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Does Orbx Central still only run on C-drive?


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I am currently running out of space on my C-drive, so every free byte is precious and even OC's 400 MB are a lot. 

Is there still no possibility to install OC on another drive than C?

Edited by wolfko
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unfortunately, there is not, though it might be possible to copy the files to another drive

and link them back to the C drive, it would probably not be worth the trouble.

I would guess that there are other and better ways to free up some space on your C drive.

Do you use P3D?

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@Nick Cooper

Hi Nick, thanks for your advice and sorry for my late reply. At the moment I am exclusivly using MSFS. I have now got rid of quite a few of those apps MS thinks I need but I don't. This freed up some space and enabled me to install Orbx Central.

Cheers, Wolfgang 

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