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LSZH scenery packs ini problem?


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I recently purchased Zurich LSZH which was automatically installed by Orbx Central into my xPlane Custom scenery folder.

 @Jon Clarke would you kindly check my scenery pack.ini file as my parking gates don't appear to bear any resemblance to my Navigraph plate.

I'm wondering whether I've got 2 sceneries superimposed on top of each other.

I've run it through xOrganizer but still the same.


It's release date was 1st September 2021 so it should match the October Navigraph airport plate.


Many thanks .... Don.scenery_packs.ini






Edited by flyinggizmo
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I attach 2 pics of what I see at the parking gates of LSZH

Your scenery_packs looks OK

Regarding comparisons with Navigraph I cannot help you as I don't use it, however your question regarding that aspect would be better asked at the Aerosoft forum as Aearosoft are responsible for all support with their addons. Aerosoft are using Orbx Direct as a retail outlet under the Partnership programme but remain responsible for Support requests.

To check your addon you could try this addon isolation test to see if you are getting any duplications or interference with LSZH

Rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.bak

Make a new Custom Scenery folder

Drag and drop or make shortcuts for the LSZH folders into the new Custom Scenery folder along with Global Airports

Run XP11 at LSZH and see if there is any difference. This test will show if there is anything wrong with the addon as it will be isolated from all other addons.




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15 hours ago, flyinggizmo said:



It's release date was 1st September 2021 so it should match the October Navigraph airport plate.


Many thanks .... Don.scenery_packs.ini


Hi Don,


That is a misconception. LSZH may have released at Orbx in October of 2021, however, this scenery was published in May of 2016. So Layout etc are "a few years" old at this point...


Hope this helps

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Thanks for the replies. @FlyingFella I managed to find a plate on an old version of Jeppesen FD dated 13/5/2016 effective 26/5/2016 and there are large differences compared to that one as well.

It appears that they've added gates that don't exist and removed gates that are currently there now. It's a bit of a mess really.

@Jon Clarke For the reasons stated it would seem that this airport has been mis-represented on the Orbx Central site.

This quotes a "brand new version for x-plane 11" and "updated taxiways and parking positions" I appreciate this is an Aerosoft product and I will be posting about it on their forum but I don't think that relieves Orbx from it's responsibility to check that those marketing statements are correct at point of sale. I'd appreciate your comments.

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I will need to refer this to @Ed Correia for comment  regarding Orbx' responsibility as it not in my purview.

"I appreciate this is an Aerosoft product and I will be posting about it on their forum but I don't think that relieves Orbx from it's responsibility to check that those marketing statements are correct at point of sale. I'd appreciate your comments"

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