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Another noobie at a loss: installing TE GB Central


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I'm attempting to install Orbx's True Earth Great Britain Central.

New to Xplane as well as Orbx products: not even 100% sure that I'm using the right airports!  I have a whole bunch of roads next to my airports without any buildings:  Airport EGEG should have more than flat land and roads shouldn't it?  (Glasgow City Heliport)

Running Windows10/64.  
Running a Pimax in VR.  Works great!
Running Steam version of Xplane 11.
Set the ini order according to what I've learned in these forums: no change.  
Verified files in FTX Central.  It downloaded around 200mb.  Now it just says up to date.
Downloaded and ran the install for MS Visual C++ Distro and it tells me that I've already got it.  I can remove it or repair it. 
I have 75gb in my X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos folder.  About 77gb between all 3 folders in my custom scenary folder.  
I still have 280gb of room on the drive that has Xplane11 and FTX Central.
I have no jpeg files in my texture folder, so convert.cmd does nothing.
Installed the Orbx Libraries and it crashes Xplane 11 looking for texture files.  Removed the line from the ini for now.
I'm out of ideas and the internet is getting repetitive.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Here's my scenary_packs.ini


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Thank you for supplying a link that verifies that I seem to have done everything correctly.

The ONLY difference that I see is that I have 74.9gb of data in my terrain folder vs 77.3gb.  I still have the 7333 files, tho, and FTX Central still verifies all files.

Any other suggestions?  Has anyone looked at my ini file?  Is the load order correct?

Thank you!

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Reinstalled the Libraries, making sure that "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_OrbxlibsXP/" is the last line in the ini file.

No change, but it's running without crashing.

I've had my ini order sorted as best I could according to that post.  I don't know if my order is wrong or not. 

I've got the correct number of files(7333), I've got the ms runtime libraries installed(options are remove or repair), I've got plenty of room on the drive(280gb free after install), all of the files are decompressed (no jpgs).

I've been thru both of those posts and most variations of them.  I'm at a loss.

Edit: just in case, I moved the "temp file" location to a drive that has a free terabyte.  No change in file validation, numbers or size.

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EGEG not being part of "Central" would figure.  I really feel as if I'm missing something simple: my "stupid" alert keeps going off!  Do you have a suggestion for a "test" airport?

I'll try to get a screenshot, but if I'm in the wrong area to begin with...  I'll try to pick a better one.  I don't know Britain at all.

My issue is that I'm looking for an actual "city" rather than a couple of buildings, a few trees, and a whole bunch of roads going every which way.  It looks as if the buildings have all been removed, except for a couple of tall ones a couple miles away in different directions.  This is EGEG, of course.  The helipad is nicely populated with a couple of ships and even a car with flashing lights.  But not much outside the helipad.

Another way to put it: my issue is that I'd like to see any evidence of an improved landscape!  The pictures make it seem as if it would be fun to fly around the cities, but I can't find one.  My issue is further complicated by the fact that I can't even be sure I'm in the right area.  And it sounds as if I'm not!  Again!  :P 

I found a chopper that I like and I expect to be filling that ini pretty full when I get things working!  But, as with anything that's worth doing, it's taking a bit of work!

Edit: validated Steam files: 6 files failed to validate and will be re-acquired.  Checking.

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Well that helps!  

I am definitely now flying over low resolution satellite imagery.  Go up a little and it looks good!  However, not many 3d structures.  A neighborhood that looks as if it should have hundreds of homes will have maybe 2 or 3.  Is that in the settings?  Seems to me that I remember seeing a slider for object population.  Before I start screwing with that, any recommendations for a place that will have a decent amount of objects, like a city?  I've tried EGNM, EGND and EGNB.  The populated areas are not very 3d populated at my present settings.


It's looking as if my problems were load order, my own ignorance of Great Britain geology, and a lack of research into what I was buying.  Those re-acquired files might have had something to do with it, too, but I don't think so.  I do need more "stuff", tho, :)


Edit:  Thank you very much for your help!!

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@Strydr Just seen you post and have corrected your Scenery_packs.ini.

I see 3 lines in the .ini that I don't recognise at all and they are :

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Earth nav data/

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/objects/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Pol/

What are they from?? Looking at them I think that they should all be in one folder rather than individual, because the 3 look in their structure to be a typical scenery addon content.


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I'm not exactly sure.  I downloaded a couple of things before I had a clue:  I'll remove them until I figure out what they're for, thanks!


The ini that you made has the Orbx Orthos line (a mesh, I believe) above both Landmarks and Libraries.  I thought that was wrong?

According to the first paragraph in this "guide", those Orbx lines need to be on the bottom:

Is there any particular reason why the X-Plane Landmarks are split up?  I would think that London should be grouped with Sidney and Dubai...

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The layering is fine in my .ini that i sent back to you. Your current scenery is only showing that you have TEGB Central installed. I moved the London Landmarks above TEGB hoping you will also get TEGB South which has London in it and the London Landmarks need to be above TEGB entries and just below Global Airports. The Orbx Orthos is in fact all the pictures of TEGB Central + mesh and needs to be where I have put it. The other Landmarks are below the TEGB entries because they have no influence at all over the addon scenery (TEGB) and only will affect any default scenery in those areas. Again the Landmarks should be below Global Airports. Any Libraries like Orbx libraries can actually go anywhere but for uniformity I have placed them out of the way at the bottom.

 Yes remove those Eartnav and Objects and POI files if you don't know what they are because they could interfere.

 Don't recognise the point you are making about the JV post first paragraph as when I read it I see he has the layering as 


London Landmarks

TEGBxxx Custom



 just exactly as i placed it in the scenery.ini I attached in my reply to you.

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Thank you very much for the detailed reply!!  That makes a lot of sense!

My apologies!  I was so concerned that the orthos HAD to be on the bottom that I didn't pay enough attention to what the order actually was!  Please disregard that stupidity.

I won't be able to test until tonight, tho.

I do intend on getting TEGB South:  it's what I actually wanted but I bought Central instead.  I'll be coming back to your post for the order when I do:  thank you!!!

In the meantime, do you (or anyone else) have any suggestions for a major city in the Central Package that would have buildings that would be fun to fly around with a helicopter?  -or am I going to find things very different when I get the order right?  -in which case, EGNB would work?

Thank you!!!


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Southampton area with its harbour, naval bases and ships, the airport, then on to Chichester and head North over the South and North Downs before your framerates take a pasting at Gatwick etc!




Devon and Cornwall is beautiful for scenery.  I suggest clockwise from EGKA Shoreham, following the coast round Land's End then go across the Bristol Channel to EGFF Cardiff and scoot round the Welsh mountains.


That'll keep you out of mischief for a couple of hours in a helicopter!



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3 hours ago, Strydr said:

Thank you very much for the detailed reply!!  That makes a lot of sense!

My apologies!  I was so concerned that the orthos HAD to be on the bottom that I didn't pay enough attention to what the order actually was!  Please disregard that stupidity.

I won't be able to test until tonight, tho.

I do intend on getting TEGB South:  it's what I actually wanted but I bought Central instead.  I'll be coming back to your post for the order when I do:  thank you!!!

In the meantime, do you (or anyone else) have any suggestions for a major city in the Central Package that would have buildings that would be fun to fly around with a helicopter?  -or am I going to find things very different when I get the order right?  -in which case, EGNB would work?

Thank you!!!


You're welcome. Don't hesitate to attach your scenery.ini anytime and I will gladly look at it for you. Regarding a city in TEGB Central, well there is of course Birmingham EGBB

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@jjaycee1 That seems to have done it!  Object density is set by slider of course, but it no longer looks as if it's missing things!  Hard to describe and I haven't figured out how to do screenshots, yet, but this looks much better!  Thank you!

I see a lot of tweaking in my future!  My poor wallet!


@Fizzelle I'm going to need TEGB South, but I'm looking forward to taking that tour, thank you!

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1 hour ago, Strydr said:

@jjaycee1 That seems to have done it!  Object density is set by slider of course, but it no longer looks as if it's missing things!  Hard to describe and I haven't figured out how to do screenshots, yet, but this looks much better!  Thank you!

I see a lot of tweaking in my future!  My poor wallet!


@Fizzelle I'm going to need TEGB South, but I'm looking forward to taking that tour, thank you!


 I see you are running Windows 10 which means you have a little screenshot programme called Snipping Tool. It will save a screenshot in a jpeg format of only a few Kbs instead of a few Mbs. That means you can actually just "copy Image" and just paste it onto your post like I have done here below. The screenshot was originally 9MB but I opened it up and the copied it using Snipping Tool and it saved it at 184KB. No real quality loss and certainly good enough for a screenie. Orbx has a limit to the amount of MB of pics you can attach and this method bypasses that restriction.


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Pretty picture!  

I've had problems with uploading due to picture size and that would be a heck of a lot easier than my current workaround, thanks!

Now I just need to figure out how to take a screenshot in VR!  (actually, it should just be a matter of reading the page that comes up when I start the game: Steam usually makes a point of showing you how, I just never really look at the pages at startup anymore)

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Ok, just installed a freebie airport and bought and installed TEGB South.  

I have not run XPlane yet, but I wanted to see if I understand the modifications that I need to make to my ini first.

If I understand this correctly, I want to move the new Orbx TEGB South entries up to be next to the corresponding Central lines.  Keeping the orthos together and below the others.  Then I need to move the London Landmark line back up to just under Global.  I think that those are the most important changes?  The freebie airport (Norway) seems to have been added correctly to the top line but could be at the bottom because nothing is writing over it?  

Thank you for the education!

ini attached...


Edit: I'd swear that I took out the 'Earth nav', 'Pol', and 'objects' lines out of there already.  I'll try taking them out again to be sure, maybe they're being re-written or maybe I'm senile.



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Make sure you have removed the Folders for Earthnav POI and objects and not just removed the entry in the scenery.ini. The folders must still be in your Custom Scenery folder and that's why the entries are being written in the.ini.

I have removed those entries from the ini and re-arranged the ini for you


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Ah!  That explains why they came back: I did not remove any folders.  I'll take care of that directly, thank you!

Thank you, guys!!  Very much! 

Looking forward to a long tour of Great Britain!  Can't wait to see what area they do next!

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