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OSG20 Floating Trees Rwy 34/16

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2 hours ago, Peter Watson said:

@Jon Clarke - It's not much of a leap to realise that @corkery meant OG20?  It's not as if there's hundreds of Orbx airports for MSFS yet :)

@corkeryPrior to my post i went to OG20. I did not see any reference to Runway 34/16 only to runways N.E.W.S.. I flew the E runway and didn't notice any floating trees.

I have now done a test on runway N and do notice some floating trees  as in my pic of a sample shot.

We need to notify the devs via @Greg Jones







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Hi guys,

the floating trees are now on our list,

we may have an issue in terms of the terraforming as we can't actually tell a tree to be inside the ground, we can only tell trees were we want them to be placed and the simulator does the rest.

but we will try and fix this and hopefully have a fix for you guys soon


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  • 4 weeks later...

hello, i have a problème. i have downloaded OG20 airport free and all it's fine but yesteday i'have lauched a flight and my scenery don't have all the trees and grass!! it's poor now. I have réinstall Orbx scene and fs2020, kick cache but nothing. Any idea? (Sorry for my english, i come from belgium!) now, i have that...


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