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You've got to be kidding me, Orbx? London City Pack.

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I've spent hundreds of Euros on your products in the past. But man, are you kidding me? The London City Pack is just a disgusting money grab. Feel free to delete my post, but if you pull stuff like that, expect people to call you out on it. Is that FS2004 stuff you put in there?

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I was so disappointed with Orbx London city. Installed it last night and it looks like we going back 15 years. All the ASOBO handcrafted iconic buildings like the Shard, London Bridge, House of Parliament etc has been replaced with low res 2D models. What an insult to MSFS 2020. I have uninstalled it and will be claiming refund

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I'm a completely new customer, have already voiced my opinion in a locked thread and read the acknoweldgements and replies...

I have to say though, aside from the quality issue of what appeared to be a cash grab, its good to see they acknowledge and promise to rectify things, however, my first impression of Orbx is not a good one.. not because of the quality or the pack, but the way in which they initially began handling the situation.  The attitude of staff seems very condescending and that is not a good way to represent yourself.  


Yes, I'm new here, but doesn't every company want new customers.. this isn't the way to go about it, for sure.

Anyway, I look forward to receiving the update at some point, but not really sure I want to buy from such people in future.

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on the internet, there is not the opportunity to appreciate the nuances of different cultural approaches to a problem,

not to mention the complete absence of the non-verbal side to communication.

I have been doing this job for a while now and although I try very hard to be as even-handed and consistent as possible, every now

and then, someone is upset by a comment that was made without the intention to upset, but nevertheless caused it.


From my perspective, I have seen no condescension at all from the developers or any Orbx staff, support or management.

I have seen an immediate acceptance that there is a need for revision and a subsequent undertaking to provide it.

I regret that you have read something else into the comments made by Orbx staff.


I have closed a couple of topics with a full explanation of why I did so and I would suggest that the best course of action

for us all is to wait for the product update.


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Thank you for explaining Nick.


I'm also a new customer and I will say I am also shocked and not sure how much trust I have for future purchases. For me I think the biggest issue from a customer service point of view is not even an apology or explanation why this was released in such a bad state. The official message just says "we are aware of an issue" and "working on a fix" which sounds like something one would say who has just been caught cheating and is trying to get out of it.... anyway, I do thank you for your professionalism and look forward to getting the fix. 

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To me, Orbx was a game changer. Must have top quality scenery! To the point of buying any Orbx product with eyes closed, knowing that it is the best scenery out there.  I planned to buy London scenery and London city airport (I already own FSX and Xplane 11 England) right away. Not anymore, sadly! I was shocked looking at the low quality London scenery pack! I am without words. I was counting on you guys to fill in the gap and up the ante even more for the fantastic new Microsoft Flight Simulator. Before I put my money on any Orbx product from now on, I will be making sure it is ground braking. Why are you damaging your reputation with such a bad product?

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Wow, are we to judge a person by the 99 things they do right or the 1 thing they do wrong??? They've made an announcement to correct the issue.  John V even liked the post.  We've all messed up a thing or two in our lifetime and had all hoped were given the opportunity to be seen for who we truly were as opposed to the mistake we made. I've been an Orbx user for a long time and I've never NOT seen them do the right thing for their customers.   I think it's time for anyone that is  new or even old here to give them a little time to see just how they respond.  I was always told and try to live by the motto " It's not how you start but rather, how you finish". A little patience goes a long way. Just my two cents.

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I am also very disappointed with the London landmarks. I have been an Orbx customers for many years, having spent literally thousands on Orbx products. This is maybe the first time I’m really disappointed and feeling let down by an Orbx product. hope Orbx will update London landmark from current FSX/FS9. standard to MSFS2020 level. Actually, I expect of Orbx to even better MSFS2020.

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Dear Orbx: I want to make sure that at least one of your customers thanks you for all of your products.  I have been a customer from the very beginning and I own all of your scenery packs.  If there has ever been a problem with one of your products, your staff has always listened to its customers and solved the problem.  I've purchased the London objects for MS2020, and I'm sure that any problems will be resolved.  I wish all of your staff well in the future. Mike Gutierrez, North Hollywood, California.

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3 hours ago, iflygary said:

Wow, are we to judge a person by the 99 things they do right or the 1 thing they do wrong??? They've made an announcement to correct the issue. 


It is not about this, but more about the initial response to the first people complaining about the quality of certain POIs in the package such as the Towerbridge. To tell the people that the product was never meant to be used for low level flights below 1000ft (or so) simply tells us that Orbx was absolutely aware about the quality of the product and that the release in its current state was not an mistake. THIS is what upsets the people here, that this product was released as it is in full awareness of the bad quality and the rather blunt "excuse" for it.

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Just now, AnkH said:


It is not about this, but more about the initial response to the first people complaining about the quality of certain POIs in the package such as the Towerbridge. To tell the people that the product was never meant to be used for low level flights below 1000ft (or so) simply tells us that Orbx was absolutely aware about the quality of the product and that the release in its current state was not an mistake. THIS is what upsets the people here, that this product was released as it is in full awareness of the bad quality and the rather blunt "excuse" for it.

100% agree.

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it seems that no amount of explanation will satisfy everyone, so on that basis, I will close this topic as well,

with the assurance that Orbx have taken this as seriously as they should, despite what some commentators

have taken from the official replies.

Modifications are under way, as is testing and as soon as the update is ready, it will of course be released.

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