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ORBX Central functions


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In the context of the "black textures" issue, among the possible fixes are the "verify" and the "sync simulator" function of ORBX Central.

I would like to know what is happening when these functions are executed.


Can somebody explain in detail please?




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Hi Boris,


Verify Files

Central downloads a files that contains the correct state of all the files for a product. It then compares the files on your disk to the correct state in our database.


If a file is missing or doesn't match the correct state, it will be re-downloaded and installed. If the file matches, it is skipped.


To fix the issues with black textures, it would be recommended to run "verify files" on Global BASE and Orbx Libraries. If you're experiencing these errors, can you please upload a screenshot for us?


Sync Simulator

This will perform a few steps to ensure all Orbx scenery will appear in your simulator. For ESP (which I assume you're using), it will:

  1. Ensure the simulator can "see" all of the libraries you have created in Central. For Prepar3D v4, this means adding the library locations as DiscoveryPaths in add-ons.cfg.
  2. Look through all of the Orbx scenery, and disable any files that should be disabled. For example, if you have an Orbx airport scenery installed, Central will disable the corresponding anti-requisite files that come with the region (this avoids double-ups of airport buildings, and avoids elevation issues).
  3. Adds missing scenery to scenery.cfg, removes unused entries for uninstalled scenery. Then, it sorts both the scenery.cfg and add-on.xml entries, layering them based on the "insertion point" setting in Central.
  4. Ensures Orbx's modifications to terrain.cfg are present.
  5. Rebuilds the OF_Config.xml file so that ObjectFlow knows what Orbx scenery is installed.
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