightsim community.

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What a great thread that demonstrates the diversion and passion of the flightsim community, which is obviously not only alive & well, but really vociferous in it's views! I purchased the Carenado Mooney on Wednesday and I am absolutely delighted with it. Like many other in this thread, I initially bought it on the strangth of Russ's work, and the stance that Carenado have initially taken is disappointing, to say the least. I am still really pleased with the aircraft, it is a fine piece of work which could have been totally enhanced to "as really real as it gets!" by the work Russ has put in. We can only hope that as a community, we have raised enough doubts in Carenado's mind whether or not to allow the upgrade. Let's hope so. Wonderful work Russ, I also looked at your website - stunning.

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Just a thought, I don't have the mooney, would the upgrade fit the fsx default mooney, how diff are the flight paramaters is the default one that bad or is the other one that good.

On a diff note i also have a program called virtual skipper where the developers encourage the guys to develop there own skins(repaints), so much so that the community gets treated to some spectacular creations, the skins are shared online during the race. No one gets hurt , the simulation gets more popular, the developers make more money, it's a win win situation.

I really hope sanity prevails here and given enough time we can all get to thinking along the same lines and get a win win out of this.


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Not at all CasioAlpha, if I have an issue, you'd know about it ;) My last post was merely to hint towards the fact that I am still working behind the scenes on something to see if an exception can be made :)

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Yeah, thanks Jay to follow up there. I remember the panel upgrades for the RealAir Siai Marchetti - RealAir gave kindly permission and everywhere you saw thumbs up and happy campers. I too purchased the Mooney after seeing this beautiful texture work by Russ. It's an excellent plane which lives up to Carenado standards and i have a lot of fun with it. But to tell frankly - that window tint drives me nuts... If everything fails, i would be very thankful for a small tutorial how to alter this file.

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Hey Mango - It is a great plane huh! This Rough and ready fix that just removes the tint completely:

1: Go to: Program Files/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes/Carenado mooney

2: select the folder individual texture you want to de-tint (eg texture.red)

3: delete the file WindowsInt.bmp to remove tinting from inside looking out

4: delete the files WindowsExtM20J.bmp and WindowsExt.bmp to remove the tint viewed from outside

Proceed at your own peril, backup etc.

Note: I fly a selection of Mooneys IRL and most have the tinting - it's pretty annoying for taking pictures etc and as it ages the view gets cloudier. Don't know if it was a factory option or a aftermarket mod..

Personal taste - I love it without the tint (Better way to enjoy the ORBX world IMHO)

Posted Image

Yeah, thanks Jay to follow up there. I remember the panel upgrades for the RealAir Siai Marchetti - RealAir gave kindly permission and everywhere you saw thumbs up and happy campers. I too purchased the Mooney after seeing this beautiful texture work by Russ. It's an excellent plane which lives up to Carenado standards and i have a lot of fun with it. But to tell frankly - that window tint drives me nuts... If everything fails, i would be very thankful for a small tutorial how to alter this file.

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Works for me! ;D Thanks squeeker - just in case, I "moved" the textures to another folder so I didn't have to re-install if I changed my mind or it caused problems (seems OK though). Good fix -especially the "inside out" view.

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I've stayed out of this discussion and wil keep it like that,

the intention of my post to you }SkOrPn--7 was and still is that we do not condone the use of certain lingo if you get my drift, hence my remark "Watch the thin line".

I can relate to the fact that certain things may get to someone and entise strong sentiments, that doesn't mean that we should start a screaming show and badmouth other persons in any form or way.

Let's go from the point of view that when someone "creates" an item, irrespective of what that it is, it's his/her baby and it's his/her decision to do whatever they please with it, if he/she decides that they do not want that someone else "reworks" their "product" that's their decision and it should be respected without going bananas.

And this has NOTHING to do with the SUPERB QUALITY of the work done by Russ wich imho is absolute non plus ultra.

I understand and will try my best to curve my terrible habit of just blurting things out in my own way. I know Jaykae has chipped me about it before but here I am doing it again I know but old habits are hard to break and this whole issue is so pathetic when someone is just trying to make the sim better from the product default he brought. Well Fernando has given the verdict and with that Carenado no longer gets a penny from me if that's the attitude but that his his decision as is mine to no longer buy.

@Mango chase up Private_Cowboy he has changed the glass tint and perfected it but having said that Fernando wouldn't allow such changes to the files according to this thread and emails received but then I wouldn't listen and still go a head and alter the files for a clearer view to suit my own tastes but that is just me........

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Removing the texture is one way but varying the actual opacity gives a far nicer fix for those wanting a clearer outward view.

There is a different texture called for the internal and external too by the way and if done incorrectly especially for those with nVidia Graphics arrays they may end up with either Black or Milk White where it should be translucent.

You have been warned.

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I am one step further at the moment so please be a bit more patient guys :) Hopefully my next message in this thread will be with some good news... hopefully :) Some things are worth fighting for... no?

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OK.. don't have the Mooney (yet), but I have the Centurion, and the green windows are soooo annoying that I rarely if ever fly it.. I tried removing the two textures mentioned but nothing changed, so I edited the one that was green..downgraded the green to almost white in "paint" ... bingo..nice clear glass.. Oh boy.. now I can use this nice aircraft.. thanks all. Teecee.

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Drop me a PM and I'll clear up your glass.  ;)

Private-Cowboy you should place up all those other improvements you made and tweaked to the config files I'm sure many here would luv to test and see for themselves what a big improvement you made to this aircraft.

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