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Sorry, my last post was a bit unclear. What I meant is, if the shot is of Jarrad's (Orbx) version or of the default one. I was asking, because I I remember that I also had some trees between apron and rwy with the default version. Not so many though, if I remember correctly.

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5 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


welcome to the forums.

There should be no difference between the two "versions" and I cannot replicate the trees.

As a first step, try removing everything else from the Community folder and see if the trees are still there.

Hello Mr. Cooper and thanks for the reply,


I removed all other content from the community folder but the trees are still there. I attached some screenshots to show that nearly the whole airport is affected (including trees on grass strip). Issue seems to be related to one of the latest patches by Asobo, since I could use your LOWI airport before without any issues.


I know there should not be any difference between the two "versions", but Gaya currently has a similiar problem with their Berlin Tegel airport, where "major terrain/mesh issues" only occur in the Microsoft ingame-Marketplace version (for more info see their facebook post here). They said there were some changes by Asobo with how the content is installed and organized, maybe this a similiar case here?





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3 hours ago, JBF23 said:

My community folder is empty. Since I bought the game on Steam and not in the Microsoft store my default install location for ingame-marketplace addons seems to be: "F:/Microsoft Flight Simulator/Official/Steam/"


As shown here the marketplace puts it into "F:/Microsoft Flight Simulator/Official/Steam/". Im not aware of any OneStore folder.


And as seen in the attached screenshots of my previous post the addon does "work" (the tower for instance is definitly the Orbx one, and not the default version), its just that there are now trees where there havent been trees before.

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Thanks, it seems that each method of purchasing the simulator brings with it its own

particular file structure.

Because it does, although the product is by Orbx, I am unable to advise you further

because the problem seems to be with the installation.

We can ask the LOWI developer, @Jarrad Marshall if he knows why there needs to

be such a wide variation of configurations between what should be exactly the same software.


It could even be that one of the many unannounced changes that Asobo seem to be routinely making

has caused this change and it could even be specific to the Steam installation, given that mine

is a Microsoft Store/Orbx Central installation and I cannot make the trees appear, despite trying

every possible means to introduce the error.

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Hi Nick, I have purchased OXBX LOWI today, download automatic by OXBX  to my community folder in Microsoft store. I also have this tree problem. as I can see there is a few of us with this error. Let me know how to fixed this.


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welcome to the forums.

You may see that I have sent a notification to the developer in the post above yours.

For his benefit, can you please state which version of MSFS you are using,

Microsoft Store / Steam or Aerosoft DVD and whether you bought LOWI from the

Microsoft Store or from Orbx Direct?


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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


here it is, Microsoft Store version of MSFS and a new Orbx Central installation of LOWI.

No addons, apart from all of the Orbx Central supplied products.



Thanks Nick. I will try the settings as below. 

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1 hour ago, Rodneyprice said:

I had the same problem , then in MSFS2020 options / General / Data / settings there are 3 options , Online functionality , Bing data world graphics and Photogrammetry.

Make sure all are set to on,   That fixed the problem for me , and the sim looks so much better.  

Hi, I will give this ago, many thanks.


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1 hour ago, Rodneyprice said:

I had the same problem , then in MSFS2020 options / General / Data / settings there are 3 options , Online functionality , Bing data world graphics and Photogrammetry.

Make sure all are set to on,   That fixed the problem for me , and the sim looks so much better.  

This together with deleting my rolling cache did the trick. Thank you!

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8 hours ago, quig said:

Hi, I will give this ago, many thanks.


Hi this didn't worked for me, i deleted all contents in my community folder, except Orbx scenery and this works. In my case it was a addon in the community folder which was the problem. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks for what appears to be the solution.

I had not considered that users might be running the simulator with its most

distinguishing features disabled and I will bear that in mind for future support requests.

Thanks Nick, Nice Scenery. 

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks for what appears to be the solution.

I had not considered that users might be running the simulator with its most

distinguishing features disabled and I will bear that in mind for future support requests.

I usually had all these settings set to "on". But the latest patch switched them off. After I noticed and changed them back to on, i still had the tree issue. It is probably because the offline version got written in the rolling cache, so I still played with the "offline" version although i was online and had all these settings set to on.

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Just to add my experience which may help someone in the future:


I have noticed that if you experience an interruption to your internet while in-game via that red dialog box, the "Bing data and world graphics" is sometimes set to off, even during a brief internet interruption. So a quick check to ensure the Bing data and world graphics is still set to "on" may help avoid some unexplained graphical issues.

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