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New hardware for X Box and MSFS

John Heaton

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As I forecast a few weeks ago - Honeycombe have released details of their new Hardware for the X Box Series X

consisting of Flight stick - Throttle controls - and Pedals - which - seemingly - work with both PC and X Box

Details are on FS Elite - but the photos are useless.


The other good news is that the current Alpha Yoke  and the new Bravo throttles can be used with the

X Box using a special bought X Box Hub


No word yet on the sim for X Box yet - but the release info shows that we will need to wait for the hardware

into the middle of 2021 which will give this X boxer time to save up for what will be a large cash layout for all 3

- but when compared to a new PC - its chicken feed.


However - I will be using the Alpha and the Bravo on my PC in the meantime - and get the hub when available.

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My Mail above about the new Honeycombe Hardware for X Box Series X - only leads me even more to my queries around Orbx plans

for the sim on this console.


MSFS produced 1 Million downloads in the first month - how will that compare to the volume of new X Boxes 

in the Market?? - Only Orbx knows what effect this sim has produced on its own market with the apparent success 

of London and Sydney scenery and partnership participations.


Contemplate what the market might be around - if the new X box Sim - will run on the current 4K HDR 10 - X Box one X ????

that I already use on my 4K HDR 10 monitor


Not only NEW hardware specific to Single Joystick and twin throttle controller - but a simple piece of hardware  - the X box  Hub 

that will allow those of us - who have - or are buying the current Alpha/Bravo hardware - to use it on the new console.

Hopefully also on the existing X Box One X - then I can have 2 consoles going with the flight sim :o


What's the betting Thrustmaster are also working flat out to modify the similar Airbus series they recently brought out

They did it for the Thrustmaster Hotas last year - already used in PS3/4 and PC


The market will grow even more - and not only from the "gamers" - but since more flight simming hardware is now available

then more of our kind of simmer will go for it as opposed to high expenditure on PC capability.


The simple sum is Alpha yoke $220 + Beta Throttle - $200 - pedals $ 200 + X Box $ 500 - Vs - $x000 for one video card / CPU


Would these hardware moves specifically for a console - tempt Eagle to rewrite DSC for both consoles ? - I won't mention IL-2


I should live that long - and I do hope that I can take all my stuff into God's Waiting room when the time comes:rolleyes:


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1 hour ago, MarkH said:

Good news, although it also says that the current Alpha yoke will not be compatible and will be discontinued in favour of the new XBox-compatible one :(

HI Mark


I read it this way --- yes - the current Alpha will stop in favour of a new  (mk2) Alpha that is the just same as the old one -

with just a few Mods to enable it to plug straight into an X Box - and have a "Quiet X Logo-- but it will still serve PCs - so A1 or A2 for both PC and X Box

I would expect that the same will happen to Bravo and Charlie - because it makes sense not to duplicate aps - but have them available to both PC and Console in view of the potential High Market for the X Box as well as the Current PC


The existing Alpha for PC  - and the Bravo and Charlie aps) - will work on the new X Box 

via the use of an X Box 'Hub' - presumably - similiar to the Hub used now to enable MS X Box controllers

be used in a PC - eg for the drone in MSFS

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7 hours ago, John Heaton said:

similiar to the Hub used now to enable MS X Box controllers

be used in a PC - eg for the drone in MSFS

What hub are you speaking of for plugging an MS X-Box controller into a PC John? I plug my Xbox controllers straight into my usb ports on my PC and they work fine.

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10 hours ago, John Heaton said:

The existing Alpha for PC  - and the Bravo and Charlie aps) - will work on the new X Box 

via the use of an X Box 'Hub'


That's not what it says. The only other reference I can find is from FS Elite, although it looks like he got his info from that key.aero report. He reads it the same as I do, which is that the original Alpha won't be supported.

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Hi Again Mark


Whoops - I only use Wifi accessories when using X Box - ( my House TV and X Box are well away from Me and the WI FI X Box controller)

- so  I need to use a Windows X Box WI FI Hub - which is then connected to the PC by USB. 


 I am assuming what the article refers to as a "Honeycombe X Box Hub @ $30" will be something simliar


""Please note, the old Alpha yoke will be discontinued. 

According to Nicki Repenning, CEO of Honeycomb Aeronautical, the updates to the yoke are mostly internal for adding Xbox Series X|S compatibility""


No mention of "Unsupported' - and I made the assumption that that the current Alpha will be just the same as Bravo and Charlie -

which will be for both PC and X Box Series X using said X Box Hub.


Maybe I am misinterpreting something - but I did correspond with the Marketing guy at key aero some while ago and he advised me to buy Alpha now as I would be able to use it on the NEW X BOX - he didnt say how however:o

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The new Microsoft X Box machine that will be able to feature and play MS2020 is still to be released yes?

Only owned one Console before and that was a PS3 a very long time ago :)

Good to hear it and others can support modern PC Flight sim controllers, was wondering how it might work, no way am I going to be flying any sim with an x-box controller :)

Fair play if you want to do that ... LOL, just not for me.

Have Honeycomb Alpha Yoke just now and its awesome, got a Bravo throttle on advance order, perhaps before Christmas they say, hope so, good to go for rudder pedals, their forthcoming ones do look good though.

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Wait a minute though, and no big panic, just need to clarify some very conflicting reporting here?

I have a first version Honycomb yoke and love it, its not perfect, nothing ever is, but one guy in thread here seems to be giving out inside knowledge my current owned Honeycomb yoke is going to be discontinued for a more improved Honeycomb yoke that will suite both PC and new to be released X-box machine.

I had half plans of buying this new Xbox console just for Living Room entertaining my friends on odd nights, perhaps to get them into the hobby too ... no way am I going to go a game pad for this, but this potential news my early Honeycomb yoke wont work with it is most disappointing, have the early Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit on advance order too, will that not be dual platform support either first batch? obviously this might effect the re-sale value of my units too should I decide to resell late on my Honycomb units I buy?

Seriously thinking about cancelling my Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit now ... When I placed my order never heard this and have had no update about this either?

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2 hours ago, B12 said:

Wait a minute though, and no big panic, just need to clarify some very conflicting reporting here?

I have a first version Honycomb yoke and love it, its not perfect, nothing ever is, but one guy in thread here seems to be giving out inside knowledge my current owned Honeycomb yoke is going to be discontinued for a more improved Honeycomb yoke that will suite both PC and new to be released X-box machine.

I had half plans of buying this new Xbox console just for Living Room entertaining my friends on odd nights, perhaps to get them into the hobby too ... no way am I going to go a game pad for this, but this potential news my early Honeycomb yoke wont work with it is most disappointing, have the early Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit on advance order too, will that not be dual platform support either first batch? obviously this might effect the re-sale value of my units too should I decide to resell late on my Honycomb units I buy?

Seriously thinking about cancelling my Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit now ... When I placed my order never heard this and have had no update about this either?



Where  on Earth did you get - "but this potential news my early Honeycomb yoke won't work with it


I strongly suggest that you yourself read the URL that I gave above - which is clearer than FSElite - and read it carefully-

making your own view of it's contents. Nowhere does it say what you wrote!! - or thought what you thought you saw -

especially the description of the mods to Alpha




I too have an Alpha Yoke - and also a Bravo unit on order -and paid for - and you don't see me worrying - because I will also order

the Charlie Pedals when they are released 


For what its worth I gave you my view of how I will use the current Honeycomb set with the XBOX Series X - using what is referred to as an X Box Hub

and I worry not - because any change to Alpha will not be until Q2/3 next year - and no date has been set for the sim to be on the new console


If I am wrong - then I am wrong - and I will not worry too much about the yoke because I am buying the set for P3D 4/5  - MSFS will be an extra;)






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On 10/23/2020 at 7:30 AM, MarkH said:

Good news, although it also says that the current Alpha yoke will not be compatible and will be discontinued in favour of the new XBox-compatible one :(

John Heaton, I am genuinely confused now and am going to have to write to Honeycomb to get the news from the horses mouth, this whole thread has been rife with confusion my friend, so please understand my concern as a legit customer.

MarkH  above in my quote is confused about the information in this thread as have several other people in this thread been, that's not our faults as I'm sure you recognise my friend.

I am a Honeycomb yoke first day customer, not sure if you are a rep of the company John, but you seem to have more inside knowledge than us with what they are doing, maybe?

When I digested that Honeycomb were potentially writing off the first ver of Yoke I own and invested in it to make way for a newer one more compatible with the forthcoming new MS X-Box thing, then of course alarm bells are going to start ringing and if you were in my situation you might be thinking about whats going on with the Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit too, will I get an early batch ver again or a brand new dual spec one?

We need to know.

This is the first I heard of potential incompatible dual hardware versions of Honeycomb products.

Discontinued so soon after dedicated PC Alpha Yoke was released is not going to go down well with the loyal customers who bought one.

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44 minutes ago, B12 said:

John Heaton, I am genuinely confused now and am going to have to write to Honeycomb to get the news from the horses mouth, this whole thread has been rife with confusion my friend, so please understand my concern as a legit customer.

MarkH  above in my quote is confused about the information in this thread as have several other people in this thread been, that's not our faults as I'm sure you recognise my friend.

I am a Honeycomb yoke first day customer, not sure if you are a rep of the company John, but you seem to have more inside knowledge than us with what they are doing, maybe?

When I digested that Honeycomb were potentially writing off the first ver of Yoke I own and invested in it to make way for a newer one more compatible with the forthcoming new MS X-Box thing, then of course alarm bells are going to start ringing and if you were in my situation you might be thinking about whats going on with the Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit too, will I get an early batch ver again or a brand new dual spec one?

We need to know.

This is the first I heard of potential incompatible dual hardware versions of Honeycomb products.

Discontinued so soon after dedicated PC Alpha Yoke was released is not going to go down well with the loyal customers who bought one.



48 minutes ago, B12 said:

John Heaton, I am genuinely confused now and am going to have to write to Honeycomb to get the news from the horses mouth, this whole thread has been rife with confusion my friend, so please understand my concern as a legit customer.

MarkH  above in my quote is confused about the information in this thread as have several other people in this thread been, that's not our faults as I'm sure you recognise my friend.

I am a Honeycomb yoke first day customer, not sure if you are a rep of the company John, but you seem to have more inside knowledge than us with what they are doing, maybe?

When I digested that Honeycomb were potentially writing off the first ver of Yoke I own and invested in it to make way for a newer one more compatible with the forthcoming new MS X-Box thing, then of course alarm bells are going to start ringing and if you were in my situation you might be thinking about whats going on with the Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit too, will I get an early batch ver again or a brand new dual spec one?

We need to know.

This is the first I heard of potential incompatible dual hardware versions of Honeycomb products.

Discontinued so soon after dedicated PC Alpha Yoke was released is not going to go down well with the loyal customers who bought one.

Sorry Mate - I suggest that you do read things clearly and not get your self into confusion


No I am not a rep or anything to do with the company - I just use my Marketing logic - right or Wrong !


I thought I had made it very clear that I am in the same "Situation ' as you - and said this - 


''I too have an Alpha Yoke - and also a Bravo unit on order -and paid for - and you don't see me worrying - because I will also order

the Charlie Pedals when they are released" -- 



It's all too far away to lose any hair over it - and as I said - X Box or no X Box - I am also committed with all my $$$$$ scenery investment

to using P3D 4/5 for a long time to come - using my 3 Alpha - Bravo - Charlie and my 21 P3d aircraft.


I will buy the new X box when the Sim is released for it - pay $30 for the hub - and see if the new Hub will work on my current X Box

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With all due respect, would not have got this far in life if I had not read things clearly, lets stick to the facts of this thread please and not get personal.

I fully appreciate this whole thread has been one massive mish mash of info confusion and not all of your fault, for a while there I honestly thought you were a Honeycomb PR rep with the way you gave info and I and a couple of others still have no idea what this X-Box hub you talk of is, perhaps if you could post a link, that would be helpful please and clarify things 10 fold.

The fact stands though, info from this thread is saying that the Honeycomb Yoke v 1 I own is getting phased out for a newer dual compatible ver, we read back on this thread, not saying you said that John, but its there in pixels for all to see and i was not the only one putting up a confused emoticon, obviously this is going to need checking out by the community who have already bought the first version yoke, because nobody wants to be a first adopter to see their investment as old tech so soon and also with the Bravo Throttle, what's the situation there for us? I have one on pre-order, is that going to have fast revisions too?

Are the units firmware flash-able, would be happy with that.

These are legit concerns.

Please understand.

I'm drafting out an enquiry to Honeycomb as I type to hopefully clarify what's happening with original Yoke owners and forthcoming Bravo throttle owners that have pre-ordered.

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  • 7 months later...
On 10/25/2020 at 2:47 AM, B12 said:


With all due respect, would not have got this far in life if I had not read things clearly, lets stick to the facts of this thread please and not get personal.

I fully appreciate this whole thread has been one massive mish mash of info confusion and not all of your fault, for a while there I honestly thought you were a Honeycomb PR rep with the way you gave info and I and a couple of others still have no idea what this X-Box hub you talk of is, perhaps if you could post a link, that would be helpful please and clarify things 10 fold.

The fact stands though, info from this thread is saying that the Honeycomb Yoke v 1 I own is getting phased out for a newer dual compatible ver, we read back on this thread, not saying you said that John, but its there in pixels for all to see and i was not the only one putting up a confused emoticon, obviously this is going to need checking out by the community who have already bought the first version yoke, because nobody wants to be a first adopter to see their investment as old tech so soon and also with the Bravo Throttle, what's the situation there for us? I have one on pre-order, is that going to have fast revisions too?

Are the units firmware flash-able, would be happy with that.

These are legit concerns.

Please understand.

I'm drafting out an enquiry to Honeycomb as I type to hopefully clarify what's happening with original Yoke owners and forthcoming Bravo throttle owners that have pre-ordered.

Did you ever get a firm answer on this? I'm in the same boat. I have the Alpha still in the box waiting on an answer from Honeycomb. They don't seem to be very responsive. 


Thanks, mate. 

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For anyone looking for the true answer, this is the response I received from Honeycomb...


"Hello, The new version of our yoke will be compatible to the Xbox. The current version will not. We expect to release the new Alpha shortly after the Microsoft Launch on Xbox."

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Hi HeyFred

Glad you reported this, no immediate plans to buy one of the new X Boxes that can play FS2020 though did originally have a daft notion of doing that last year.

Its PC Flight simulation all the way for me.

And so there are indeed different compatibility versions of the Yoke and perhaps Bravo too?   No worries here after some early teething problems, my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle work fine in all I do on a PC computer ... they were never going to be useful in the traditional X-Box living room big TV experience, the whole mounting system is designed for traditional desktop PC users .... Console gamers are a completely different way of life !!! Sort of Armchair gamers that might like a little non serious Flight Sim.

If Honeycomb do indeed intend to sell both PC and X-box versions of their otherwise brilliant Yokes and Throttle quad, they should do so soon and let us know, what's the point of keeping it top secret until last minute?

I'd have thought dual compatibility for both platforms would be the best move ... sales of both versions to one person owning a PC and X-box must be minimal.

I just don't think we are getting the full story here somehow ???

Makes no sense to me whatsoever !

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33 minutes ago, B12 said:

Hi HeyFred

Glad you reported this, no immediate plans to buy one of the new X Boxes that can play FS2020 though did originally have a daft notion of doing that last year.

Its PC Flight simulation all the way for me.

And so there are indeed different compatibility versions of the Yoke and perhaps Bravo too?   No worries here after some early teething problems, my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle work fine in all I do on a PC computer ... they were never going to be useful in the traditional X-Box living room big TV experience, the whole mounting system is designed for traditional desktop PC users .... Console gamers are a completely different way of life !!! Sort of Armchair gamers that might like a little non serious Flight Sim.

If Honeycomb do indeed intend to sell both PC and X-box versions of their otherwise brilliant Yokes and Throttle quad, they should do so soon and let us know, what's the point of keeping it top secret until last minute?

I'd have thought dual compatibility for both platforms would be the best move ... sales of both versions to one person owning a PC and X-box must be minimal.

I just don't think we are getting the full story here somehow ???

Makes no sense to me whatsoever !

Thanks for replying. This is the only thread I found that really asked the questions I wanted answers to.


Yep. So the Bravo and Charlie will be compatible with the XBOX by connecting them to a specially designed Xbox hub, which then goes into the new Alpha Yoke, if that makes sense. 


I decided to stick with what I have and not wait for the Xbox version. I agree with you that it's a completely different play style. That's what the Foxtrot and Tango are for. 

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