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Orbx True Earth Oregon Portland no bridges

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Hi there


I just purchased the True Earth Oregon, I see in the photos on the page for it there is quite a bit of buildings and bridges downtown. 


As you can see in the screenshot below, it is quite sparse.


Any thoughts?


I do also have Pacific Northwest, and the flightbeam KPDX installed. I have both P3D V4 and V5 and it is occurring in both. 





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I'm seeing the same issues, no bridges or downtown buildings in Portland.  With or without Flightbeam KPDX.  Also seems like loading in Portland takes twice as long as other places in Oregon, and my CPU is pegged at 100% over Portland, compared to loading at say, Eugene, which uses around 60% CPU.   Thanks,



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I have the same issue after installing the new TE-Oregon Add. As informed on the Orbx-Central page to delete first the (freeware)Portland City, I was very curious to fly over

an even better representation of Portland but like the picture made by initiater of this post 'Callum', no buildings and no bridges as expected.

I see in the reply from Nick a possible missing file: FTX_NA\FTX_NA_!USAll_Library.

Why is it not installed while downloading this further excellent scenery? And where to find or download this file? Thank you for helping us out....

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it's not a file, it's an entire folder of 3.5 GB or so.

You might have seen me ask Carlos to leave it with me and I ask you to do the same.

I am making enquiries but of course, the staff are in Australia where it has been night

time since the request was made.


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Hey Nick,

I did some checking for Carlos on the other post and my  "FTX_NA_!USAll_Library"  is in P3Dv4.5 and P3Dv5 , like you said its 3.95GBs for me.

Looks like its dated from May 27th 2020 which was when I bought Washington TE.


Maybe the actual folder install is missing with the Oregon download....?



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17 minutes ago, Speedbird85 said:

Hey Nick,

I did some checking for Carlos on the other post and my  "FTX_NA_!USAll_Library"  is in P3Dv4.5 and P3Dv5 , like you said its 3.95GBs for me.

Looks like its dated from May 27th 2020 which was when I bought Washington TE.


Maybe the actual folder install is missing with the Oregon download....?



I suspected the folder installs with WA as it was the first issued

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OK....I haven't TE-Washington under V4.5 and/or v5 because I have it already in my XP11 Sim that I use in parallel with P3D.

I hope that the Orbx-Staff is willing to be able to download only that 3.95GB folder as a kind of patch and not to must download the whole TE-Oregon again.

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1 hour ago, ikbenik said:

OK....I haven't TE-Washington under V4.5 and/or v5 because I have it already in my XP11 Sim that I use in parallel with P3D.

I hope that the Orbx-Staff is willing to be able to download only that 3.95GB folder as a kind of patch and not to must download the whole TE-Oregon again.

I have the impression we will have to run the verify files tool and then it will be downloaded. When they have it ready, is the most logical thing otherwise they would have to create a separate folder to be downloaded when any of the products is bought. Immediate solution is to buy WA :)  (but there is no bundle for TE in USA)

Let's wait for their solution




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10 hours ago, carlosqr said:

I have the impression we will have to run the verify files tool and then it will be downloaded. When they have it ready, is the most logical thing otherwise they would have to create a separate folder to be downloaded when any of the products is bought. Immediate solution is to buy WA :)  (but there is no bundle for TE in USA)

Let's wait for their solution


Hi Carlos!


I remember you wrote somewhere that you didn't own any of the TE products yet and Oregon would be your first try.


It's indeed related to a bug in the Orbx Central installer concerning the TE Oregon installation! The dependency (TE US Library) didn't get installed for the initial TE Oregon customers that didn't have one of the two previous TE US regions installed (NoCal or Washington). Which of course should not be a requirement!


This should be fixed now! Just run a "verify files" for Oregon in Orbx Central and the Libarys should get installed! Sorry about that!




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5 hours ago, Sascha Normann said:


Hi Carlos!


I remember you wrote somewhere that you didn't own any of the TE products yet and Oregon would be your first try.


It's indeed related to a bug in the Orbx Central installer concerning the TE Oregon installation! The dependency (TE US Library) didn't get installed for the initial TE Oregon customers that didn't have one of the two previous TE US regions installed (NoCal or Washington). Which of course should not be a requirement!


This should be fixed now! Just run a "verify files" for Oregon in Orbx Central and the Libarys should get installed! Sorry about that!




Hi Sacha

Agree to everthing

Thanks a lot!

I'll wait for the update



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Hi to All involved,


I ran the 'verify files' and indeed a separate folder is created. Made a flight departing from Pearson Field-KVUO and flying in direction of Portland City it was immediate clear

that the issue is solved and the expected buildings, bridges and trees are shown in the right way. Thank you 'Sasha Norman' for the quick offered solution.

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