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KSUN Friedman terraine issues

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Hi Guys i am having issues with KSUN Friedman. I only have Global and NA central Rockies installed I am not using vector. I noticed around the outside of the airport terrain issues could some please help me fix this issue or lead me in the right direction Thanks pictures are attached.2019-6-1_21-14-44-737.thumb.jpg.5e8016b8d56a7658532389b2f0348025.jpg


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Ok thanks, then I am not sure of the extent of the issue you are having? From your screenshots all I see is a slight elevation issue, is your mesh resolution set to 5m?


Does the rest of the airport (not showing in your screenshot) appear?



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yes its set to 5m but here is another problem everytime i go all the way down to ground level i sink in to the scenery i don't understand these problems as i am only running global and Cental rockies pictures are below one is normal picture the other one is when i go all the way to ground level i go below the scenery..




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Sorry, SODE does not have any affect on this airport, on a few others it is also used to control ground textures, so it is used for much more than just jetways.


I would next do a complete uninstall and reinstall of the airport.

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On 6/3/2019 at 7:33 PM, goodperson36 said:

i go all the way to ground level i go below the scenery..




this scenery is quite special in that it is built onto a model.

Because of this, it is possible to amend the viewpopint so that it is underground.

The aircraft is not and will appear correctly if you amend the viewpoint upwards, so that it

is above gound level.


I don't think that there is anything wrong with your installation at all.





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Nick it looks like the same issue that you have as well. I really don’t understand why Orbx or tubulent designers would release this with that kind of problem. But unfortunately I will have to live with it because it looks like this is not going to be fixed anytime in the future. I know that things from time to time are not going to be perfect because technology never is and I totally understand that but for this to look this way takes the cake. I can’t even use GSX In this scenery because GSX vehicle sink into the ground at start up. I hope this can be reported to Tubulent because it needs some work. Thanks for the help Nick I appreciate it.


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You misunderstood Nick. What you see is a limitation of the sim engine which doesnt allow curved runways. No dev can overcome this other then making unrealistic flat runways.

This also infuences AI traffic which can not handle sloped runways.

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39 minutes ago, goodperson36 said:

Nick it looks like the same issue that you have as well. I really don’t understand why Orbx or tubulent designers would release this with that kind of problem. But unfortunately I will have to live with it because it looks like this is not going to be fixed anytime in the future. I know that things from time to time are not going to be perfect because technology never is and I totally understand that but for this to look this way takes the cake. I can’t even use GSX In this scenery because GSX vehicle sink into the ground at start up. I hope this can be reported to Tubulent because it needs some work. Thanks for the help Nick I appreciate it.


I agree that you seem to have misunderstood.


The main difference between this and airports that do not have a sloped runway is that it is possible to look at the aircraft from




which is what you are apparently deliberately doing, while ignoring the fact that the airport looks flawless once the eyepoint is moved


above ground level.



This is not an "issue" at all but a consequence of the rather excellent sloping runway that this airport model features and your apparent desire to look at it from underneath.


I don't use GSX but I have read that it can be manually adjusted to the correct level if it cannot read the level from an airport that is built on a model.



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I actually am having the same issue with the elevation. I purchased the airport during this past sale, and it is absolutely beautiful. However, when I began to use it, I noticed that there is an invisible gap in the terrain just past the beginning of runway 31. 


If you want to take a look, I did a sample landing in a CRJ and recorded it.


As you can see, the plane firmly lands and then right past the touchdown zone, it bolts back into the air. In addition to that, the Papi lights are slightly misaligned, and when you are approaching the runway, you can see a crack in the ground textures around where the perimeter fence is located.

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Thanks everyone,


We've confirmed that this is an issue that only seems to be apparent in certain aircraft - most likely linked to the contact point size. We're working on a solution which should be available fairly soon.



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