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A few screenshots from Testing of MS2020 WU5 - Part II


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This has turned out to be a "difficult birth"  .  


It often has seemed like I was going backwards rather than forwards, but then I would see a glimmer of hope and get things moving in the

right direction again.  My "hobby thing" with flight simulation is visual fidelity and this update has been a challenge


There is a hotfix tomorrow and I'm sure  there will be others and things will eventually sort themselves out. But at the moment in spite of my issues getting

things going  it is quite a workable sim for me.  And the great news of the day for me was when my sim monitor or worse yet my GPU,  died this morning

it turned out to be just a  wonky cable which was fixed with a quick trip to the computer store.


So here are the last of my test sequence.  There are one or two here that surprised me, and I am slowly coming to the conclusion that rather than being a regressive 

step visually compared with the previous update, this one actually has much more potential.  What do I mean - well in Usercfg.opt there is a very nice and

welcome parameter line called Raytracing   0   


Yes please .... just give me the update where it is set to 1 and I will never ask for anything more. Really !  I promise :D:D


I particularly like the smoothness and also that my machine is now just idling along : CPU temp at 46C, GPU at 61C with everything on Ultra at 2.5K.

And I am now getting happy with the visual fidelity. Next step is to start loading in Orbx and checking it all out.


I hope that your experience is also moving in the right direction as well:)






For those of you who are into photography, you will know that getting the white balance right can really be a right little pain.  And this was no different.

Didn't help that I forgot that the monitor hardware calibration LUT  that I had made the night before the update release was still sitting nice and safe

on my hard drive rather than in the monitor where it belonged. :rolleyes:.  I don't mind being forgetful in my old age.  I keep meeting the nicest people , all of whom

seem to know me from somewhere before :)






I like making my own weather presets and just started playing around a bit at this point. I'm not sure the ground crew appreciated my sense of 

humour though :rolleyes:







And this one just made all the frustrations disappear.   It is kind of fun what you can accomplish with  a bit of tweaking:D





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