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Back again

John York

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Hi John,

Good to know that you are back.

You will be getting used to the new hip with less discomfort as you go along.

I still think you will feel a good deal younger and not letting your age get you down. I am coming up 80 and still raring to go.

Cheers, Joe

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Yes my old friend i got your message im glad everything went alright and you are back home and im glad the rework of the pc went alright as well should see an alround  ;D improvement with both of you now Take care.



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Welcome back John - seems an age since we chatted on the Horizon Forum (VFR London etc).

By comparison Orbx (products and forum) are in a different league - much more entertaining in every way!

Stay hip man!


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There will be nothing to hold you back now eh? - a new hip and a daring 4ghz overclock on your i7 - you'll be doing a marathon next week  :D

Glad all went well and your home safe and sound  :)

So how are you frame rates now? ... Finally better than my old X2  ;D

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Thanks fellers.  Nice of you.

While I was away, I see another PNW airport prepay has been sneaked in.  But you can't fool me!  I'm now waiting for it so get a move on JohnV. ;D

Now, where did I leave off from reading the forum?



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Glad to hear all is well John. I've been running at 4 GHz on my i 720 for some time now with no probs. It really does make a difference. Also discovered EZdok (EZCA). Don't notice any stutters any more cus of the the movement of the cabin! Waiting to download Concrete Muni. Flying has never been so much fun.

Hope you return to full fitness real soon.

Pete ;)

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glad to hear that all went well with the surgery and that your practicing the can-can in your spare time!  Seriously good to have you return to the cockpit.  Hang in there.

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