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For Us Old Dudes with Not So Good Eye's Anymore!


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I just found this (but I'm a bit slow), and thought I would pass it along for anyone of a certain age that may be having trouble keeping up with the mouse pointer in the new forums "white" backgrounds, I am constantly looking to see where my pointer is but have a bit of trouble finding it sometimes w/o moving it around a lot to catch a glimpse of it!  Pretty simple fix and if you don't like you can reverse it just as easy!  Changing it to Black, makes a world of difference, hope it helps you! 

3 Easy Steps:

1. Open the Control Panel and go to Mouse settings!



2. Go to Pointers tab, click the dropdown menu and choose the scheme that you want, I personally like the Windows Black scheme, but that's just me!




3. As you can see, there are several options to choose from, regular, large and x-large, make your choice click Apply, then OK.  You can tick the box "Enable pointer shadow" if you want. if you don't like it just untick, click Apply and then OK again!  Pretty Simple!  The Windows Default System scheme is in the middle of the menu if you want to change it back!



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