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For your Easter basket

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Candy Dulfer is from Amsterdam and has been around twenty plus years in the contemporary jazz field and is in her 50s. listen to the guitar solo by Ulco Bed in the first and second vid and the (flugelhorn) solo by Jan Van Duikeren. in the third vid. If y'all like jazz or even if you don't that is. :D






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12 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Thanks, Adam. Hey, is Pittsburgh still a good place for jazz? My wife is from there, and I remember back when it had a  lively jazz scene.

Yes indeed, there are many jazz clubs scattered around the 'Burgh, Rodger. My wife and I used to go nice place called "Paris After Dark."  After you go through the liberty tunnels you turned left on to route 51 and was about a mile up the road. Nice little dimly lit place with candles on the table and four piece jazz combo. Then there was the popular Crawford Gril in the Hill District. Today a place called Muddy Waters Oyster Grill is very popular and they still have the Jazz Festival and Blues festival every year as well.


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