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11S Sekiu missing trees


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I am using P3Dv4.4 and have missing trees at 11S. I also have OpenLC NA, Vector and PNW installed. Orbxlibs are up to date. I have tried several troubleshooting steps from the forum including the following but without any success :

-Forcing the migration with FTX Central

-Uninstall and reinstall of OpenLC NA, PNW, 11S

-Dynamic vegetation on / off (with restart inbetween)

-Reloading the scenery after loading (going into the menu, selecting 11S again and pressing ok)

-Loading and flying into 11S from another airport


Attached are two screenshots.


Please could you assist me with ideas of what else to try


With thanks,



Order number for 11S : 268052
Detailed Invoice: https://www.flightsimstore.com/account_history_info.php?order_id=268052
Date Ordered: Tuesday 11 February, 2014



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There's been a reported problem with P3Dv4.4 (upgraded from 4.3) where scenery objects don't display correctly in some areas (NZMF in particular).


In the same session, try moving the scenery *complexity* slider back one, go back into the sim, then move the slider back up to its original setting. This may restore your missing objects. Simply re-loading the scenery doesn't do the trick. Sadly, this has to be done for each P3D session :-(


As far as I know, LM is aware of the problem and is trying to find a solution.



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2 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

There's been a reported problem with P3Dv4.4 (upgraded from 4.3) where scenery objects don't display correctly in some areas (NZMF in particular).


In the same session, try moving the scenery *complexity* slider back one, go back into the sim, then move the slider back up to its original setting. This may restore your missing objects. Simply re-loading the scenery doesn't do the trick. Sadly, this has to be done for each P3D session :-(


As far as I know, LM is aware of the problem and is trying to find a solution.



Thanks, Adam.  This is good to know.



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Dear Stew, Dear Adam,


Thank you for your responses.


The autogen vegetation slider is at dense. Increasing it does not help to solve the problem.

I tried the suggestion of Adam moving my complexity slider from very dense to dense, going back in to the sim and then moving the slider back to very dense but it unfortunately also does not solve the problem.


I've been wondering whether the lovely trees either side of the runway are default P3D trees or special Orbx related models (I also have Orbx trees which I uninstalled and reinstalled) in the hope that it could guide me to further troubleshooting eg reinstalling P3D vs trying to somehow get the Orbx models displaying.


I also removed the Orbx 11S scenery to see what happens with default scenery and the trees do indeed return but then there is a mesh problem (see attached) which might actually be a clue as to why there is a problem with the Orbx 11S scenery activated ie maybe some mesh problem is preventing the display of the trees? I have FSG Ultimate installed.

Note : even with the default scenery, with reference to the attached screenshot, the buildings seem to be non-default but I have no other version of 11S so I am not sure what this could be?


When I was using FSX with Orbx 11S and the same FSG Ultimate mesh, the problem was not there, so it might be P3D related. Will keep troubleshooting.



scenery removed.jpg

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