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The adventure that is MSFS

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Hi all.  Many will remember the adventure that was early FSX. It was not until we reached FSX SP2 that we started to love the rascal. I suspect it will be the same with MSFS (as they prefer we call it). I have just installed it on a system upgraded to run it well. Three things immediately are apparent: (1) it is not intuitive. Unlike with P3D and FSX SE, you don't step into the set-up screen and immediately feel at home. It has a learning curve. (2) Likewise with control assignments. Gone is the day of point and click. Assigning joystick and throttle controls is a process. (3) Expect crashes. Although some users seem to have sailed smoothly from the get-go, many of us are finding that the program crashes often. Patches are expected, but for now...


The scenery is all it's cracked up to be--especially with the new Orbx airport add-ons (can't wait to get my Felts Field back! ).The planes are great, too, although old-timers will really miss having access to the huge library available to FSX and P3D. Developers will probably catch up, but that will take time. Already, I miss my C-7 Caribou a lot!


It will be interesting to see how Orbx plays this. The LC and Global series seem unnecessary for MSFS, but I can see regions being improved as with the old PNW etc series. Certainly, there is plenty of room for airports and immediate areas. I would love to see further sets like the Papua New Guinea package developed for MSFS. (Idaho bush strips anyone?).


MSFS is not prime time yet, but its promise is enormous. It will be fun to watch it and Orbx evolve together.

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Thank you for this simple,  straightforward and rational appraisal of your experience with MSFS to date. I am quite happy to wait until the SPs are all in place and the SDKs are finalized before switching to MSFS from my very satisfying and stable installation of FSX (I gave the whole constant fiddle of P3D a miss) - I just hope that it all happens before my cognitive and physical state declines even further!  And hopefully Orbx will have re-done PNG, OZ and NZ by then :rolleyes:

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I’m paraphrasing, but over at the PMDG forums, Robert “warned” everyone about the giant leap ahead. Essentially saying that you probably won’t be able to simply load a plane and fire wall the thrust leavers. You’ll have to spend time getting to know it and learn to love it. I think he was spot on, I was one of those who thought “let me just fly now!”, but I quickly learnt that I had a lot to learn. 


I had absolutely no issues with the installation, and I’ve had no performance issues so far... I seem to be one of the lucky ones. But there is a massive learning curve to using this new sim. I’ve flown about 15hrs thus far, and I’d say the majority is just fiddling around with the settings and getting to know the new/improved features. Yes, there are plenty of bugs, which will no doubt take time to be fixed, but the sim is, in my opinion, an unbelievable achievement and will be hard to beat for a while.


i could probably have said all of the above by simply saying, “have patience and enjoy the ride”.

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2 hours ago, Ryanm said:


I had absolutely no issues with the installation, and I’ve had no performance issues so far... I seem to be one of the lucky ones

I have the same experience. It is a learning curve, but I'm impressed so far and actually saw my house:lol: and my place of work:unsure:(Not quite the actual building but at the absolute correct locations). Give it an honest shot.:)Oh and I purchased Orbx KORS and it also installed without any glitches.

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