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[EDDT] RWY 8R approach lights [EDDT by GayaSim]

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Good day,


Seems like EDDT is suffering a very similar problem as LOWI by GayaSim for XPlane - the approach lights are located on the runway. A collision with them is inevitable. 




Would be nice if this could be fixed sometime soon. "Log.txt" and "Scenery_packs.ini" are attached - XPlane is 11.52, currently the latest stable release.

Thank you in advance.



Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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I have moved your Orbx TEGB files to directly under Global Airports where they are now devoid of any possible clashes with other addons bar your 3rd party airport addons. I have also placed the Landmarks London (Laminar) above the TEGB South addon as it is required to be above that in order to complement the landmarks of London that are part of TEGB South.

It is up to you of course if you wish to use the attached, revised, scenry_packs.ini, but I would suggest you do as it optimises the Orbx TEB addons.


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Thank you, I will contact them directly. 


Also: Thanks for the advice on the scenery_pack.ini - I use xOrganizer however and I often disable airports/regions based upon my flight plans, in order to reduce load times. Therefore changing the file now does not really make sense, as it will likely be overwritten soon anyway.


Edit: Just to clarify, this is what I meant in regards to Gaya doing the same error at LOWI for XPlane: Link

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Is there not a way that X-Organiser can keep your TEGB addons where i have put them when you are enabling that scenery?

The TEGB files need to be directly under Global Airports for optimal positioning, with the laminar London Landmarks just above the TEGB entries but still below Global Airports when you are enabling TEGB South.


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I will have to look into that. Currently I do not fly there anywhere, so its not a "hot issue" to me, but I´ll check nonethelesse. Thank you!


Edit: Maybe I´ll just feature suggest the developer of xOrganizer to restructure the scenery_pack.ini file for whenever Orbx is detected, as I am sure, that I am not the only Orbx customer who also uses xOrganizer, so that change might be welcome by more people.

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I know that the developer of X-Organiser has had talks with our Dev about how X-Organiser can work with Orbx addons, especially the True Erath addons. My understanding is that the latest version of that programme is now more compatible.

The only problem has been the placing of True Earth addons in the scenery_packs.ini file. It tends to separate the files and also tends to place the Orthos files way down the list when in fact for optimal performance and to avoid potential scenery clashes/conflicts, the TE addons need to be together in the A/B/C sequence and directly under Global Airports

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  • 3 months later...

This is by the way still not resolved. Gaya has received my ticket - after three months i followed them up and asked how its going, but even after more than a week: no response, nothing. They straight up ignore it.


Gaya products may be ok, but behold if you need any support what so ever, in that case you are entirely on your own. To me the behaviour negatively reflects on Orbx as i fail to see why they would partner up with a company thats only interested in their customers money, but not in giving support. A shame, really!

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  • 2 months later...

Another 3 months later and, yep you guessed it, still not resolved!


Since the initial report it has been almost seven months and nothing has happend. Is this the level of support that Gaya is willing to give and Orbx is willing to support by hosting a product, which receives no fix despite reports of the bug to the developer on multiple occasions in such a long time?


Plain unacceptable at this point, both on Gayas end as well as Orbx.

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  • 1 month later...

Good day,


another month has passed and I am back again. As per Orbx own policy I´d kindly like to request a refund of my purchase. I made the publisher (Orbx) and the developer (GAYA) aware of this issue in multiple attempts, yet this issue is still around, although I waited far longer than the 30 days mentioned in your refund guideline. In fact, it is now 7 1/2 months later, and the fix is still nowhere to be seen.


Last week I contacted Gaya once again via my ticket and asked them, how they were progressing on the patch that was previously said to come in September - Answer: "we have no timeframe for that fix". Further they said I shall "contact Orbx to redeem refund and act by their policy" which I´d like to do hereby.


Please tell me how to proceed on this.


Thank you!



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thank you Jon.




I just submitted the ticket (#26983) - one thing to note please: @Richard Lincoln I could not find EDDT in the list of airports in Europe, despite searching for it. Either because I just missed it repeatedly, or it is missing in that list. However, to proceed I selected LOWW as the airfield, as its also produced by GayaSim.




I hope that this does not raise any further confusion and hope to hear from you soon.

Edited by FlyingFella
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21 hours ago, FlyingFella said:



thank you Jon.




I just submitted the ticket (#26983) - one thing to note please: @Richard Lincoln I could not find EDDT in the list of airports in Europe, despite searching for it. Either because I just missed it repeatedly, or it is missing in that list. However, to proceed I selected LOWW as the airfield, as its also produced by GayaSim.




I hope that this does not raise any further confusion and hope to hear from you soon.

You are welcome and again apologies for your unresolved issues.

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