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EGNX missing airport buildings


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I just installed the EGNX airport and all the airport buildings are missing and replaced by a black texture.


I’am using P3DV4.1, all my other Orbx airport are OK (LOWI, LEAS, LYBE, LIEO, EGHI)


Any clues?


Many thanks in advance,




D. Limat

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Hello Christopher,


Thanks for your answer which seems logical.

However, it would be great if someone from Orbx could confirm it's a PBR related problem because if it is the case I think that Orbx should indicate that this EGNX scenery  is not compatible with older version of P3DV4 like other publishers do.


Have a nice day




D. Limat

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Hello Nick and Raz,


Many thanks for your answers:


1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

@razgo ?

I hope the developer will answer.

No doubt you have a good reason to be running an outdated version of P3D v4?


I am using P3D in my B737 home cockpit and when a sim version is working and stable and  I am a bit reluctant to upgrade because you never know what can happen when you upgrade (mainly hardware problems and glitches).


1 hour ago, razgo said:

Not all buildings and objects of EGNX-P3D are PBR so this is not the case. 

Have you tried to verify the files inside Orbx Central?

Plus- can you send your settings please.




To be more precise, some building are visible (for example the windmills) and some are not, mainly the apron buildings including the control tower. I will post a picture this evening.


Which settings do you need?




D. Limat

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On 10/15/2019 at 11:03 AM, limat said:

I am using P3D in my B737 home cockpit and when a sim version is working and stable and  I am a bit reluctant to upgrade because you never know what can happen when you upgrade (mainly hardware problems and glitches).


I'd recommend you update to the newest version and see what happens.

If you have problems you can still go back to 4.1

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I have tried everything you suggested but the buildings are still missing. I guess I have no choice but to update to P3D4.5.

Nevertheless, I thing that Orbx should mention that this scenery is not totally compatible with older version of P3D4.


Many thanks for your help




D. Limat

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  • 1 month later...

Have the same issues as limat in that I am using Prosim737 and a 1:1 scale 737. As it also is running perfectly, I will not be updating to 4.5.


I also had understood like limat from reading the EGNX product info is that it only required P3D v4 for it to run, and that 4.5 was only needed for the PBR textures. On the other post relating to P3Dv4 being the only requirement, Nick seems to confirm this to be the case in the link below - comment 10.


So I purchased EGNX as I run P3Dv4 thus meeting the product requirements, but as I only have P3Dv4.2, all the buildings are missing. As the product info can be misleading, is there going to be a fix so that it is compatible with all versions of P3Dv4 for us who purchased the product in good faith, or can I a least suggest that the product info be a little more specific, esp relating to "Comment 10" in the other post.

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I have a sense of deja vu, having just answered this exact question from you in another topic,

though I see that you have now deleted it.

I don't know why you would need to publish your oversight in more than one topic.

Here is my reply to your other post.





this text is there on the product page at Orbx Direct.

I asked for it to be added on 21st October, the same date as this topic and as a result of it.

It was added on the 24th October.

You can ask for a refund if you wish.

System Requirements


Physically based rendering (PBR) requires Prepar3D Version 4.4 and above.




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Gee Nick, once again you continue with your typical rudeness to loyal customers. You could really do with some lessons in customer relations and manners!  I asked a fair question in a polite manner. I and many of the other customers Should not have to put up with you constant rudeness and we don’t deserve to be spoken to this way!

And l deleted it from the other post when l saw this post was more relevant, and it was deleted before you answered it!  Not my fault but yours!


Some basic facts if you had bothered to even ask. When this product first came out, l put it in my saves to buy. I saw nothing about it only being compatible with P3Dv4.5  I have again read the product review despite it referring to 4.5, l feel it still remains very ambiguous regarding compatibility with P3Dv4 1-5. And despite it saying under under the minimums,  it can easily be read that it is referring to its PBR features requiring 4.5, not the whole product.  At the beginning of the product it clearly states being for P3Dv4, nothing about P3Dv4.5. P3Dv4 refers to all v4.1 through to v4.5.  There was clearly no oversight on my behalf regarding the P3Dv4 issue when l first saved it for purchase   I have simply been away for the last two months, came back, loaded it and discovered an issue so got on the forums. I have a right to ask a question politely (and it was polite), to firstly ask if there were intentions of making it compatible with all versions of v4 (in which case l would keep it) and in return to receive a polite response, even if you chose to ignore my question.  I did not in anyway deserve your rudeness!




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your question is clearly stating that there is an attempt by Orbx to mis-sell this product by

failing to state the requirement for P3D version 4.4 on the product page, compounded by a

statement from me that there is indeed no mention of this on the said product page.


Your polite enquiry therefore makes allegations that should be addressed.


I have pointed out that there is indeed a clear statement on the product page and that it is this.




System Requirements


Physically based rendering (PBR) requires Prepar3D Version 4.4 and above.



As the statement is there to be read and as you appear not to have read it, I believe that

amounts to an oversight,  defined as "an unintentional failure to notice or do something."


I regret that you find this rude as it was my intention to defend and explain, not to offend.


The statement I made in the topic that you chose to link was correct on 21st October.

The system requirement was added to the product page on the 24th October, as a direct result

of a request made by me on the 21st, which itself resulted from the omission having

been pointed out to me on the same day.

I believe that does qualify as timely customer support.


To address the second part of your original question, I do not believe that there is any intention at present

to redevelop P4D v4 specific airports to remove the PBR and therefore allow them to work in earlier

versions of P3D.





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