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True Earth South Missing Image File


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Hello all,


I am unable to use True Earth GB South. I first used the manual download, than made a verfy files, then completely reinstalled it from FTX Central. Every Step took me around 3/4 hours. I also tried all the steps from the topics below in the support forum. I always receive the message that Xplane could not locate image file for terrain. Can anybody help me with that problem?


Best regards





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This is from the topic that you followed.



The initial download of TEGB South is 26GB, the installation uses at least twice that and the installed product is 127GB


You do not have enought disk space to make this product install.

Using your D drive, you would need at least 52 GB for the installer and 127 GB for the installed product.

The total of 179 GB will not fit into 170 GB and your product installation will stop when there is no more free space.


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So can you please advise exactly how much space is required on which drive? I just run again the fourth time through the installation process. Took me again 3 or 4 hours. I had 199 GB space available on the installation drive and 59 GB on drive C. Again the installation seems not complete.


D:\XP11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos\textures hast 10.671 files included and I receive an error message.


To be honest this is one of the most frustrating products I have regarding the installation since using X-Plane, P3D, FSX, FS9 etc.


Dont't get me wrong. I have a lot of your products and I really like all your products in P3D and FSX.

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I said the installation is very frustrating. At the moment I cant say anything about the product because I just can‘t use it at the moment. Now running a 5th installation with 222 GB free space. And just to clarify I expect that the product itself will be as good as all other Orbx products. I have a nearly all products for Orbx for P3D and FSX and they brought will bring me a lot of joy using Flight Sim. But at the moment this is frustrating. 

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3 hours ago, nicolas83 said:

Last attempt finally succesful. Thanks all for your assistance. And I can confirm it is an awesome product wehen you get everything sorted ;-)


Happy flights. I think OrbX realise internally the needed installation space was not well enough defined for TE products on Xplane, you are not the first to suffer this issue, but  along with the incoming FTX central and the experience gained making their first major releases for the platform things will only get better and the products and continued support for them are indeed awesome.

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thank for your observation.


The troubleshooting topic is linked on the Orbx Direct product pages for each of the X Plane 11 TEGB products,

as there is simply not enough room on those pages for a detailed guide on how to install the products.

A customer does not even need to register at the forums to read it, as it is in the public section.


There is another copy of it pinned at the top of the X Plane 11 support forum.


There is little else that we can do to support customers who post support topics for these products' installation

except to refer them back to the topic which they have overlooked at least twice and which, if followed carefully,

always results in a successful installation.

Of course we will answer any questions that may arise due to a particular case, as in this topic.


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Valid points Nick but surely there would be no problem in adding a line in the product description to tell buyers they require xxx amount of free disk space to install.

In TEGB South for example it states:

" The initial download of TEGB South is 26GB, the installation uses at least twice that (added by me...52GB??) and the installed product is 127GB" This requires the buyer to start doing maths (52GB x2 + 127GB etc)  if he/she is bothered to, or ignores the statement and ends up on the forum with queries. Just say you need 200GB disk space.

So would it not be possible to add something like " To fully install this product it is recommended you have at least 200GB of free disk space" instead of the splitting of what GB relates to what portion of the download/install process?

It would certainly help reduce the number of repetitive forum posts of "missing texture", "unable to install " etc.

If you've got 200GB spare disk space it will install. If you don't then it won't.

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There is a line on the product pages directing customers to the troubleshooting topic , yet there are many support requests

asking the questions that are answered within it.

There are also lines on the X Plane 11 product pages directing customers to install the Orbx libraries, yet there are numerous

support requests for the missing library objects error messages produced when the product is run without the libraries.

Finally, there continues to be customer support requests concerning the missing images, despite the numerous resolved topics

in the X Plane 11 forum being there to find and read.


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Trouble is we're dealing with humans !! And I know you love assisting people !

Bottom line instruction in big bold letters:

"You need 200GB of free disk space and you need to install Orbx Library in order to install and run this addon. If you have adhered to the install requirements and still have problems, there is a support page here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Happy days:)


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