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Yes its still a laptop.

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Hi All. So I have decided my "Little" laptop needed an upgrade. So I went to Eurocom and have gotten the upgrade from the P870DM3-G to the P870TM1 package. So this sounds benign but let me take you through it.


So I currently run an I7-7700, 64Gb Corsair 2133 DDR3 a pair of GTX 1080's and around 6.5 TB of SSD storage with a 4K screen. Granted its a beast and heavy but for my day job its needed.


This is the as-is environment for all you architects out there. So let me tell you about the to-be environment


Intel I9 9900K, 64GB Corsair DDR4 2666, same storage and GPU's. How do you reckon that will run both P3D and XP11 on both screen and VR with my new Rift S.


Plus its all portable, granted it weighs a fair bit. Oh and I have to say the packaging on the new I9's is awesome. The plastic shape is a game to get into itself lol

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LOL Absolutely. WOW the old Argosy if I am not mistaken.


LOL I have my consultants backpack, contains IPAD/Laptop 780W power brick and cable, all the dongles mouse etc and stuff. Overall it weighs about 25ibs. 


I am a lump so it works and I carry it every day lol

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I wonder how the clock rates on this 9900K are after 30min of flying with P3D? Or those of the two GTX-1080? Personally, I am not impressed, any desktop with the same components would easily outperform this "laptop" and the price would be not even half of it... And come on, who puts 2666MHz RAM with a 9900K? Sorry, it is a monster for a laptop, but besides being very useful for the applications you need it for (I hope...), I would definitively never buy such a monster for P3D alone. To much trade-offs for such hardware stuffed into a laptop case...

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Well, I travel a hell of a lot so it is what it is. Therefore I either dont fly or I have the option to fly. I currently have the 7700K and it performs wonderfully with the various sims. P3d and XP are very different animals so the processing hits in different places. Take it from me it performs very nicely for a lot longer than 30 mins. I have been using my Rift since it was released and I love it. This is just the latest iteration of the journey. If I was welded into one place not on the road 150 days plus a year well we shall see. 

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Well, in my opinion Paul, you have had to adapt to your situation to be able to work and still and enjoy your hobby. So, that said, you have done what you think is the best option to take advantage of. I think that laptop will serve you well, and I am sure you know you might have to turn down a slider here or there if needed. But that goes with the territory of being portable. So, overall, I think you have a more than capable computer to take on your travels and still be able to sim ^_^

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