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Airport buildings not showing

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I purchased the UK scenery and installed it on an external hard drive to save space on my pc. Everything was working fine - scenery/airports etc.

I forgot to connect the hard drive and started Xplane. Closed down and restarted with the hard drive connected. The scenery works fine but now the airport buildings are missing. If I don’t connect the hard drive I get the airport buildings but not the scenery. 

Any ideas as I don’t want to reinstall the scenery again.



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17 hours ago, HappyCactus said:

Re-verifying the scenery works - the airport buildings are visible. Saves me a lot of time re-installing if (when) I forget to attach the hard drive next time. Thanks for your help 

The other side of the coin is that if you have Orbx backups enabled, an uninstall/reinstall is pretty much the same as verify files anyway.

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If a backup is available then that copy is used for both the Verify Files option and also for any reinstall after an uninstall.

There is the chance that if initially the original download/backup is corrupted in any way, then the problems will be perpetuated unless the backup copy is removed.

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