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An Iconic flight up the Keys, pt1 - leaving KEYW


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Still having great fun with this package. Absolutely amazing colours. I've also started saving my flights as "replays". These aren't huge files, and it means I can actually concentrate on the flying rather than constantly changing views, taking screenshots etc, and then go back and view the flights and do all that stuff later. Plus I can change the weather, TOD etc during the replay and see how that works. And assuming I actually manage to land ok and save the flight, I can effectively resume from where I finished and create a new replay file for any onward journey (as I did with this trip). I dare say this is old hat to a lot of you, but it's been a bit of a revelation for me, and yet another reason I'm almost totally XP these days.


Anyway, here we go out of KEYW on the way to KMTH, which I'll do in two parts. Not far in miles, but spectacular scenery all the way. Not much over Key West itself, I've got loads of other shots from heli flights there that I may post separately (or not), but this trip is more about the journey up HW1



 Another thing I found with the Keys is that for me at least, at these altitudes, it looks better with the default roads rather than my usual choice of transparent roads. The latter tend to look a bit washed out down here not far above the treetops.







Looks like a blimp or two over in the distance, might be time for a little detour



Some kind of weather station here, I guess











Almost at Marathon Island/Key. A quick tour around the key and down to the airfield in part two. Once again, if you haven't got this scenery - get it! Even if you have to buy X-Plane to do so! I've never driven this road for real, and I'd dearly love to, but that ain't going to happen now (I've sworn off real travel) so this is a really good substitute as far as I'm concerned.


Enjoy the trip - I certainly did.



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Fantastic scenery Andy, so much to see at such low level.

The blimps were a wonderful discovery too.

I have too much invested in P3D to dump it besides the FTX scenery is very well done too.

Great to have the best of both worlds.

That is a good idea to record your flights too, something else I didn't know about!

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