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Question about Lyni

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Hi there


Do I have to enable something two makes these two show up in my scenery? Or are they animated and will show up at some stage?









Also how can I add the link at once to display as an image?

I always have to edit and paste again as it always shows as a link


Thank you





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8 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Do I have to enable something two makes these two show up in my scenery?

Hi Carlos,


I think that between the screenshot being taken and the final release version it was decided to redo some of the static vehicles so they were actually servicing the static airplane in the image. The ones you highlighted are not there in the release version.


I also remember that the designation of parking 1 and 2 was changed so that air stairs would be available to an airliner parked there, again making the static airstairs less necessary.




As far as displaying an image I tend to just use 'choose files' to upload the image then click on the + sign to insert it. I'm sure there's a quicker way but it works for me :)


All the best,



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Hello Carlos,

you could change your image hosting site but until imgur go to https,

you will need to keep adding the s, irritating though that is.

John and I can upload images to our site, as he explains, but customers

have a limit.

This is partly because we are few and you are many.:smile:


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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Carlos,

you could change your image hosting site but until imgur go to https,

you will need to keep adding the s, irritating though that is.

John and I can upload images to our site, as he explains, but customers

have a limit.

This is partly because we are few and you are many.:smile:


Hello Nick

Thank you so much for the details, a more clear image now

Next time I'll try another image hosting and see how well it does



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