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Oregon SD.


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HI. I have Oregon SD installed and it says that there is an update for it but I can not install it as i am thinking that the Oregon HD is not greyed out above it. I have never installed the HD version so really it should be greyed out right like the rest are that are not installed. Think Nick said some thing about it awhile ago but can not remember what he said. Do I need to do some thing to get the update. If this is in the wrong place then please move it. I was not sure. Thanks Derek.

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7 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

OK can some one please transfer  this question to the Xplane support forum please. Thanks Derek.

If you scroll down to Oregon HD in Orbx Direct and click on it does it say it is installed? If not click on the SD version and see if it says Update available. If it does then click on the Update option

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Hi Jon . Definitely not installed that is Oregon HD but Oregon SD is installed and it’s saying that there is an update available but when I move my mouse to the box where it says update it changes to a little red circle with a red dash across it and it won’t update. Even though there is a little yellow dot along side the Oregon SD. Strange. Derek.

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9 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Jon . Definitely not installed that is Oregon HD but Oregon SD is installed and it’s saying that there is an update available but when I move my mouse to the box where it says update it changes to a little red circle with a red dash across it and it won’t update. Even though there is a little yellow dot along side the Oregon SD. Strange. Derek.

@Nick CooperPlease post this to Orbx Central support forum as it looks like there is some kind of Central problem. Thanks

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This was an oversight in an earlier version of Central. Please try the following:



Oregon HD and SD both showing as installed
The easiest way to resolve this is to rename one of the Oregon version text files so that Orbx Central can distinguish the two products.

  1. Find your install of TrueEarth US Oregon. This will either be in <xp11>/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom, or if you installed it to a library, it will be <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon SD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom` or <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon HD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom (depending on whether you have the SD or HD version installed).
  2. If you have the HD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-hd-xp11.txt. If you have the SD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-sd-xp11.txt.


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Hi is this in the version.txt,  text Document file as I do not want to muck things up. At the moment this is saying Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon 

SD - X- Plane 11  1.0.0 - August 2019 and I just do what you said yes. Sorry not into mucking about with folders. Derek.

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