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YBCS runway black at night

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I just bought YBCS and flew from YBAS to YBCS.

Upon arrival at night, the runway on approahch was black and the landing lights of my Lear25 barely illuminated the runway. However, after exiting the runway onto the tarmac, landing and taxi lights showed up fine. Also, the aircraft was very dark under the airport lights. I'm on V5.1


Is this normal?




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Personally I have found that some aircraft illuminate better than others, CS B767 illuminates fine.

YBCS Landing Lights.PNG


Where as my Real Air Turbine Duke does not. So I don't think it's an Orbx issue, I believe it is either an aircraft issue or P3D issue.

YBCS Landing Lights Duke.PNG






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When I said the runway was black, I meant no lights. Not clear at all. My apologies.

I had already verified files prior to post, but did so again anyway, no luck.

I recently purchased Austrailia V2, would that figure into this?

Files attached.




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  • 1 month later...

I am also having issues with no runway or taxi way lighting at YBCS 

i have tried the files added for lights always on. And I have tried reinstalling object flow.

and it does work when I first load the sim.

then I reload sim lights do not illuminate.

No aus v2 installed.




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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


following a brief test, it does appear that unless the product is installed into the P3D v5 directory,

the runway lighting does not work.

Can it be possibly updated?



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15 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


following a longer test, it appears that in fact the lights do work regardless of how the airport is installed.

Try 0300 hrs and see if they work then.


I’ll test and report back.



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On 5/31/2021 at 6:31 AM, Nick Cooper said:


following a longer test, it appears that in fact the lights do work regardless of how the airport is installed.

Try 0300 hrs and see if they work then.

Hi nick 

I just tested numerous times at different times of the day and yet it’s still not working.



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If you have the airport, the Orbx Libraries and objectflow installed and active, the lights do work.

As they do not work for you, logically one of the three must not be working correctly.

As an experiment, could you try creating a new Orbx Central Library at C:\Orbx Central Library

and then uninstall objectflow from your H drive and reinstall it into C:\Orbx Central Library please.

Make sure that it is still active in P3D v5 and try the lights again.


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11 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



If you have the airport, the Orbx Libraries and objectflow installed and active, the lights do work.

As they do not work for you, logically one of the three must not be working correctly.

As an experiment, could you try creating a new Orbx Central Library at C:\Orbx Central Library

and then uninstall objectflow from your H drive and reinstall it into C:\Orbx Central Library please.

Make sure that it is still active in P3D v5 and try the lights again.


Hi nick,

ok i will test this option and report back.



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