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What happened to font sizing?

Rodger Pettichord

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Hi Nick,

I seem to be missing some edit pane icons/buttons as well, 

these 5 -:  though I can understand the need for uniformity in the use of Forum Fonts so, I understand why we have no "Font type" selection button 

  • Superscript
  • Subscript  
  • Font "Size" dropdown
  • Font "Highlight colour"
  • Font "Colour". 

I have been missing these for some time now :rollmyeyes: and have not asked again where they went :unsure:.  It would be great to have them back if possible please. :)

IE11, Edge, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, all browsers on different PC's have same missing buttons in the browser pane, but not on other sites using IPS4 Suite where I have a full compliment of useful icons/buttons.

Zooming the browser window is a great idea, I use 150% - 160% zoom,  my keyboard has a zoom toggle for the active window, as well as the available browser zoom.



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Hello Jeff,

it looks like the size and superscript icons were hidden.

I would rather not re-enable the font icon, there is a handful of contributors who have nothing better to do than

post in a variety of fonts, to quote "just because they can".

No one will be inconvenienced by having only one font.

If there is a reversion by that tiny minority to posting in giant or microscopic text, I will be obliged to disable the

font sizing again as well.


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Much appreciated Nick, I have the important ones back again, thankyou. :)O0
I agree font sizing is always open to abuse, but thankfully only a few have used super large font.  I'm ok with one size font (default) if you need to lock that button down again. Having one only font size available streamlines all forum content, with less format overhead.


EDIT: Oops : look at my signature Specs font, (Guilty as charged) in an attempt to reduce Sig on page and keep to just 2 lines of text,  I didn't use the forum edit buttons for this micro font but imported from MS Word the entire Sig text and Format.

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