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Tacoma Narrows CTD

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perhaps try verify files for KTIW, in case the update has somehow affected them.

I am assuming that you purchased with Orbx Central?

I think it to be unlikely though.

If that does not help, to rule out a newly introduced conflict, try renaming your Community folder to CommunityX.

Then create a new Community folder, in the same place and move just KTIW into it.

This will of course remove any other addons.

See if you can then visit KTIW without the CTD.

The process is easily reversed, once you have done the test.


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Hi Nick,


A bit more information for you if this helps.  The default Seattle Tacoma International does not load (CTD) with Tacoma Narrows installed.  If I delete Tacoma Narrows, Seattle Tacoma International does load.


I assume there is a radius around a particular point where add-ons will be loaded.  Tacoma Narrows must be outside the radius for Orcas Island but inside the radius for Seattle Tacoma Intl.

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Some more info for you Nick,


As an experiment I moved Tacoma Narrows from it's default location (the one I listed earlier) into the Packages/Community folder.  It still causes the CTD.


I should also mention that this isn't the only third party add-on that is having problems following Asobo updates.  Redwings Sion airport causes a CTD in exactly the same way, but only on the version bought via the Marketplace.  This is affecting several users (as far as I know all those who bought via Marketplace).  Apparently Redwing say they have a fix but are waiting for Asobo to put it up on the Marketplace.


I have a concern that every time a world update is released it will become a lottery which DLCs will work and which will CTD :)

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I have read that there is a problem after the update with the Drzewiecki Design product that they have acknowledged and will be fixing.

I don't see it but of course, their products are installed into the Community folder by Orbx Central.

I don't know if that is relevant or not, to be honest.

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I don't have any of the Drzewiecki products. so hopefully it's not a factor in this case. 


I guess as no-one else has waded in on this thread it is likely to be something specific to my set up in this case, but it did work fine until I tried to start there after the last Asobo update.


Anyway, have a great Xmas Nick, maybe it will sort itself out over the hols or Asobo will correct something their end :)

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I've done some more experimenting. 


If I load MSFS with Tacoma Narrows installed, departing from there causes a CTD regardless of what plane I use. 


However, if I delete Tacoma Narrows, restart MSFS, and then install it again, it is possible to fly from there and the scenery is definitely present.  This seems to work with all aircraft.  But I have noticed there are fewer parking spots available to start from than there are when it was installed before MSFS start up.


I hope this information might help narrow down the problem.

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I'm having the exact same issue as OP has described. Can't load into any airport anywhere near Seattle, Washington if Orbx's KTIW Tacoma Narrows airport is installed, which I bought from the MSFS marketplace a day ago. It just produces an instant CTD approximately half a minute after I click the Fly button. I don't have Drzewiecki Design's Seattle addon installed. If I uninstall Orbx's KTIW Tacoma Narrows airport, I can load into any airport in Seattle area as usual, without experiencing CTDs. 


Some others are having the same issue and have written about it on AVSIM: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/589940-ctd-with-Orbx-ktiw-and-drzewiecki-designs-seattle/

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I have seen it reported that Drzewiecki Design have identified the problem with their scenery.

I am unable to replicate the problem at all though.

Can you confirm:

1. if the product(s) were bought at Orbx Direct or the Marketplace

2. which version of the simulator you are using

in case either of these are factors.


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1. if the product(s) were bought at Orbx Direct or the Marketplace. Answer: Marketplace

2. which version of the simulator you are using. Answer: the very latest., Premium Deluxe version, bought from Microsoft Store.


I've filed a bug report through MSFS zendesk just now.

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I terms of version, I did not mean which simulator version, as the question is redundant

due to the mandatory nature of the updates.

I meant, did it come from

the Microsoft store

Aerosoft DVD version

Steam version

X Box try for £1 version?


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It seems that the Marketplace is a common factor but I am unable to test the theory.

If any customer visits this topic and also bought KTIW from the Marketplace but

finds that it and its nearby airports work, I would be grateful for any feedback.

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Looks like I've been able to find a workaround and possibly found a cause to this issue.


At first, here's the recap: Everything's been fine with user's (me) MSFS 2020 (bought from Microsoft Store, and he also buys all addons, whether aircraft or scenery, from MSFS' in-sim Marketplace) until he buys and downloads six airport addons from the said MSFS marketplace during this ongoing sale/discount even that Microsoft is offering, TWO of which are made by Orbx (KTIW and EGNM).


Community folder is empty. Rolling cache is deleted and therefore permanently disabled. Physical RAM is 16 GB and virtual memory page size is three times more than that (48 GB). 


The problem: In this situation, If user wants to spawn at either this newly bought Orbx KTIW or any default airport near it (such as KPWT, KSEA, KRNT in Seattle, Washington), the whole MSFS sim crashes to desktop aka CTD. Doesn't matter what aircraft.


If the user moves the following folders/airports out of the MSFS installation folder and into somewhere else (by using cut-paste):




then he's able to spawn (FINALLY!!) at either the newly bought Orbx KTIW (and enjoy it in its full glory) or any default stock airport near it, such as KPWT, KSEA, KRNT or any airport in Seattle, Washington. There's absolutely no CTD or any other issue this time around, provided that these payware third party folders/airports have been moved out of the MSFS installation folder, like it's shown in the picture above.


What's extremely important in my opinion to note here is the fact that for MSFS 2020, I also have Orbx: EGLC, EGNM, EGPN, LIEO, London City Landmarks and last but not the least, the newly bought KTIW. I haven't moved any of these Orbx products out of their installation folder. They all remain intact, useable and visible in the sim. These Orbx products are NOT conflicting with ORNX KTIW, nearby Seattle airports and causing CTD. 


So, in short, according to my experiment conducted so far, Orbx: EGLC, EGNM, EGPN, LIEO, London City Landmarks and the newly bought KTIW aren't causing conflict with either each other or the default Seattle airports such as KPWT, KRNT etc. At this point, in my opinion, Orbx is not at fault here.

I'm now off to conduct further experiments, which involves putting the airports in the picture above back into the MSFS installation/root folder one by one in an attempt to find the culprit airport behind my particular CTD issue. Among the ones shown in the picture above, my preliminary suspicion are on: Aerosoft EDDK, Creative Mesh 3U2, Flightbeam KPDX and LVFR KSAN, as these four are the ones I bought along with Orbx EGNM and Orbx KTIW during this ongoing Microsoft Marketplace sale/discount event, right after which this CTD issue reared its head.


More info to follow.


The thread in this forum that inspired me to do this is the following:  https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/199932-wycombe-air-park-egtb-ctd-at-the-same-point-on-the-loading-screen-every-time-i-try-to-start-a-flight/


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11 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

Do those airports you listed that you got from Market Place install into the Official folder and have you moved them to the Community folder without any CTD?


Hello Jon,


Good morning. Merry Christmas and Happy new year (in advance) to you. 


Answer to question number 1: They all install into the Official folder by default. Exact path: E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Official\OneStore. Addons bought and installed directly from MSFS in-sim Marketplace don't go into Community folder.

The community folder is empty and untouched.


Answer to question number 2: No, I haven't moved them to the community folder. They initially got installed to the Official folder as they normally do. It's just that I've now moved them to a custom, user-created folder on a different drive that I named "MSFS ctd airport testing folder" just to conduct this bug-hunting experiment. 


EDIT: okay I think I understand what you want me to do. You want me to take the airports listed in the picture and move them into the Community folder and then see if it causes CTD? Thanks for the suggestion if that's what you meant. It's on my to-do list now. Will report back.

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Alright, so after approximately 2-3 hours of investigation and experiments, I can now confirm, without any doubt, that in my particular case, it's the Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe addon that's been causing the CTD and conflicts with Orbx KTIW and airports in Seattle, Washington. 


With Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe uninstalled, I don't have any issue with spawning at either Orbx KTIW or any airport in Seattle. 


With Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe installed in either Community or Official folder, I have CTD at either Orbx KTIW or any airport in Seattle. 


If I uninstall Orbx KTIW but have Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe installed in either Community or Official folder, all airports in Seattle, Washington work as expected without CTD.


If I have both Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe and Orbx KTIW installed in either Community or Official folder, spawning at the former airport works as expected without CTD.


I bought Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe from MSFS marketplace, and not Orbx. I guess that for a temporary workaround I'll just have to keep EGTB uninstalled (or moved to a different folder and only move it back to Official folder when I wanna use it while flying in UK) and contact and report the issue to the developer directly. And hopefully this investigation and subsequent report help Orbx and the forum users on here in some way. 

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That's interesting, because I've been running Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe alongside Orbx Tacoma Narrows for several weeks without any issue, until the recent Asobo updates.  I'll try moving the Pilot Plus product and see what happens.


But in any case, I wouldn't blame the Pilot Plus product for this as both products have been working fine.   I think the fault lies with Asobo in some way because their updates have triggered the issue.

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4 minutes ago, Majickthyse said:

That's interesting, because I've been running Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe alongside Orbx Tacoma Narrows for several weeks without any issue, until the recent Asobo updates.  I'll try moving the Pilot Plus product and see what happens.


But in any case, I wouldn't blame the Pilot Plus product for this as both products have been working fine.   I think the fault lies with Asobo in some way because their updates have triggered the issue.

There's a difference between you and I though. You bought MSFS premium deluxe edition from Steam. I bought the same edition but from Microsoft Store. So that might be a cause of some sort. Also, the latest Asobo update could also be a factor. And like Nick said earlier, the marketplace could also be a big factor. 


And nope I'm definitely not blaming anyone, and I'm a big fan of both Orbx and Pilot Plus and will always be :). Bugs will happen with software, hardware and life. That's a given and at this point I've accepted it lol.


Anyways move EGTB somewhere else and see if you can load into Orbx KTIW without issues. Let us know the result if possible.

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thanks for all this research.

I have MSFS bought from the Microsoft Store.

All my addon airports are installed by Orbx Central.


I can load anywhere I want to with them all installed, to include KTIW and EGTB.






Logically, the Marketplace must be doing something that Asobo did not anticipate.

Can you attach a copy of the Content.xml file with everything installed?



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As a somewhat radical test, I moved all my addons into the OneStore folder, leaving the Community folder empty

and cleared the Content.xml file.

Perhaps disappointingly, I was still able to load at both KTIW and EGTB in just the same way and the Content.xml

file looked pretty much the same.

The solution to this still seems to be some way off.

At least there is the partial one of removing one or other of them. 

It looks like we are all using the Premium Deluxe version too.




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I mentioned this earlier in the thread but I'll mention it again just in case it helps, Redwing's Sion Airport was causing a CTD in it's own right, and only on the Marketplace version. 


Redwing supplied a fix.  I'll ask them what the technical issue was, maybe it will be helpful. 

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Hi Nick and Majickthyse,


After hours of troubleshooting, I found that if I uninstall Flightbeam KDEN, which I purchased from the MSFS Marketplace, I am able to launch a flight from EGTB. So, some change that has been made to this scenery has conflicted with EGTB.


Happy New Year!





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