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Cannot get MSFS to run with new Sandane scenery

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Hi there,


I bought ENSD today and then ran in the latest MSFS updates.


Headed off to try ENSD but found MSFS very slow to load up the scenery ... and then it just seemed to stop so the flight didn't start even though the blue ribbon at the bottom was at 100%.


Can anyone offer any advice, please? [I have got MSFS to run with default scenery.]



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I was about to buy ENSD today, but when I checked the airport in LittleNavMap I saw that ILS is not in line with the runway, Enno (Notodden) is another example, why does Orbx sell airports that do not work?

Edited by IXOYE56
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I believe that if the real world ILS lined up with the runway, landing aircraft would be obliged to fly through the hills on their way to landing.

I expect that this was seen as undesirable.

You can see the charts in the P3D User guide

Certainly, a straight in approach seems unlikely.




and this seems to make more sense.




It also appears to match the real world chart



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23 minutes ago, IXOYE56 said:

I was about to buy ENSD today, but when I checked the airport in LittleNavMap I saw that ILS is not in line with the runway, Enno (Notodden) is another example, why does Orbx sell airports that do not work?

Following on from Nick, I've just checked the charts from Navigraph for both airports, both are LOC approaches and both are offset between 10 and 15 degrees, so the airports do work

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