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In June - I noted that Ed announced the new relationship with TFDI and will be selling their Boeing 717


 I have been looking at this aircraft for a while-  as I couldn't find a suitable DC -9 for my Hangar. 


I hadn't  bought - prior to Orbx -  because I am quite nervous as to - what seems to me from their manual -  a difficult Install procedure


Before I stick it on My Cart -----


I assume therefore that Central will take the full process - to install this aircraft purchased via Orbx for P3D V4.5 only ??


Similarly - TFDI have not yet confirmed that it is OK for V5 - but there is a beta and a new installer required ( FS Elite Hub)


Can I expect that Orbx will continue as usual with all updates as and when available


Operating system:  W10 /2004

Simulator: P3D4.5 - I 5 - 8G Radeon -16gRAM




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Hi Nick

Do mean you installed it "yourself" or by Central 


You know I can be a dill when I have to do things myself -

that's why I want to buy and install it via Central


Yes - I realise it isn't a proper DC 9 but it fills the category as I see it

in appearance and general terms and it looks like the ones I flew in 50 years ago

at the same time as the 727

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2 hours ago, Ben McClintock said:

Hi John,


Just to clarify, as soon as we have the Prepar3D v5 files from TFDi, we will update it on our end and make it v5 compatible.


I don't imagine they will give us those files until they have completed their beta process, however.

Hi Ben 


Perfectly understandable - and reading the statements from the developer - it will be a while yet

Seems V5 has caused a lot of problems - but everyone is happy to wait to  get it right


Personally - I bought the aircraft yesterday-  but  I haven't tried it yet - looks like a long learning curve -

especially since I am a low and slow VOR prop man - but I am happy with the idea of up "lifting" my skills

to the tramlines of Hi Flight Routes 


I bought the B717 as it looks like I want a medium twin to look - it was from Orbx - and it will be my first real jump into "Tubes"

properly - as all  others I have been "practising' on are just freeware's.


The cockpit controls learning curve look to be  a while before I will need to worry about a V5 version - and will use it only in V4 - 

which T.W ! - is running pretty well at the moment

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