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Isan is at an elevation of 6,955' and said to have a strip 1,345' long.

I overflew it several times yesterday after flying in from AYTP, so I went back today to start a flight from AYIS & get a better look at it.

A few pics are attached.



Ubiquitous smoking chimney.



Colorful washing.



Angled view. The Porter is in fact on a small plateau & you can't see the full airstrip from the cockpit. To take off you trundle forwards then drop over the

lip to the downhill ski jump remainder of the airstrip. & pick the gap in the trees at the end of the airstrip if you're running out of runway.




Up in the top left is the airstrip. I think below in the pic is an adjacent village, or part of Isan. On my first approach here I noticed the tower structure in the upper

center of this pic. Not sure what it is for, perhaps Ken could inform us, but I assumed it was a control tower so I was looking for the airstrip to be next

to it. Took a couple of circuits for me to realize the airstrip was further over.



Have left AYISO & dropped down to the right. Keen eyes will pick up the tower off in the distance, above & to the right of the aircraft.


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another great set TT.

That tower is most likely used for observation, but lack of elerticity procludes it as an airport control tower. A lot of the model placement is a combination of photos scrounged from various sources and good ol artistic licence, I was a landscape artist for years painting Australian scenes in oils and I learnt early on that when painting a picture requires carefull repositioning and exclusion and adding in parts to improve the composition, with so little information to go on I rely on my artistic licence and a what would most likely be there approach, earlier strips I did like Tapini Kokoda and Guari which are in the microsoft airports list now I had great photos and was able to get very close to real life, but somehow I like these better as I am free to improvise when I think it will fit in and improve the experience. 

Anyway I'm glad your enjoying them.

In case you didn't notice there is an update out for Pack 2 I notice some rocks were missing , so I fixed that yesterday and Version 1.01 is ready to download on Orbx Central now.

thanks again for showing the strips off I really do get a buzz from seeing peoples screenshots and reading their comments.



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14 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Ubiquitous smoking chimney.

smoking tourist meat ;-D   I mean the tourist himself as a meat 😄

Edited by jean marc
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